Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 206, sneaky, and finally reunion

Yu Yuyao is petite, pure and lovely. Ding Hao looks at her. She always feels like she has seen her missing sister. She has a kind of intimacy.

Yu Yuyao blushes and licks a pair of pointed and bright crystal tiger teeth: "I have hit the sixth hole 窍 'Shenmen' has been dozens of times, only a few days ago, Ding brother, you are really a monster. An impact will be successful."

Murong Yanzhi and Lu Pengfei also looked at Ding Hao strangely, and his face was shocked.

"Hey..." Ding Hao didn't want to be too conspicuous. He said: "Stupid girl, this is the thirteenth impact. I have already been refining the hole before. This time I was lucky enough to succeed. Didn't see it."

It turned out to be the case.

Murong smoked and nodded.

This explanation is reasonable, otherwise Ding Hao's performance is too enchanting.

Lu Pengfei also breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately suppressed it. He said that Ding Hao was not terrible. He remembered that he had hit the fourth hole, but he succeeded only three times.

"Ding brother, what should we do next?" Murong Yanzhi asked for advice from Ding Hao.

Ding Hao slightly thought, saying: "The people who are sent to this ghost town should be more than us. Everyone should look around, it is best to find other brothers and trainers, and wait for more people to gather people. Force, I think I should be able to figure out how to get out of here."

Lu Pengfei nodded in a pretense: "Although it is a stupid way, it does work."

"Stupid way?" Murong smoked and sneered: "I don't know the younger brother, what better way?"

Lu Pengfei looked slightly condensed and sneered.

Ding Hao glanced at him, and his heart secretly wondered. Before Lu Pengfei was completely obedient to himself, he was obviously scared and timid. How could he become arrogant again, and what could he do without it?

An abnormality is a demon.

Ding Hao left a heart.

Just at this time, suddenly -

"Hey? Those bodies... How are you missing?" Yu Yuyao turned his head inadvertently, suddenly changing his face and couldn't help but exclaim.

The bodies of the dead Xingzong disciples who had been lying on the ground before, did not know when, they disappeared silently, leaving only a dozen pieces of empty clothes on the ground, the flesh and blood in the clothes, as if It is integrated into the air, and the bizarre disappears.

The surprise of everyone is no different.

More than a dozen bodies, the location distance is only three or forty steps, when it disappears, even a little sound is not found, is there really a ghost here? Still being sneaked away by other terrible darkness?

Ding Hao carefully approached and carefully observed.

Yes, a total of fourteen bodies have disappeared.

What is even more bizarre is that the clothes they wore during their lifetime are still there. The black deer skin, gloves, hood and even the black eye mask of the one-eyed dragon are quietly placed on the ground, but the flesh and blood skeleton disappears out of thin air. There are no traces of swallowing and tearing around, and there are no signs of moving...

Even the blood that had flowed on the ground before, there was no trace.

"How is this going?"

"Is there a ghost?"

"Too evil, this place is not right..."

The scarlet air, the ghosts that are burning in the distance, the empty streets and shops, the terrible atmosphere, and the incredible scene in front of them, the four people couldn’t help but burst into tears. Is it really a sneaky place that will quietly devour all living beings?

"Go, leave here, let's go find someone else."

Ding Hao shouted.

The four people immediately ran their work and jumped onto the roof. They jumped on the roof like a shot and disappeared into the distance.

Just after the four people left, there was no sign of a breeze appearing on the street, blowing the rags on the ground, and the shimmering clothes on the ground shone a red light, forming an extremely The strange evil inscriptions are fleeting.

A low-pitched laughter like a sigh, appeared in the void, and passed away.


In fact, Ding Hao’s guess is not wrong.

Soon, the four people were in this sneaky sneaky and met other people.

In addition to the 20 or 30 strengths that are not very high-level, there are six non-Nun female nuns dressed in robes, holding dust and carrying long swords, and four or five from '斩日城'The young disciple, among them, the master with a faint knives, a blue coat, and a temperament.

After a simple exchange, these people gathered together to form a temporary small group and began to explore this empty city.

There was hardly any dispute, and Ding Hao became the leader of the small group.

"When I go out, sooner or later, one day, I will fight with you, let the swordsman's 'Tai Xuan ask the sword article', and my "Japan's "Sunset River" is a high score." Knife Blue Shirt The boy, called Knife City, was very interested in Ding Hao and launched a challenge.

However, this person is also a person who takes care of the overall situation and does not blindly act recklessly.

"Well, I also want to see the power of the blue-breasted sword of the knife brother." Ding Hao haha ​​laughed and promised.

His impression of the knife is very good, and there is also the power of the finest swordsman who wants to prove the saga of the saga.

After all, I am a 'sword and double sacred body', and now I only repair the 'one knife to start 诀', and ask the other famous swords in the sword sect. If you can get the experience from the 'sunset long river 斩 method', maybe the strength can be further Floor.

It took at least half a day for the group to search for this emptiness, and then found some others.

What makes Ding Hao happy is that he asked the beautiful young Lin Xin of the North of the Jianzong Yellow Shirt, and the teenager of the North Shirt of the Yellow Shirt, who is as strong as the King Kong, and Lu You and Wang Xiaoshi of the South of the Purple Shirt, were also sent to this piece. Ghosts, in the later search, have also met with everyone.

"This ghost place, big surprise, ***, how are streets everywhere, there will always be no side." ‘madman’ Lu arrogant.

The mood of everyone is not very good.

Indeed, this empty city ghost is too big, as if there is never a margin.

Everyone walked for at least a few hundred kilometers, and wherever they went, they were all endless streets, empty shops, standing on the heights, except for the scarlet air and ghosts. There is no other change.


Brothers, give me the red ticket, and today it is 4, and there is no more right.

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