Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 230, crazy aftermath (2)

Countless people have a slap in the face and regretted missing this opportunity.

In addition, the strong people are looking forward to the [real treasure house of the ruins] did not appear, although digging three feet, but what valuable things in the ruins are not found.

What is even more disappointing to everyone is that in the legend, the mysterious extreme of the ancient powers who control everything behind it is like melting in the air, disappearing without a trace.

Then all kinds of rumors came to the fore.

Some people say that the purpose of this mysterious ancient powerhouse is reached, leaving with the real treasure house of the ancient ancestral ruins...

It is also said that it is this mysterious ancient strongman who has broken two grounds and absorbed the essence of the power, which led to the exhaustion of the earth's veins...

Others said that in fact, the ancient mysterious strong man was enchanted in the process of practicing, and the power of the two local veins was in conflict with each other, which led to the change of the site and the final collapse...

As time went by, people's attention to the ancient Zongmen site in the Xiyan Mountains gradually decreased, and it was completely forgotten.

For Ding Hao, this is the perfect ending.

No one thought of a tens of thousands of years of layout. The final result was taken away by Ding Hao, and no one doubted that the essence of the two essences of the earth and the earth were actually obtained by a small registered disciple like him. It is.

Qingping College [prodigy] Mu Tianyang's treasures, compared with Ding Hao's income, is just a fur.

Moreover, there is more than one good news.

Qingping College reported that the silver hair chick Lu Xianer was attacked by the mysterious strongman and was seriously injured. Even the strongman of the Wuwang level in the inner court of Qingping College could not expel a very strange mysterious force in her body.

Therefore, this savage girl was completely stunned, and no one knows when she will wake up.

And because of the other Qingping Academy disciples along with Lu Xianer, one of the remaining areas has fallen into the Xiyan Mountains, so what kind of enemy did they and their group had in the end, and who was under the poison, with the power of Qingping College, It was impossible to find out at all.

The anger of Qingping College became the laughing stock of the entire Xuezhou, but it was helpless.

At the end of the matter, it became a mystery that was unclear.

Even Tiantian is helping Ding Hao. A heavy snow masks all traces and clues. Otherwise, once this incident is revealed, it is definitely a big trouble for Ding Hao.


After returning to Ask Jianzong, life has returned to calm.

The various relics that the disciples have obtained in the ruins, except that each person can leave two of their favorite items, almost all of them are required to turn over the sects. Of course, they do not know how to pay in vain. Preciousness can be exchanged for a certain Zongmen contribution point.

In the space arsenal, Ding Hao touched several pieces of stoneware.

He chose one of the best swords to preserve the best of the pair, and the remaining dozens were all handed over to the sect. The redemption received more than 4,500 points of martial arts contribution points.

For him, it is definitely a huge gain.

Because the martial art contribution points can be exchanged from the ancestral arsenal innumerable treasures, precious, and above the mysterious stone.

Any disciple who asks Jianzong can use the martial art contribution points in exchange for Xuan Jingshi, Xuan Gong cheats, medicinal herbs, armor, weapons, and various cultivation resources. He can even pay tribute contribution points to hire an inscription in the door. Forging masters, for their own tailor-made armor and weapons, you can hire a strong in the door above the innate, in a period of one-on-one to guide their own martial arts practice.

Simply put, the martial art contribution point can fulfill almost all your wishes.

Legend has it that as long as you pay enough martial art contribution points, you can even make the head Li Jianyi personally give pointers.

Because the contribution point of the martial art represents a person's contribution to the question of the sword, the more you contribute, the more you get, and those who have made a truly great contribution to the Zongmen are worthy of any degree. Reward and respect.

In addition to Ding Hao, Li Lan, the belly black male peak, Ma Yifei and other people have also converted a certain degree of martial art contribution points to the stone sect, the number is similar to Ding Hao.

Only Lu Pengfei is more difficult.

He only got a stone sword with the most incomplete and inferior quality, and he was reluctant to turn over the martial art, so he did not even get the contribution points.

The disciples and teachings of other colleges and universities have a lot of gains.

Li Muyun, Liang Feixue, Chen Sheng and others are all organic.

However, the most anti-Japanese is the one who has been cursed by the innumerable people, the "Superman".

This fat man who loves to eat chicken legs, one person actually incredibly got hundreds of different metaphysical instruments, and dozens of ancient Zongmen secret booklets, together with more than 70,000 martial arts contribution points Such a level of affluence not only makes Ding Hao and others unable to match.

Even many of the ancestral elders who worked so hard for hundreds of years were completely overtaken by him overnight, letting these old guys cry.

The process of getting the treasures and cheats from this dead fat man also makes people listen to the fact that he wants to divide his five horses.

It is said that when the day of the change came, other people were sent to various strange spaces to kill each other, encountering an endless crisis, almost killed, and worked hard to get a little treasure, but this is directly The mysterious red light was transmitted to a previously undiscovered space arsenal. Not only did it not encounter the slightest danger, but all the treasures inside it became his bag.

When the other people were finally sent by Ding Hao to control the magic array, this was also transmitted.

Too bad!

Too hateful!

Should this dead fat man be the illegitimate son of a god?

After Ding Hao heard about such a thing, he also envied and hated in his heart.

However, after thinking about it, the preciousness of the "Chengyang Tianhuo Crystal" and the "Pole Infernal Ice Crystal" that I have obtained is only far above the income of Ren Xiaoyao.

After all, this kind of treasure can not be met, even if there are more martial arts contribution points can not be replaced, if this is calculated, your luck seems to be still on the happy.


time flies.

The change of the site of the Xiyan Mountain Range was asked by the aftermath of the Jianzong, and finally gradually dispersed.

In addition to those high-ranking powerhouses who are fortunate, the life of the disciples of the five academies has once again been invested in intense and painstaking cultivation.

Ding Hao returned to ask Jianzong, has been very low-key performance.


Seeking red ticket collection, thank you all! ^_^.

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