Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 246: Blood Dragon Village driving

Pushing open the room window, looking at it, the sky is twilight.

One night has passed.


When Ding Hao was finished, when he walked out of the room, Gao Feng and others had already waited outside. They saw Ding Hao coming out and respectfully said hello. The little girl Xue washed the mud stains on his face, revealing a delicate white. The little face, like a person, greeted Ding Hao loudly.

The group used breakfast at the inn and began to travel to [Gudi Village].

Before leaving [Taiping City], Ding Hao purchased a lot of things, most of which were armor weapons and food, and hired a big horse to be completely pulled.

The sun is red, and the snow is still floating in the sky. The people are out of the [Taiping City] North Gate.


Valley Village.

Like many small-scale settlements of the Terran, the Valley Village is not large, covering less than 60 acres.

The village is located between a hill and backed by Xuelong Mountain. The mountain is a snow-covered glaciers that are not frozen all the year round. In front of the village is a grassland and shrubs that have been covered with snow and ice. A kelp that is several kilometers deep is as deep as it is. The cracks that were opened by a certain power in the ancient times were generally sorrowful and the snow was filled with hurricanes.

The whole village is built on the mountain, and it shows a narrow shape in the east-west direction.

A main street, from the east end of the village, extends to the west of the village, and on both sides is a house built of rocks and ice.

On the periphery of the village, a wall of more than 50 meters high is poured with rocks, giant woods and ice cubes. Various thorns are frozen in the ice layer. It looks like a white hedgehog in the distance, and the ice wall is under the sun. Glittering, it looks like a prestige, can be used to resist the invasion of some low-level demons.

The long winter is coming, and both humans and demons face a crisis of food shortage.

At this time of the year, on the land of Selangor, the conflict between the Terran and the demon will intensify. There are bloodsheds happening almost every day. For the continuation and survival of the race, both sides have to fight with swords.

When the sun just rose, Gao Lin, who is already seventy-three this year, is the longest person in the village. He is also the only elder here. With some armed young people, he boarded the arrow tower on the south side of the ice crystal siege. One side is far below the south.

Today, it is four or five days since the village chief’s peak and several villages’ young adults went to [Taiping City] to hire guardian warriors. According to the previous agreement, yesterday should be the day when the peaks and others returned.

"The demon in Xuelong Mountain is getting more and more violent, I am afraid that it will spread to this area soon. I hope that the village heads will return smoothly and hire a good guardian who is good, otherwise..."

Gao Lin did not dare to think about the bad.

If there is no guardian, perhaps this winter is the end of the valley village.

Many villagers stood on the high wall one after another, looking at the southern mountain road with their gaze.

Time, just in such an anxious wait, slowly passed.

Gradually, from noon to noon, on the road outside the outside world, there is still no visible figure.

"Elders, the village chiefs, why are they still not coming back?" A young man who looks like a ten-year-old, has a big eyebrow, a bit of a bit of good-spiritedness, and is really impatient. He holds a long pole with an iron tip. Spear, could not help but open the door: "It will not be the demon on the road..."

"High sword, don't talk nonsense." Gao Lin white eyebrows, interrupted the words of this mixed boy.

Gao Jian opened his mouth and did not dare to talk back.

"Look, there is movement in the distance..." Someone suddenly shouted in surprise.

Everyone suddenly looked at the mountain road to the south. I saw the place where the white sky and the ground intersected. There were more than a dozen black dots. Then the dots became clearer and clearer. It was not a monster or Other animals, but people who are moving at high speed.

"Is the village head, are they coming back?" Gao Lin was happy, but the next moment, this old face covered with gully wrinkles, the color instantly solidified and became a panic.

"Fast, immediately armed, the arrow tower is ready, is the person of "Blood Dragon Village"..."

A long strip of white flag fluttered on the distant mountain road. The flag was painted with a **** long dragon with claws and claws. It was slammed by the north wind, as if it had survived, swimming in the sky, full of Bloody gas.

The flag was held in the hands of a knight with a black iron armor.

Behind this burly knight, more than 30 cavalry teams roared, like a black wind blowing between the white worlds, very fast, a thunderous horseshoe This team of knights, in the blink of an eye, came to the [Valley Village] under the ice crystal wall.

The closeness of these knights can be seen more closely.

The black armor on each of them was stained with blood, and the black-haired long-haired horse was all over. There were several skulls hanging under the horse's head. It was frozen, but the frightened and angry expression on the skull was still clearly distinguishable. It is apparent that it has just been killed soon.

These guys are just like the Death Army coming out of hell.

The knight's armor was frozen with red blood and silvery white ice, silent and solemn, and the white air that was drunk in the mouth filled the group like a ghost, and the sound of the horse spurting the nose from time to time made the atmosphere more horrified and filled. Indescribably murderous.

Above the city walls, people in the Valley Village are almost scared.

Most people were scared to say a word, some people were even scared and shivering, and the hand holding the spear began to tremble, pale, and the eyes were full of despair.

Almost everyone has heard about the various rumors about [Blood Dragon Village].

This is the largest mountain in the 500-mile radius. It is famous for its bloodthirsty and ruthlessness. It is like a whistling wind. In the area around Xuelong Mountain, no one dares to provoke, rob the caravan, ransack the village, rob the population and money, no evil. Wherever you go, if you encounter a little resistance, you will burn it out, and the dog will not stay.

However, this group of ferocious bandits knows that they can't be exhausted and fish. For the village within a hundred miles, as long as it is a village that obeys [Blood Dragon Village], it is levied once every year in the four seasons, and it is no longer looted. Therefore, many similar villages, including Gudi Village, can survive.

Under the city.

As the first black knight, the figure is the most burly, and it seems to have at least two meters of height, as if it is an iron tower, sitting at the end of a huge, exaggerated half demon horse [black wind beast] On the top, the bald head, the face and the scalp are printed with cyan thorns and tattoos, which are even more terrifying.

This pair of tattooed bald eyes squinted slightly, and there was a hint of green glory in the depths of the scorpion, which seemed to be not like human eyes.

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