Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 26, test ranking

Asked that Jianzong recruits about 2,000 disciples each year, and the number of people appearing on the list is exactly two thousand. That is to say, if the physical test and perseverance test in the afternoon, if there is no big If you turn the list, then this list can be regarded as the final admission list. How can it not attract the attention and attention of the teenagers?

Ding Hao stood on the periphery and saw the name above.

From right to left, the top five names, I don't know why, all are covered by red paper, but they occupy the rankings, but they are not announced.

From the sixth place, I have a clear name.

Ding Hao’s name is ranked tenth.

In other words, among all the teenagers who participated in the test in the morning, Ding Hao’s qualifications ranked in the top ten.

"I didn't expect it, this is really a strong self-powered middle hand. A mountain is still taller than a mountain. Brother thought that his own **** and other attributes, special savvy and second-class meridians are already abnormal. I can’t think of it. A guy who is more perverted than I exists."

Ding Hao’s heart was also slightly surprised.

Unfortunately, it was asked that Jianzong only announced the rankings, but did not announce the specific scores of each person in each link. Even the total scores were not evaluated, so it was impossible to judge. What is the difference between the rankings? .

However, Ding Hao soon wanted to understand that his weaknesses may have appeared in both age and meridians.


After an hour, the afternoon test begins.

Ding Hao followed the flow of people and came to the fifth test site.

Here is the physique of the teenagers.

Legend has it that the eternal people of the mainland today are descendants of the ancestors of the ancient times, but it is impossible to prove because the age is too long. However, in today’s world, there are still some people in the world, and there are still people in the body. The silky blood of the ancient immortals, although extremely meager, once excited, will have terrible power.

People with this kind of blood physique have incredible talents in martial arts practice, and even far exceed the physique of some innate gods.

These people are called [blood warriors].

This fifth test site is to test whether the teenagers have the physique of blood.

The method of detection is simple.

The teenagers lined up in a row, walking through a very exquisite Xuanwu sword map placed on the ground, and the silver robe elders on the side recorded the reaction of the array to judge the final result.

At the same time, because the blood system is rare and precious, the final result of this test will not be announced. As one of the secret achievements, it will be included in the total score evaluation.

Ding Hao lined up and walked through the Xuanwu sword map.

This sword figure does not seem to have any strangeness. It is just a few sword-shaped patterns carved on the bluestone. It is connected by some fine lines like hair, and it faintly flows through a strange air machine, like ripples. , sweeping everyone's body.

Ding Hao slowly walked through the sword map, and did not notice any abnormalities.

The silver robe elders next to him have always been expressionless. They will not smile or shake their heads. It is impossible to judge whether they have a **** military physique by his expression.

This test passed by.

After Ding Hao’s test, he stayed by the side and carefully observed the sword on the ground, but he never had any gains. He could only shake his head in disappointment.


The last test is the perseverance test.

For a warrior, in addition to the innate conditions of talent and meridians, the willpower of the individual is also very important in the way of practicing Xuan Gong Budo.

Innate conditions do not determine everything.

In this world, there are some talented generations who eventually become mediocrity, and those who are called wastes end up relying on unparalleled willpower to become a model of the strong.

Asked Jianzong to open the millennium for a long time, accumulated a set of a fairly complete scientific test system.

The investigation of willpower is also one of them.

Similar to the previous method of detecting bloodlines, this time waiting for the teenagers is still a huge sword map.

The difference is that within the scope of this sword map, there is a terrible oppressive force. Stepping into it is like being a sudden heavy burden. It is extremely hard.

The teenagers were asked to sit still and judge the quality of the results in terms of the length of time they persisted.

This is indeed a good way to detect willpower.

A total of 100 people, including Ding Hao, were placed in the No. 8 sword map.

When the teenagers are sitting cross-legged and sitting on the ground, the silver robes of the front line start a large array. Suddenly, the gravity of the ground seems to have increased several times. It is like an ancient mountain suddenly pressing on the back, some teenagers are ready. Not screaming, screaming, directly pressed against the ground.

In less than three or four minutes, some teenagers screamed to give up and quit, and some people directly passed out and were carried out by three generations of disciples prepared outside the camp.

One hundred people soon had only sixty people left.

Most people have their eyebrows close to each other, closing their eyes and supporting them, and the sweat of the beans is coming out from the forehead, cheeks, and back.

Some people even bite their lips because they are overwhelmed, and a red blood rushes out of their mouths, making a sacral sound.

Of course, some people are very relaxed. Their martial arts foundation is good. They are full of faint flames. It is a symbol of mastering the mysterious spirit. With the power of mysterious spirit, it is against the pressure. Naturally, it is easier to rely on the power of **. a lot of.

Only Ding Hao is an exception.

After he passed the cave adventure, his body was reborn. The strength of the ** is better than that of a martial artist. The skeleton is tough and has a huge force of two kilograms. Among the young people around him, it is definitely a standout.

So I don't have to work hard, I look very relaxed, and I have the energy to carefully observe the expressions of the people around me.

"Hey? Isn't this the boy named Zhang Fan? There is also the young master Li Zaiyang from the sunset town!"

Ding Hao suddenly found that in front of his right hand, sitting on the side of a **. chest, muscles bulging, dark-skinned teenager, is the time when he participated in the property test, the qualification that was seen was very poor, was judged as soil The hunter boy Zhang Fan of the property Ding et al.

Perhaps because of the ancient hunting all year round, Zhang Fan’s ** quality is stronger than other teenagers.

The bulging muscles are shining under the sun, and the black hair is bright, like a knife and axe, full of power, which makes his performance in the sword map much better than the average person, although the body surface is also fine. There was a tiny layer of sweat on the skin, but the expression on the face was not very painful.

In the side of Zhang Fan, Li Zaiyang, the red-toothed white sunset town, slightly closed his eyes and sat down on his knees. His expression was calm and relaxed.


Seeking a collection of red tickets! New book period, critical period, everyone supports a lot!

Thanks to the footprints of the elephants and the dreams of the two incense fans!

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