Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 280, the practice of race against time

call out!

A sword passed over.


The tall body of the three-footed [Pricklyback Pig Demon], like a collapsed sculpture, slammed heavily on the ground, a half-meter-long wound in the neck and throat, brown blood is like a flood The same, flowing out.

This is a demon with a sacred beast. It is a thorny black spur. The defensive ability is the most terrible. It is said that it can withstand the attack of the great samurai warrior and even the master of the martial arts. It has been fighting for more than two hours. Only by Ding Hao caught the flaws, a sword to win the soul.


With the sword in his hand, Ding Hao bent over and sullenly dressed in a big mouth.

The warm sweat formed a mist in the cold air, and the clothes on Ding Hao's body were already in battle, and the cracks became a glimpse. The fine rags were tightly attached to the body because they were completely wet.

On the arms and back, among the shocking scars, the bright red blood flowed out like a spring, making Ding Hao look very wolf.

The object of this hunt is, after all, a demon with a great demon animal, which is equivalent to the perfection of the human warrior. It is not so easy to deal with.

After a little recovery of physical strength, Ding Hao found a sheltered mountain, began to run Xuan Gong to adjust the interest, healed the injury.

At this time, it has been a month since the distance was flat [Blood Dragon Village].

A month ago, Ding Hao passed the message of Li Yunqi to the peak of the black male king, which really solved the problem of the right of the villagers in the [Taiping City].

At this time, the villagers have moved into this extremely safe big city. Under the arrangement of Ding Hao, they used the treasures from [Blood Dragon Village] to buy a lot of industries in the city, enough for them to be self-sufficient, as long as they operate properly. Even a lot of wealth can be accumulated, and future generations have no worries.

Xiao Shantou Gao Xueer was sent to a very famous martial arts school in Taiping City at a high price. According to Ding Hao's plan, one year later, he can go to the ceremony of asking Jianzong, and then enter the school.

After handling all of this, Ding Hao is also fulfilling his commitment to Guo Nu.

The life of the Gao family is worry-free, and they don’t have to stay with them to be their guardian.

After handling all of this, Ding Hao did not bother to return to ask Jianzong.

For more than a month, he has been in the Snow Dragon Mountain. In addition to day-to-day monotonous and boring cultivation, he is constantly challenging to hunt all kinds of monsters and savage, and to hone his own battle experience and skills. The harvest is not small.

"Oh, haha, this wild boar looks so delicious..."

The demon cat evil moon does not know where to drill out, see the huge corpse of the spiny pig demon lying on the ground, habitually swelling the head, and swallowing the pig demon that has more than a thousand times its body in one bite. In the belly.

"Call..." Ding Hao exhaled a sigh of relief and slowly opened his eyes and stood up.

After a scent of fragrant time, in the body [extreme yang sin sin] and [very sinister sacred qi qi] two kinds of energy, his shocking injury has completely healed, leaving only a road Red shallow scars, these scars will disappear completely until tomorrow.

After the past one month of cultivation, Ding Hao’s strength has reached the 12th Zhengjing [Hand Shaoyang Second Classic] and Liu Qimai [Renmai] Double Pulse Wuyi Warrior, which is simply rocket-like growth, plus His body, after the transformation of the mysterious white liquid, is also extremely abnormal, so it will eliminate the scar on the body in such a short period of time.

"Next time, help me find a more powerful opponent, the monsters have no perfect effect." Ding Hao looked at his face and looked at his evil moon. He shook his head and said: "Maybe it should Look for the demon in the realm of the demon."

The evil moon has a very strange skill.

It can always find some places where the demon is hiding or entrenched, and can find the demon of fixed strength according to the requirements of Ding Hao, so that Ding Hao can kill and gain combat experience.

This seems to have evolved from its ability to discover genius treasures, which is extremely terrifying.

In the past month, Ding Hao relied on the ability of the demon cat evil moon to accurately find the demon in the realm of the monsters in the snow-capped mountains, avoiding the emptiness or the horrible monsters. And encounter an irresistible danger.

"Hey, the demon of the realm of the demon? It is the master of the realm of human martial arts. Are you sure you can cope with it now?" The devil cat slouched and looked at Ding Hao with suspicion.

Ding Hao put away the rusted sword in his hand and ignored it.

This cat is getting a blackening trend.

Today's experience project has been completed, time is not early, Ding Hao looked at the sky in the distance, a thick layer of lead clouds is like a collapsed mountain, crushed from a distance, a snow storm is coming.

"Let's go back."


Ding Hao’s temporary residence is above an ice peak about 50 kilometers away from Shenglong Peak. It has already penetrated into the inner area of ​​Xuelong Mountain. Ding Hao has created a small ice cave with artificial flames and half-waist in the ice peak. It is extremely comfortable to live.

"Ding Ye, are you coming back? Today's dinner is already done..." The bald head of Wang Feng sneered, his waist around the apron, nodding his head, smiling, and a well-behaved family to cook.

The more than ten black knights who were captured at the beginning were lucky.

The so-called tree collapsed, since the three major villagers were sentenced by the "inflammation knife", [blood dragon village] up and down people, almost all were smashed by people from all walks of life, only these guys, but because In the early [good] reason, I took a life.

In addition to the bald head, more than a dozen other people were sent to [Taiping City], becoming the bodyguards and labor of the villagers in the Valley Village, while the bald head was left by the demon cat evil month, because the cat uncle wants a servant.

"Hey, little bald head, come over, give the grandfather shoulders." The evil moon jumped into the ice cave, slammed into the ice bed covered with warm skin, and actually raised a Erlang leg, and stroked the paw at the bald head.

The bald head rushed to the past with a smile, the carrot-like fingers, on the back of the devil cat, carefully and carefully pinched, did not dare to have the slightest care.

Soon the demon cat heard a comfortable snoring sound, and fell asleep.

Ding Hao shook his head.

What a terrible cat!

When the bald head touched the cat, it was the nemesis that hit the life. It was unfortunate that there was no temper to be tossed. I was afraid that he had not been so dedicated to him.

This is also a wicked person's own evil cat grinding.

But then again, after these days of tossing, the cooking of the bald head is greatly advanced, and what is being made now is barely delicious.

After eating dinner indiscriminately, Ding Hao entered the specially developed ice room, and began to race against the madness of time.

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