Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 285, boring and making a fortune

Ding Hao tried it and found that it was impossible to climb the ice wall faults on both sides. This ice wall is a mysterious ice accumulated in thousands of years. It is as strong as steel and slippery, even if it is rust. The sword stabbed up and could only enter the ice half an inch.

"Hey, go forward, go along the gap of the fault, maybe you can find a way out." The evil moon side slammed the sea, and suggested.

This can only be the case.

Ding Hao packed up his clothes, carrying the demon cat, and following the gap of the broken arm of the ice layer, he kept going.

It is like a world of the dead, the wind does not come in, there is almost no sound, Ding Hao's footsteps provoke a piece of echo, very harsh.

After walking for several kilometers, Ding Hao finally saw something other than ice and snow.

It is the body of a white giant python that has been frozen in ice.

Its waist is more than four meters in diameter, and its body is more than 500 meters long. It is curled into a disk shape, covered with silver scales, with a faint brilliance. There are two vaguely identifiable small horns on the forehead. the trend of.

Judging from these characteristics, this is at least the big demon of the demon, but I don’t know why, falling into the crack of the ice layer and giving life.

The white dragonfly is frozen in the mysterious ice. It may have a history of thousands of years. It seems to be lifelike, as if it were hibernating. The huge body shape gives Ding Hao a visual shock.

"Hey, a silver python that is about to turn away, looks very delicious!"

Evil moon suddenly lighted his eyes, jumped from Ding Hao's shoulders, and swung around the corpse of the cockroach. The crystal clear mouth dribbled and fell on the ground, grinding the little milk teeth, as if looking for a place to sip.

Ding Hao also moved in the heart.

The demon will be the big demon in the realm, and it is a treasure. In addition to the demon crystal, there must be a demon, and it has been frozen for so many years. Its flesh and blood is estimated to be very fresh. In addition, there are snake gall, snake skin. Snake eyes...

"Haha, I made a hair."

Ding Hao’s mouth is about to crack under the roots of his ears.

On the palm of your hand, there is a strong temperament, like a light yellow flame. It instantly fills the ice and melts the ice layer covering the body of the snake.

"Oh, actually, I am a very honest person. I blame the demon cat for the evil moon. It has been a long time with it, and it has been broken by it..."

Ding Hao’s mouth is full of words.

"Oh..." The evil moon looked at Ding Hao with a very disdainful look.

Soon, the body of a huge snake demon was melted from the mysterious ice.

"Hey, this snake skin is really hard, it’s a big demon that is going to be degraded." Ding Hao used a rust sword to draw a stroke on the body of the snake demon. Instead of splitting the snake skin, a cluster of Mars emerged. Get numb.

"I am coming to me..." The evil moon drooled and his eyes rushed.

Squeezing his teeth to Ding Hao revealed a smug smile, and brightened his sharp claws under the pink meat pad of his paws, stabbing, and stroked on the snakeskin.

I saw the snake skin that could not be pierced by the rusted sword. Under the claws of the little milk cat, it was like a tofu skin. It was silently divided into two, revealing the **** beads below. White snake meat, exudes the strange fragrance of the monks.

"Hey, it’s so sweet, I can’t stand it, ah, ah...” The sorrowful slobber left the ground, biting it on the snake, and frantically tearing it up.

Seeing that it has a tendency to become bigger and more mad, I want to swallow the entire body of the snake, and Ding Hao quickly grabbed the back neck of the demon cat, and picked it up and left it.

"Oh... Wang Wang!" The little devil rushed to the extreme, biting it on Ding Hao's shoes, and he didn't let go.

"Hey... Hey? Are you a cat or a dog? Quickly let go..." Ding Hao shook his head helplessly and said: "Okay, let's dissect the snake corpse, let's take a half-point, and want to eat more meat. Well!"

The demon cat used his eyes to force Ding Hao to swear, and this was a slap in the face.

After some bargaining, the devil cat waved his small claws. Under the command of Ding Hao, he began to dissect the body of the snake demon, and spent the entire time of the three musks.

This snake demon is the realm of the demon, and it is already going to be degraded. The flesh and blood contain the majestic energy. Eating a piece has great benefits for the cultivator. The whole integer ton of fresh meat has entered half. The other half of the evil moon, the other half was stored in Ding Hao into the storage ring.

As for snake skin, snake gall, and demon crystal, they are also temporarily kept by Ding Hao.

After returning to Ask Jianzong, whether it is to use or sell it, it is a big fortune.

After one person and one cat was busy, rested for a while, after drinking and eating, this only touched the round stomach and continued to move forward with satisfaction. Suddenly, the dead world under the crack of the ice layer was not so terrible.

Going about ten miles away.

In front of the body of another big demon, frozen in the ice, is a huge yak, only one foot, covered in cyan, horns like a knife, keeps the posture of screaming in the sky, as if it is the best in the world The works carved out by the masters of art generally have a thick and unwilling feeling.

"Wow, this is a big demon of the demon handsome level, or a yak. ​​It is said that the body of the yak has a very strong blood of the ancient gods, ah haha, it looks very delicious..."

One of the evil moon mouths, the head just wants to expand and expand, and Ding Hao raises a brain and collapses and bounces back: "Little cat, don't confuse, the yak is a baby of cultivation, first dissecting, eliminating Cultivating materials will make you full!"

"Hey, how do you feel like you are a slave..." The evil moon changed back to its original shape. Under the guidance of Ding Hao, he began to dissect the demon with its sharp claws that seemed to be able to cut everything. The yak in the handsome realm.

Soon, this man and a cat began to laugh in the ice on the first line.

"The meat of the yak is not very delicious!"

"Ah, hahaha, so much material, no matter whether it is alchemy or refining, there is no need to worry about raw materials anymore, ah hahaha!"

The faces of Xiaomeng and Ding Haoxiao are almost cramping.


Another hour passed.

"Wow, hahaha, you have made a fortune and made a fortune... A top-down blue-green wolf demon, ah hahaha..."

"The devil is handsome and looks so delicious!"

One person and one cat can't wait to hold together and sing and dance. They all think that they are falling into the underground dead world, but an underground ice store full of treasures.


More than half an hour.


The third one, the red ticket, the collection are all in the bowl.

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