Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 302, who are you...

It must be an illusion!

It is said that before the death, people will see the people in their hearts, I actually saw Ding brother!

Zhang Fan squinted his eyes and suddenly the whole person was completely stunned.

No... not an illusion?

Really... Ding brother?

Zhang Fan used all his strength and twisted his head slightly. He saw Fang Tianyi, who was lying halfway beside him, and he was still stunned. His body was shaking with excitement.

At the same time, Zhang Fan’s lingering light crossed the figure in front of him and clearly saw that the long swords of Tian Heng and Zhang Wenzhao had been stabbed to the back of Ding’s brother like lightning.

" careful!"

Tian Heng and Zhang Wenzhao are almost at the same time.

The ink-colored giant sword and the steel long sword, in no particular order, one left and one right, Fang Tianyi and Zhang Fan, who have no strength to lie on the ground, have stabbed their faces.

However, at the moment of the sword, the two felt at the same time.

A figure appeared incredibly in front, and the back was wide, blocking the sword in both hands.

The ink-colored sword and the long sword almost stabbed on this back at the same time, but the familiar feeling of piercing the flesh and blood of the sharp blade did not come. Instead, it was the pain of the wrist and numbness, as if it was not the flesh and blood. The body is the same as the iron wall.

A force of anti-seismic came, Tian Heng and Zhang Wenqi screamed and flew out.

Anyone who did not anticipate the change made everyone surprised.

"It's you..." Zhang Wenzhao stood firm and widened his eyes.

He recognized it, this sudden appearance is the lonely back of the tower that appeared today, wearing a tattered pale white gown, covered with patches, and the robes and sleeves are worn with some burrs. If you don't wash your clothes very cleanly, you will be treated as a flower.

This mysterious man, after being injured in a restaurant in the restaurant, was mysteriously missing, and he could not think of it again here.

"Hello, ask the swordsman to take the traitor, you better leave quickly, so as not to make mistakes." Tian Heng looks gloomy.

Between the talks, Tian Heng made a gesture, dozens of green shirt disciples have quietly surrounded.

"Oh, what about the traitors? Why do I see that it is a group of shameless people who are maiming the same door?" The figure did not look back, but slowly slammed down, and the palm of the hand was simultaneously pressed by Zhang Fan and Fang Tianyi. The body, a thick and mysterious, slowly injected into the body of the two.

This gesture is completely in the eyes of everyone around you.

"I don't know the life and death, ask the swordsman's things, you dare to control? Really toasting, not eating and drinking fine wine, since you are not willing to go, then stay!"

Zhang Wenzhao’s heart is worried.

He and his companions made a gesture, screaming at the mysterious person to treat the two men, four or five people broke out, volleyed, slammed the sword, dozens of swords, shimmering in the sun, facing the mystery The back of the person, a sword stabbed.


This time the sword was finally not shaken again, but along the back of the mysterious man, slid into the handle, a red blood, from the place where the long sword penetrated, drooled and fell, and fell on it. On the ground.

"This is your own death..." Zhang Wen stunned, and his heart was overjoyed.

But here is, the scream of Tian Heng suddenly sounded in the ear -

"Zhang Shidi, be cautious!"

Zhang Wenzhao stayed, but he still didn't understand it. Suddenly he felt that a powerful force of Pei Mo Mou broke out from the back of the mysterious man. The next moment, it seemed as if a hammer had hit a hammer on his body. The portrait was like a ball that was drawn by a stick, and stumbled and flew out.

Zhang Wenyu’s mouth was **** and his face was full of ecstasy.


Zhang Wenzhao slammed into the wall and felt that his spine was almost broken. The whole person slipped softly from the wall and almost fell to the ground. Looking down at the sword in his hand, he suddenly stopped.

There is only one hilt left in the long sword of Bailian Steel.

When I looked up and saw it, I saw only the distance. The mysterious back was still quietly lying on the ground. The thick mysteriousness was continuously injected into the body of Zhang Fan and Fang Tianyi. The injuries of the two men gradually stabilized and the power was also It is recovering quickly.

His vest is not even a wound at all.

Even the tattered gown did not even have a crack.

"Why is this? Just now... four or five long swords, clearly inserted into his body, is it..." Zhang Wenzhao’s gaze fell on the ground behind the mysterious person, where there are four or five piles of black The hard block is still slowly smoking blue smoke.

A chilly time filled his body and made Zhang Wenqi like an ice cave.

He suddenly understood what was going on.

The long sword was melted.

The sword of four or five people, when approaching the body of the mysterious person, is melted by an unparalleled high temperature, and the red liquid that flows down is the molten steel produced after the long sword melts. It is not blood at all.

too terrifying!

In the end, what kind of terrible realm is needed to master the high-temperature flame that is enough to melt the steel sword in an instant?

And actually the power control is so subtle that I didn't let myself perceive the existence of the flame of mystery, and I didn't even feel the slightest heat?

Zhang Wenzhao suddenly felt that he seemed to have just walked a circle from the death line.

With the terrible strength of this mysterious man, if he moved his heart, he was afraid that he would be burnt into a gray.

"You...who is it?" Zhang Wenzhao's voice, with an unspeakable trembling.

The mysterious figure has no response.

"Ask the sword sect in rebellion, sir, I advise you not to do much." Tian Heng slowly took a step and his face became dignified. At this time, everyone knows that the mysterious man is a very powerful master. It should not be underestimated.

"Oh, in addition to asking Jianzong's sign to scare people, what are you left?" The mysterious man slowly stood up.

A horrible momentum broke out, and Tian Heng suddenly stood on the spot and could not even say a word.

far away.

"Interesting, it's really interesting. I can't think of a master like you in this little Taiping City." The sword that has been silent is not flat, hands clasped, and slowly walked to the front, face With a leisurely smile: "I think, if you can kill a master like you, it will be a very interesting thing."

The voice has not fallen.

The sword is not flat and gently pats the scabbard at the waist.

call out!

A dazzling sword phantom, broke out.

Just now, this trick was used. The sword raised his hand and raised his hand. He broke Zhang Fan and Fang Tianyi.

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