Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 324, aftermath and people's heart (3)

In a few words, Lu Qi is grateful.

Pan Dongliu's palms spread out, and a pale green cat's eye size was revealed.

This medicinal medicine is transparent and crystal clear. There is a group of green radiant brilliance on the surface. It is beautiful and beautiful. It is like a dream, and it emits a scent of scent. Pan Dongliu smiles and says: "This one is back to Xuansheng Chundan] It is my occasional income. For the treatment of metallic mysterious internal injuries, the most effective, Lu Shidi does not deny, accept it."

"How dare this be." Lucci surprised, greatly moved.

[Back to Xuan Sheng Chundan] is a five-product healing medicinal herb, extremely precious, a value of money, often there is no price, no matter the market, only with a huge amount of martial arts contribution points can be exchanged, even if Lu Qi is a three-generation true disciple, After the injury, I spent a lot of money to contribute to the treatment of the injury.

The Pandongliu actually sent one out, and Luqi’s heart suddenly burst into a warm current.

Even Yin Yifei, who was on the side, couldn’t help but show a color of envy.

"The same brother, and you and I are the same as the son, a remedy, why be polite." Pan Dongliu's smile is always like a spring breeze, he released an invisible force, will return to Xuan Shengchun Dan] sent out in volley and fell into the hands of Lurgi.

"Thank you for the brother of Dongliu, Lu Qiding is going to be the brain and the brain, and wholeheartedly working for the son and the brother." Lu Qi was grateful for zero, half squatting on the ground, swearing allegiance.

Pan Dongliu smiled slightly, and the words turned, and said: "Ding Hao, the son decided to personally ask, asked Jianzong for many years, there has not been such a bad incident of the same door, and even more distressing is that Zongmen Among the top management, there were people who even spoke for Ding Hao. The son decided to rectify the door rules. This is a good opportunity. Two days later, the Zongmen elders gathered together. The son asked you to go in person and state the situation on the day. At that time, just be honest. The statement must not be too exaggerated or confessed."

Lu Qi heard the words, a happy heart, said: "Dongliu brothers rest assured, Lu Qi understands the meaning of the son."

"That's good." Pandong nodded and said: "After half a year, the 20 younger blood-stained disciples should have completed the rituals and trials, completely stimulating their own blood, the son told me. Things, how are you doing?"

"We are going to report to the brothers. Among the 20 **** disciples, we have already drawn seven people, including the third-ranked Yuan Tianyi." Yin Yifei replied rushing.

"Well, it’s done well." Pandong nodded. "However, the most important candidate for the son is Feng Ning and Xie Jieyu. These two talents are the true geniuses of this group of **** disciples. Can you make progress?"

Yin Yifei wiped a cold sweat on his forehead and said: "Feng Ning's character is arrogant and indulgent. After several times, she refused our enthusiasm. The Xie Jie has always ignored us. It is rumored that this woman and Ding Hao have old It is estimated that it is because of this reason that it is difficult to win over her."

"It's Ding Hao?" Pandong frowned and frowned. If he thought thoughtfully nodded: "It seems that the son's concerns are correct. This is a misfortune and must be removed quickly."


The light in the stone room was a little dim.

When Ding Hao pushed in the door, he smelled a pungent herbal smell in the first time. The entire courtyard was filled with a blue-green atmosphere, and the surrounding decoration was very simple.

A burly figure wrapped around a bandage like a mummy, waving an epee, practicing a boring slashing action, sweat and blood soaked the bandage, ticking on the slate floor.

Ding Hao stunned and snorted softly.

"Bad boy, come here, but also a fart, do you think that Laozi’s injury is so heavy that even if someone is close to 50 meters, can’t he tell?” The general figure of the mummies turned around and revealed A rough face covered with hustle and bustle.

It is the peak of the black male king.

"General teaching." Ding Hao said with a smile.

Before seeing the peak of Wang, Ding Hao imagined a variety of pictures.

He thought that he would see a black man who was lying in bed and couldn’t move and suffocate the blood. Who knows that this kind of gangster who likes to pull hatred, actually swayed the epee of more than 500 kilograms, it still looks like a dragon and a tiger. .

For a time, Ding Hao did not know how to export if he wanted to have a good comfort.

"Ha ha ha, also your conscience's conscience, not all of them are eaten by dogs, actually know to come and see Lao Tzu." Wang Bianfeng will throw the epee in his hand, slamming on the ground, smashed four Five stone bricks pointed to the stone bench next to it, indicating that Ding Hao was sitting casually. He himself walked quickly to the side of a black iron pot in the middle of the courtyard. He picked up a large green potion with a gourd scoop and drank it in a big mouth. .

Ding Hao touched his nose.

These days, following the habits and experience of the ancestors of the medicinal herbs, he was able to distinguish the ingredients of this green syrup through the scent. A total of twenty-seven kinds of herbs were used to treat internal and external injuries. Good medicine.

However, this kind of squatting technique of the black man is really pitiful, and most of the medicinal essences are volatilized and dissipated.

"Kid, I heard that when you came back, you smashed the big disaster, how come, ran to Laozi here to escape?" The black man smiled and expertly solved the bandage on his body.

Ding Hao suddenly stayed.

Underneath the bandage, there is a body covered with shocking scars. The black man is all over the body. There is almost no complete skin. The ribs on the right rib are all exposed outside, and even the viscera can be seen through the ribs. He looks like a hapless man who is half-lost but not dead. The injury is terrible and terrible.

Under Ding Hao's gaze, Wang Mengfeng still used the scoop to pick up the green liquid in the iron pot, which was poured into his body like a shower.

The moment when the boiling liquid drenched on the fleshy body, the sound of the hot pot sounded in the sudden white air, and then, with a smell of semi-cooked meat, suddenly in the small courtyard It’s filled with it.

It can be imagined that the black man is suffering from incredible pain at this time, but his expression is still quiet, and even if nothing happens, he is tempted to slap Ding Hao.

It’s a brutal home treatment.

This is also the belly black man, for any other person, I am afraid that I have already fainted.

It can be seen that in the battle with [Prodigy] Mu Tianyang, how serious the black man suffered, and with his master-level realm, he could not rely on his own tyrannical cultivation to heal, only by external force and herbs. .

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