Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 345, King Kong stays small

Time flies, the final exam of the registered disciple is finally on schedule.

After the cumbersome rituals, the indiscriminate catching and killing, this is completely unfolded.

The disciples of the disciples in the Wuwu District were slashing and smashing, and people were constantly falling from the ring. People were constantly cheered and shouted by the onlookers. The strong and the weak were clearly distinguished at this moment, and the fate also showed their cruelty at this moment.

In the process, some of the winners of the competition were disqualified from the Zongmen law enforcement because they were found to have taken the stimulating potential of the drug.

Because Zongmen’s high-level hopes for the outcome of the competition, it is possible to most intuitively reflect the true strength of the recorded disciples in the past year, rather than using drugs to stimulate the short-term surge in cheating power that has emerged since then.

Even so, in the process of the big ratio, there are still people who are constantly taking risks.

The geniuses who have achieved outstanding results in the past five colleges and universities have not received the privilege and care of this time. They, like ordinary registered disciples, have to struggle from the first level.

Ding Hao is also true.

However, in the face of Ding Hao’s prestige, every opponent sighed after Ding Hao, and then gave up the contest automatically. After the Lu Pengfei incident and the Sixth Hall meeting, no one would be naive to think that he could collapse. Defeat Ding Hao this enchanting.

So from the first round to the sixth round of the game, Ding Hao has not been a **** blade for six consecutive games, and directly promoted.

As strong as Ding Hao, there are three people, Li Lan, Li Muyun and Liang Feixue.

These three are all geniuses who have been in the six-six-six-six-six-story refinement for nearly half a year. All of them are in the realm of the big martial arts. For ordinary registered disciples, facing such monsters, let alone fighting, only I am afraid that even the three people's momentum can't bear, they will vomit blood and retreat.

Instead of this, it is better to go to the loser group and re-find opportunities.

Fortunately, in the first six rounds of competition, Ding Hao, Li Lan, Li Muyun and Liang Feixue did not draw the same downfall, which made those who expected the four people to collide strongly, and had to wait patiently.

time flies.

By the time of the seventh match, Ding Hao finally met an opponent who dared to step into the ring.

King Kong stayed!

This is a disciple from the North of the Yellow Shirt.

A handsome and shy face, but with a tall burly, muscle bulging, like a diamond strong and strong body, this strong contrast between the tender face and the explosive body, so many people at first glance I will be impressed by this boy.

Ding Hao is no exception.

At the beginning of the expedition to the ancient Zongmen site in the Xiyan Mountain Range, Ding Hao was impressed by the teenager who had been standing next to the beautiful young Lin Xin and smiling with a shy smile. I couldn’t think of it today, but I met it in the ring.

"Ding brother!" King Kong was a respectful and respectful act. He said with a slight sigh: "I know that I am not your opponent, but the chance to compete with a master like you is really rare. I want to exercise. I am not challenging you."

Ding Hao smiled slightly.

This little King Kong is really interesting.

It is said that he is born with great power and talent. It is also extremely terrible. The cultivation of the earth system is as thick as the Yue, and it is difficult for others to cultivate it. It is cultivated to a very high level. What is more interesting is that his mind is extremely simple. The soul is pure and innocent, and there is no competition with the world, but it is a bit timid, and even a little dull, so the good guys have a nickname, called a small stay.

Because the little staying body is too strong and muscular, like a knife and axe cut, it is almost the same as the legendary Buddhism of the Buddha, and later the famous disciples simply called him King Kong.

This name, at the beginning, was ridiculed.

The registered disciples of the North Shirts of the Yellow Shirts used the four words of "King Gang Xiao Da" to ridicule him. Although he was born with divine power, he was like a diamond, but it was a stupid nerd. His temperament was weak and it was difficult to become a climate.

Just entering the time of asking Jianzong, [King Gang Xiaoya] experienced a very tragic day, and was bullied by many disciples of the North Shirt North Court. Until one month later, the two giants of the North Shirt of the Yellow Shirt were Ren Xiaoyao and Lin Xin. I discovered the potential of this simple boy, and helped him in the back to completely change the fate of this shy boy.

Everything has changed to this day.

[King Gangxiao] has finally become the third master of the North Shirt of the Yellow Shirt. This nickname has changed from a mocking language to a strong signboard of the real name of the Five Courts, and the four disciples have mentioned these four When the word is used, the expression on the face has changed from the initial ridicule to the deep admiration.

"Little brother, please!"

Ding Hao has a good impression on this strong rising teenager and is extremely polite.

At this time, people around the ring were already crowded with onlookers, and each face was full of excitement, and as the sound of snoring spread, more and more people gathered here.

Finally, someone has to challenge Ding Hao positively!

This is a big event!

What's even more exciting is that the challenger is not a nameless person. It is the third person in the North Shirt of the Yellow Shirt. The famous [King Gang Xiaozhan], with the strength of [King Gangxiao], should be able to Let Ding Hao get serious?

Will it be a dragon fight?

In the midst of a roar, the game finally began.

On the stage.

Xiao stayed deeply and took a deep breath. The figure actually expanded again. The muscles under the yellow shirt almost burst into the clothes, and a pale yellow air flow slowly appeared around his body. The clothes are not floating in the wind, and the hands are like the claws of the giants, and the momentum of a horrible person erupts.

In the face of Ding Hao, he did not dare to have the slightest scorn.


Stepping out in one step, the whole platform was shaken.

The gravel fluttered at the foot of the small stay, where he passed, stepping on a clear footprint on the hardest bluestone floor.

Little stayed up and ran.

He approached at high speed, his speed was getting faster and faster, his figure pulled a line in the void, and the whole person was like a crazy prehistoric behemoth, and he slammed into Ding Hao.

Ding Hao stood still in silence.

"Drink!" A small burst of screaming, suddenly volleyed.

In the middle of the air, he narrowed his waist and his knees protruding. Like a mountain, he directly smashed the air and slammed down on one knee. The violent airflow spread like a whirlwind in all directions.

[Sinking the knees]!

This is one of the unique serial killing techniques created by Xiao Dan himself. He is physically strong and powerful like a dragon, and he exerts his best.

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