Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 352, farewell

"Hao brother, you woke up." Li Yiruo's face showed a dazzling smile.

Ding Hao opened his mouth and felt that his brain was a little groggy. He sat up with his hands on the stone bench and found that the whole yard was in a mess. After the carnival, the mess was unobstructed. Wang Xiaoqi and others did not know where to go. The whole yard was I and Li Yiruo are two people.

Between the girls and the eyebrows, with a slight exhaustion, apparently did not rest well all night.

"You... didn't have a rest all night?" I don't know why, Ding Hao suddenly had a pity in his heart, and he couldn't help but hold the girl's hand.

Li Yiruo’s face showed a faint blush, but he did not struggle. He left Ding Hao to hold the slender hand of the sheep fat white jade. He smiled and said: “You drank too much last night, you are always vomiting, still big. Calling some very strange names, they all left, and Brother Li Lan asked me to stay and take care of you, lest you get cold!"

Li Lan?

Ding Hao stayed, and wondered what Xiaolan was doing with this guy. He knew that his own Xuanqi repair had already approached the innate Wuzong, even if it was naked. There would be no problem in sleeping on the ice, but actually let Li Yiruo Stayed to take care of it.

I was impulsive and took the girl's hand. Ding Hao only felt that it was the best thing in the world. The soft and smooth feeling was so fascinating that I wanted to loosen it, but it was not suitable. I don’t know what to say for a while, Ding Hao slowly sat up and said: "Oh, I said a lot of strange names? What?"

"For example, "I don't know Wu Tenglan, I read a..... The film is also awkward", "Steve Jobs is too early to die", "Tofu brain must eat salty", "burning heterosexual", "I The big knife has long been hungry and thirsty, "Long live the Demasia", "People are in the tower"... and so on." Li Yiruo is very good at remembering, and actually describes Ding Hao's tone of speech, describing a vivid and vivid.

Ding Hao suddenly had a cold sweat on his forehead.

Demasia has nothing to do with it. Even the vines have come out. Fortunately, this girl, I don’t know what the a piece is, but the image of a young person that he has built for a long time can be It’s really destroyed.

"Oh, then I haven't said anything strange yet?" Ding Hao was guilty.

Li Yiruo shook his head very clearly: "No."

"Oh, that's good." Ding Hao sighed with relief, gently loosened the girl's slender hand, and went to the well to wash a face, only to feel that the whole person was refreshing.

Li Yiruo turned and picked up the broom and began to clean the messy yard.

Ding Hao turned and saw this scene, the softest place in his heart seemed to be touched by something.

His heart is not a stone, it will melt.

For such a long time, this originally proud girl like a princess, this is the girl who is deeply admired by almost all the men in the five courtyards of the entire registered disciple. This is a fairy who is standing in the clouds and overlooking everything. I don’t know when, Quietly let go of your pride, how long does it take to silently pay?

From the uninterrupted love meal, take the risk to save Zhang Fan, anger Jiang Feng, stunned in the dark and cold cell...

Who is it all for?

I remember when I first met, the proud girl who was flying high and high, for whom, in less than a year, almost changed into a person?

"Don't worry about this." Ding Hao took the broom from Li Yiruo's hand and threw it to the side. He said softly: "I Ruo, I will send you back, take a rest."

"Okay." The beautiful girl nodded in obedience, did not say anything, and walked out of the courtyard with Ding Hao.

One night's time is very short.

But for the big-named disciple area, it seems that the torrent of time has suddenly accelerated and countless times whistling, and it has been going through decades.

When Ding Hao walked out of the gate, he was surprised to find that the bustling five-yard area in the past became a desperate overnight, throwing all kinds of living things on the ground, flying in the morning breeze, messy footprints and occasionally One or two rushing figures...

Without the rehearsal of the past practice, there was no crowd in the martial arts field, and there was no severe anger in the teachings...

As if overnight, it became an empty city.

Ding Hao knows that this is because too many people are still unsuccessful in the end, and they have ended their career as a disciple. They have to take the mood of Xiaosuo and have already left to ask Jianzong. The entire five-innership area will be vacated and then come soon. The next named disciple is preparing.

Another reincarnation is about to begin.

In such a season, people's moods will always become sad.

I don't know when Li Yiruo is like a jade-like little hand, and it is in Ding Hao's palm. Everything is very natural. They didn't say anything, and walked side by side on the tree-lined path. The leaves have already stretched out. The grass is beautiful, and the dragonfly is beautiful.

Ding Hao’s heart has an unprecedented level of tranquility.

Unconsciously, I went to the 8th courtyard of Sequoia West Hospital.

Here is the residence of Li Yiruo in the past year.

Ding Hao was surprised to find that before this, Li Yiruo did not know how many times he went to his courtyard, but he was the first time he came to Li Yiruo’s residence.

Just as the two men walked to the gate, two red-shirted girls with a good face came out from the inside.

Their side, followed by a few male disciples, the manners are good, obviously in the big test, the results have been left in the small genius of Zongmen, which also has a green shirt Tianyi, a few people took the big bag of salute, and walked out with a smile.

"Bamboo, Tianyin, are you going to move so soon?"

Li Yiruo stepped forward and the two girls were her roommates. In the final assessment, they all entered the list of the top 200, and it was not bad to be able to ask the inside of the sword.

After a year and a year, the feelings of the three people were good. Suddenly they saw that they were leaving. Li Yiruo’s heart was a bit sad.

"Hey, Iro, are you finally willing to come back? We waited for you overnight last night, you didn't come back to us, forgot our agreement, hey, it's a guy who is a light-hearted friend." It is a cute little girl with a round face and a little baby fat, so she complains dissatisfied.

Li Yiruo’s face showed a slight apology.

Indeed, the three little sisters had originally agreed to talk about their feelings last night. Who knows that Ding Hao, who was taking care of the drunkenness, did not return overnight and almost missed the opportunity to send two roommates.

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