Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 359, impact innate

I don’t think Ding Hao is so bold, neither arranges the inscriptions, nor prepares the medicinal herbs to replenish the power, let alone the strong ones to protect the law and start to impact. It is too rash.

This is a very critical step.

Once the post-force is insufficient, the impact of the innate environment will fail, and the power of the great martial artist will be dissipated. It will be worse for ordinary people to become ordinary people, and since then, it has been impossible to cultivate Xuan Gong. One person is abolished.

This is the so-called barrier to heaven.

Or it is a day of robbery.

It is a pass that any warrior must pass on the road to the strong.

Because the warriors want to get rid of all kinds of defects of the day after tomorrow, from the point of view of the martial arts, it is necessary to pass the recognition of this world. According to the traditional saying, the catastrophe is the test of the law of heaven and earth that exists in the endless continent. .

Under the realm of Wu Zong, the martial arts territory, the warrior territory, the martial arts territory and the realm of the great martial arts, there is no robbing, and cultivation is extremely easy. However, since the beginning of the martial arts, every step up, there will be a catastrophe, and The higher the realm of shock, the more horrible the various disasters will be.

Ding Hao was so unprepared to rashly attack the congenital Wu Zongjing. In the eyes of the black man, it was indeed too risky and rash.

Exclaimed, Wang Junfeng did not hesitate to shoot out.

When people are in the air, he raises his hand and throws out a few blue jade plates, which are evenly placed in the body of Ting Hao for about 20 meters. At the moment of landing, the jade plate blooms with brilliance, a clear wave of light, silent Spreading interestlessly, and then connecting with each other, it became a huge inscription circle, and Ding Hao was protected.

"The gods lock, shut the Xuan Gong, three three four four, seven seven eight eight, the meaning of the clouds, the body does not move as the roots, the meaning of the sea as a sea, sweeping the world, communication gods ..."

A series of complicated and profound slogans, from the mouth of the king's peak, is asking the swordsman to descend for thousands of years, countless masters in the first day of the robbery summed up the heart of the mouth.

at the same time--

"what happened?"

The figure flickered, and the drunken green shirt appeared on the lawn without any warning. He glanced at it and suddenly understood: "This little bastard, to give trouble to Laozi, has long seen that he is only attacking to reach congenital, Xuan. The gas repair is still in the realm of the big martial artist, I didn’t expect it to be really fast..."

"Master, what should I do? The hidden sword peak has [Water curtain Tianhua] isolated, the three divisions can not completely attack the success here, do you want to move him outside?" The belly black man this time, there is no longer the usual play Heart of trouble.

"The clearance has already begun, can't move him," abandoning the blue shirt and flashing a stern color, said: "Maybe this is a good opportunity... the peak, remove the [Water Curtain Tianhua], let the heavens and the earth aura enter Hidden Sword Peak!"

"But..." Wang Junfeng was hesitant.

"No matter, for the teacher's own ideas." Abandoning the green shirt and pouring a mouthful of fine wine, suddenly a mouthful of spray, the wine is like a rainbow, shot from his mouth, red orange yellow green blue blue purple, five colors and ten light, Magnificent, like a protective cover, Ding Hao is buckled underneath.

At the same time, Wang Junfeng played a silver token.

In the void, a flame is blown up, and then it is like a thousand waterfalls falling into the Milky Way. A vast expanse of water curtains sways open, and the sky seems to be instantly turned into a sea. The clear and transparent water curtain is slow. Uncovering, revealing the true face of Hidden Sword.

Under the control of the king's peak, the water curtain slowly removed.

Surrounded by the madness of the world, I rushed to the location where Ding Hao was.

I saw the clouds and the sky between the heavens and the earth, all kinds of tangible and intangible breaths, all running wildly. With the hidden sword peak as the center, a huge aura of anger was formed, which was like a sea eye that was rotating. An indescribable wonder of the heavens and the earth.

"This kid, the whole movement is quite big!"

Abandoning the green shirt with a strange smile on his face, waiting at Ding Hao's side.

A subtle breath, silently blooming in the green shirt, formed a strange force field, a piece of grass and dust seems to have lost weight, slowly floating, his clothes hunting The black long hair floats like a waterfall.

The king of the "Water Curtain Tianhua" was removed, and the look stood nervously beside the abandoning green shirt. His eyes continued to shuttle through the void around him, always maintaining full vigilance.

Time passed slowly.

Ding Hao has been sitting quietly under the peach trees, as if he didn't know everything about the outside world. The peach trees around him swayed in the whirlpool of agitation, and the pink petals fell and fell like raindrops. Generally, it falls on the top of Ding Hao's head, shoulders, and is beautiful!

What is strange is that the petals on this peach tree, although large and large, fall, but it will never be finished. The peach blossoms on the top are always in a cluster, and they are not reduced at all!

As time went by, Ding Hao’s body, the surging imprisoned ice and the temperament of the fire, became more and more violent, and the two beams of light rushed out from the top of his head, getting thicker and thicker, gradually and completely The whole person was drowned in the light column.

These two beams of light entangled in the void, began to bend, and were constructed into various strange patterns and runes, curved like a bow, constantly extending toward the sky, like a golden dragon and a silver dragon in the battle to kill, tearing The sky is full of sultry momentum.

"In a body, there are two different forces, all of which are so strong... What kind of exercises is this kid practicing?"

Even if the old monster abandoned the green shirt, he couldn’t help but be surprised.

Although he received Ding Hao as a disciple, in addition to the earlier move [closed door Xie Kejian], he did not teach Ding Hao any special exercises and moves, and even did not ask how to practice, even on weekdays. Less constrained, everything is done according to Ding Hao's own heart.

Because after a close observation of the past year, the old monsters have already seen clearly, and this three disciples are not the things in the pool, so they will fly to the sky sooner or later, and it is obvious that Ding Hao has his own experience and merits. Law, if you interfere with it, it will affect Ding Hao’s cultivation.

Therefore, in the past ten days, although the green shirt has not appeared, it is actually continuing to secretly observe Ding Hao. In the end, he still insisted on his own way of giving the sheep, allowing Ding Hao to play freely.

In this respect, the abandonment of the green shirt is indeed a master-level figure.

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