Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 45, a knife departure 诀

"In the southern courtyard of Zizi, the first person is called Lu Mania. He is surrounded by followers such as Nangong Zheng. It is said that he has secretly mastered more than one-fourth of the disciples of Zizi South Campus. The most popular and most active, except In addition to Lu Mania, there are also several people in Nan Meng Zheng, Dong Yi and Wang Xiao Shi, and they also have certain strength."

"The yellow shirts in the North Court are not well-informed, but there is a fat man named Ren Xiaoyao and a teenager named Lin Xin. These days are very active and strong, and they are contacting the disciples of the North Campus!"

"As for the Red Shirt West, there is nothing special about it, and there are no people who are worthy of attention. The rumors of the top ten seed players in the West Academy do not seem to be very strong."

After a brief report, Zhang Tianlun also handed in three booklets, which recorded the details of the other three-instance seed players.

Li Lan nodded with satisfaction: "Very good, you have done a good job. Your credit, I have kept it in my heart. After my uncle is out, I will definitely reward you."

Ge Yin and Zhang Tianlun were overjoyed: "Thank you for your brother Li’s words in front of Li."


One day, it will soon pass.

In the twinkling of an eye, it is already the beginning of the Hua Deng, the moonlight is horrible.

Ding Hao returned to his room and practiced hard.

The snow and ice in the dantian under the abdomen has been condensed to the perfect level of liquid.

The "Xuanqi Seeds" of Ice Power is also like a sacred ice crystal, crystal clear, without the slightest impurities, constantly providing ice and snow, moisturizing **.

Among the middle dantian, the flamboyant scent of the fire attribute has also grown a lot.

The power of Firepower's "Xuanqi Seed" has more than doubled from last night, from pale yellow to deep yellow, and it has continuously released Xuanqi, transforming the Dantian Sea, providing a very strange power.

At the same time, the cultivation of two different ignorances of ice and fire brought Din Hao an indescribable benefit.

The two opposite forces of the ice power and the power of the fire in the lower Dantian and the middle of the worry, complement each other, complement each other, just in line with the yin and yang theory of the world martial art, in terms of moisturizing **, there is no other single mysterious force unmatched Magical effect.

Ding Hao has an illusion, as if he is constantly strong every minute and every second.

"[Sword and Double Eucharist], it really is a peerless physique, it is called "Holy Body" is never too much, it is like giving a sports car with two super engines at the same time, riding a dust! ”

Ding Hao could not help but sigh.

This time he has cultivated two dantians and two kinds of mysterious spirits in less than one day, and he has already realized the mystery of infinity.

"Haha, this is just the beginning. As your martial arts realm continues to improve, you will realize the mystery of the Eucharist." The ancestors who had been silent for a long time finally came out again.

"Hey? Crazy woman, are you out of the customs? So you want to come out with the mystery of the [one knife departs]?" The sword ancestors who have been lonely for a long time have found a chance to quarrel and deliberately ridicule the run.

Ding Hao is also full of expectations.

If the ancestor can complete the [one knife departure 诀], then he can smoothly impact the Renqi 窍 of the Six Classics.

"Wow, hahaha, that's natural. How can a small person's knife be awkward?" The knife sang haha ​​laughed.

"A small knife, you also think about it for a whole day, but also good to brag." Jianzu disdainfully mocked.

"*** 贱祖, are you looking for it?" The knife ancestor screamed and yelled: "What do you know? The more basic the knife, the more implied it is, the so-called avenue to Jane, your old boy. Haven't you heard of it?"

The sword ancestors quietly silenced a small one.

Obviously, what the knife ancestors said is indisputable.

Seeing that the old rival was finally dumb, the knife ancestor finally slammed a few times and continued: "The little Ding needs a perfect knife and knives that are comparable to the "Tai Xuan asked the sword" to open [sword double The second Dantian of the Eucharist, the aging mother naturally needs to spend some energy to perfect the [one knife to start]."

Ding Hao heard the words, and his heart was moved.

For the sake of himself, the knife ancestor is indeed painstaking and has spent a lot of thought.

"That knife is really good, I said how to be familiar with it, I will give you a full complement, well, Xiao Dingzi, listen carefully, this is the knife I finished..." For a while, this will explain the detailed explanation of Ding Hao to Ding Hao after completion.

Jianzu obviously knows that this time is extremely important, and there is no gag.

After a long while, Ding Hao nodded and said that he understood all the mysteries of the knife.

"Thank you [Knife Fairy] the pains of the predecessors, the kid is grateful." Ding Hao heart, really grateful to the ground, came to the ground, respectfully and bowed to the knife ancestor in his mind.

Because this new set of knives, although still known as [one knife departs 诀 , , , , , , , , , , , 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本 基本I have created a brand new knife and heart.

Moreover, the new [one knife departure 诀] has already surpassed the original order, which is enough to rival the top-level [Tai Xuan Wen Jian], which can be regarded as the perfect method of enlightenment.

For this skill, the knife ancestor obviously spent a lot of mind.

"Ha ha ha, Xiao Dingzi you are still knowing the goods." Knife smirked proudly.

"A piece of reluctance is considered to be the top of the ranks of the people, but it is not God's sacred power, what is proud of it." For a long time, the sword ancestor, finally can open his mouth.

"You have the ability to create a knife and a knife."

"Master, I will know the sword..."

"Since you can't create a knife. Good luck, then shut up the old lady..."


The two began to squabble again.

Ding Haoyi's forehead black line, for the two have completely lost the previous kind of [predecessor-like] worship, but I feel that these two mysterious male voices have some human touch and fireworks, more cordial.

When the two ancestors were so hard to shut up, Ding Hao began to practice [a knife to leave].

In accordance with the heart and soul requirements of the knife, Ding Hao ignited the seeds of Zhongdantian Yanxuan Xuanqi, and separated the power of inflammation. From the beginning of the first line of the six odd passages, the impact of the meridian channel began.

Ding Hao's enchanting general understanding and cultivation speed have once again been confirmed.

The first of the six odd scriptures [Renmai] starts from the center of the middle Dantian, and is longer than any of the twelve meridians. It contains 18 acupoints, which is exactly the first time. The first point of the Yin dynasty contains twice as many holes.


Seeking collections and red tickets! thank you all!

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