Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 7, the elixir to hand

I remember that in the past, I have seen countless martial arts laws. There is such a thing. If the protagonist is a cliff, there will be an adventure. Ding Hao feels that his luck has always been good, and today’s encounter has already met the first half of the martial arts law, so if you can If you find a weapon of the gods and a martial arts cheat in the cave, then it is worthwhile.

Who knows that there is nothing special about the cave except the stone table stone chair.

Ren Dinghao can't wait to dig three feet, and there is no discovery.

"It seems that being a man must be kind, not too greedy. It is very good to die. Maybe the light black liquid in this crater is what a bad baby, at least saved my life, but unfortunately, now there is no The way to bring these liquids around."

Ding Hao sighed and stopped searching in disappointment.

There is no water and no grain in the cave. It is time to find a way to go back.

Follow the road to the hole.

Below is the abyss.

Looking up and looking around, I saw the black fog rolling, and the hurricane whistling.

However, when looking up, through the dark fog, you can see the stars in the sky above the glory. It seems that the time of your coma is not too long, at least the day is not bright.

Moreover, the ability to see the starlight also shows that the location of the cave is not far from the ground, and there is hope for climbing up.

"It’s weird. I fell off the cliff. How did I get into the cave and be soaked in the crater liquid?"

Ding Hao can't understand it.

He did the eighth set of children's radio gymnastics at the hole, and moved all over the body. Then he put the rust sword behind his back, climbed a few protruding rocks at the hole, and climbed up carefully.

Fortunately, in the past, Ding Hao was very interested in rock climbing for some time. He also participated in some indoor rock climbing activities and mastered some climbing skills, but he was not confused.

Like a gecko, he stretched his limbs and clung to the cliffs, slowly climbing up.

There is a horrible gravitational pull in the dark fog, and Ding Hao must be scraped away at any time.

This process is really dangerous.

As long as you are not careful, you will be swept away by the hurricane, falling into the abyss below, and you will be ruined.

Moreover, the gravitational force here is also surprisingly large, beyond the normal range, and it is simply a startle.

When climbing up more than 20 meters, Ding Hao felt that the limbs were sore and painful. The whole person had a tendency to pull off. He had to bite his teeth and continue to move upwards. The five fingers clasped the cliffs tightly. The rock, the toes are also firmly holding some focus.

Sweat, like rain.

Ding Hao’s body was soaked quickly, and he breathed in a big mouth, not dare to relax.

After climbing more than 20 meters, Ding Hao thoroughly incisively experienced, the muscles of the whole body are like a knife cut, and the arms have lost consciousness.

But at this time, suddenly, incredible things happened -

A strange heat flow from Dantian, as if it was a trickle, quickly flowed through Ding Hao's limbs, like a gentle hand of the lover, washing away every part of the body.

Then, his body's exhaustion and soreness were swept away in an instant.

Ding Hao only felt that he was like a new student, and he was a hundred times more energetic.

**The power has more than doubled without warning.

If there is a force of four hundred pounds before, now Ding Hao’s strength is only over a thousand pounds.

The speed of climbing up is much faster.

Going up more than forty meters, the same thing happened again when Ding Hao was exhausted again.

There was a sudden heat in Dantian, which flowed through all four limbs.

Then a new force is created to remove all the pain and exhaustion.

So reciprocating, after the same change occurred six times, Ding Hao was less than 100 meters away from the ground.

At this time, next to the body, on the cliff bulging, there are a few red awns flashing.

"Hey? How many red lights... That's... I climbed to the rocky bulge where I had [Dragon Heart", hahaha, this is really a break from the iron shoes, it takes no effort. ""

Seeing the red awns not far from the body, Ding Hao was overjoyed.

He did not hesitate, carefully climbed the past, and a total of six whole bodies were red and hidden, and the ginseng's "Dragon Heart" was picked and carefully wrapped in his own broken clothes.

It is also strange to say that this rock bulge is only the size of an adult slap, extremely inconspicuous, and there is only one layer of black soil with a three-finger width. It has grown six stalks of grass, which is really nothing.

Lingcao got to the hand, Ding Hao was extremely excited.

Taking a break and then banging, he climbed to the top of the cliff and went to the ground.

"Call, mother-in-law, finally came up, and danced to the face of death, and I can't be so smashed in the future."

Ding Hao lay on the ground and breathed a lot. He felt that he was really a little risky this time. Now he still thinks about it after a while, and he can be careful in the future.

However, climbing the cliffs of five or six hundred meters just now made a very strange change in my body, not only the explosive force of the **, but also a lot of sweaty and blackish greasy dirt. Squeezed out from the pores of the body, and the body dried up and condensed a thin layer of black shell.

This situation, like the legendary reborn, cuts the hair and washes the marrow.

At this time, with the action of Ding Hao, the black shell ruptured and fell, revealing the underlying skin, which is white and tender as snow but extremely tough and extremely elastic.

Even the temperament of Ding Hao’s whole people has changed completely. Like the immortals who live in the world, standing on the edge of the cliff, there is a light atmosphere. In the distance, the sky has been slightly exposed.


A new day is about to begin.

The morning breeze blew, and it felt cool in the pants.

Ding Hao looked down and looked at him, crying and laughing, his clothes had been torn apart, and even the crotch cracked a big hole, the chicken. The chicken floated in the morning breeze, it was the prestige.

Fortunately, there are a lot of six [Dragon Heart Xuancao], which are tightly wrapped in the clothes.

Reorganized the clothes and covered the key parts. Ding Hao looked at the direction and followed the safe route in addition to the poisonous scorpion and the swamp, came to the edge of the garbage stone forest, followed the path and strode towards the home.

"Hey? How can I suddenly run so fast?"

Step by step, Ding Hao was shocked.

The body is full of strength, step by step, is three or four meters, the body seems to be the catkins are generally not bound by gravity, all over the body, like learning the legendary light work.

In a twinkling of an eye, I came outside the small courtyard.


Under the sun, the courtyard looks quiet and beautiful.

Ding Hao frowned.

He smelled a dangerous breath.


Brothers and sisters are very strong today. Although they have not rushed to the first book of the new book, but the knife is grateful, it is still a chapter, thank you for your support.

Everyone must collect red tickets.

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