Blade and Sword God Sovereign

Chapter 92, beauty sister training

Ding and others first asked the Jianzong, status underground, naturally there is no way to get this baby.

Between the talks, the treasurer returned to come from a distance and smiled: "The monks promised the Ding Hao brothers before, so according to the 30% discount, a total of 24,500, 550, erased, even three Two thousand four thousand two gold is good."

"Wow, Master Ding, your face is really big. I have been to [Ding Ding] several times, and I have never had a discount." Wang Xiaoqi's expression is exaggerated.

Zhang Fan is a blind worship of Ding Hao has gone deep into the bone marrow, do not think there is anything.

Ding Hao grabbed the gold ticket before the two roommates.

After all, when I was betting, I didn’t do anything, but I got the most. At this time, I should share some of the two roommates|| Mainly to help Zhang Fan share, the talent of the Orion boy is not good, and his cultivation will be doomed. It will become very hard and cost a lot of money. As for Wang Xiaoqi, this rich second generation, money is just a symbol for him.

"Three little brothers, what weapons and equipment are needed in the future, you can come directly to me [Ding Dinghao], Yingying will receive three for me, any item, one by one." When I left, I went back to the shopkeeper for generosity. tunnel.

"Well, respectful is worse than death, thank you to the treasurer."

The three people thanked and left the business district.


In the evening, Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital arranged a course on grass planting.

The teaching of the lecture is an iceberg-like inner door beauty sister, famous for its noble and glamorous, and the cyan skirt is not much smaller than the small pepper Li Yiru, even adding a bit of mature slutty temperament. A group of male disciples are so mad that no one is absent.

Ding Hao three people also went to class honestly.

The name of the iceberg beauty sister is Ximen Qianxue. It is really like a pile of snow before, not screaming, very serious.

It is said that this Ximen Qianxue was just promoted to an inner disciple this year. He is a genius in the spirit medicine and spiritual grass. He is very talented and is optimistic about Zongmen. Several elders who have deep knowledge in the practice of elixir and alchemy are rushing. To accept her as a disciple.

Therefore, she got the basic course of the professor's registered disciples, and she can get the difference of the contribution points of the martial art.

In the class, I talked a lot about the general needs of herbal medicine, genus classification, importance, and spiritual medicine refining.

These contents are large and complete, and there is nothing detailed.

Ding Hao listened to yawning. He had no interest in this. He was just like the previous high school chemistry class. The professional terms and the names of the herbs were so faint.

It was the Orion Junior and Wang Xiaoqi, who listened with gusto and a very serious look.

Zhang Fan should be grasping every opportunity to learn all kinds of strong knowledge. As for Wang Xiaoqi... From this guy’s fascination with the performance of Ximen Qianxue’s waist and chest, it should be In the temptation to strengthen the body.

A class time will soon pass.

At the time of the class, the noble and glamorous sisters took out a lot of blue-colored cloths in the same way as the tricks. The cute and cold-blooded: "This is the seed of the nine-characteristic grass [coagulation grass], each person receives a bag, take it back and follow me. I have cultivated the methods mentioned before, and after half a month I will see your results, class!"

After that, it seems that I don’t want to stay here more than once, and the fairy floats away.

Ding Hao stayed.

what is this? Do you have homework assignments?

But what kind of cultivation method did the former master and sister talk about?

Ding Hao suddenly felt that he had to pay for the class.

Between the talks, Zhang Fan has helped Ding Hao and Wang Xiaoqi get the seeds of the "coagulation grass" back.

"It seems that I have to listen to the class well in the future. I don't want to know that my homework can't be hurt." Ding Hao shook his head with a smile.

Asking Jianzong to be a very systematic system in the cultivation of his disciples is not inferior to the vast and complicated education system of the previous world. It is no wonder that after all, the mysterious power of this cold weapon world has been proliferating for tens of thousands of years.


After dinner, Ding Hao had time to return to his residence after explaining the various cultivation problems and sharing the cultivation experience in the dining room for the disciples of the Tsing Yi Eastern Hospital.

At this time, it was already the moonlight, and the frost covered the earth.

Ding Hao took out the three wooden plaques with Xuan Gong cheats and took out the secret booklet.

Before the [Sword Tower Arsenal], I could only look at it. I didn’t have time to study it carefully. Ding Hao put on the oil lamp and prepared the paper to study ink. I began to copy the three books of Xuan Gong’s secret book one word at a time. The original book must be borrowed. Returned after one day, otherwise the time limit exceeded, you need to turn over the contribution points of the martial art, not worth the loss.

One word and one sentence, Ding Hao copied very carefully.

[Smoke confusing 诀], [Icefire nine turns to the golden body] and [Dragon King from the water sword] are the secrets of the metaphysical order of the human order, the content is naturally more esoteric, the booklet not only has text explanation, but also It is accompanied by some vivid patterns, and even some of the martial art practitioners who have cultivated these three sacred merits have their own annotations, which are very detailed.

It is simply a general training guide for textbooks.

Of course, even so, it is not the average person who can understand Liancheng.

Any Xuan Gong, especially the Xuan Gong that is ranked in the ranks, has qualification requirements for the practitioners, which is why the reason why Jian Zong's selection of disciples is so strict.

Ding Hao thought about it and spent the whole night copying all the three cheats.

Fortunately, the sketchwork of the previous generation helped him a lot, copied all the complicated body patterns and made three perfect manuscripts.

"Call, really tired!"

Ding Hao put the cheats back to the wooden rafts and closed them. Suddenly, they were a little tired.

"The sky is almost bright, there is no time to sleep, it is better to practice for a while." Seeing the sky outside the window is already twilight, Ding Hao simply came to the front hall, sitting on the futon, sitting on the futon, looking at the nose and nose, thinking into the chest Dan Tian, ​​began to cultivate Yan Xuan Xuanqi.

Ding Hao has thoroughly refining the first hole in the first of the Six Classics, [Zhongjiu], and Zhongdantian has entered a peak of martial arts. He is running [a knife to start the heart] and begins to try to motivate Yan Yan Xuanqi, impact the second hole 窍 [Ban Zhong].

[One knife to start the heart] is not the sword of the ancestors of the ancestors of the drums out of the works, exquisite and unparalleled.

The more he cultivates, the more Ding Hao can understand the subtleties of this Xuan Gong method. Under the urging of this method, Ding Hao ignites the flamboyant scent in the meridian channel, without any obstruction. Sense, such as the arm fingering, can almost make the mysterious and thinking work at the same time, without the slightest time difference.


The first is more.

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