In this boss attack, the twentieth offensive area, Des Plants, was finally attacked. The players were struggling with a gradually stronger boss, but this time they were able to defeat him without sacrificing. In the eighteenth offensive area Hellfire made a lot of sacrifices because of the lack of combat power, but that would mean that the force is finally back as good as before. Many of the players who had been one step ahead of the offensive team in this battle entered the battle. The party Racquet, which we used to act together, - has now become the guild Advantage - is one of them. They also had more members and worked hard as a strategy group. He was very active in this battle, and he's going to be able to count on it.

It has been roughly six months since the twelfth offensive area Berserker Grave attack. I'm going to tell you about the big incident that happened in the meantime.

Since then, the Corpse Eater (Gool) has moved around the area where the attack in the eighteenth offensive area has become overwhelming. The beginning of the incident was when the "Alliance of Attacks" said to "Indestructible Dragons" and "Illuminating Light", "Why don't we attack the three guilds together". Senzuki, a second-generation Alliance master of the offensive coalition, said the goal was to increase the willingness of other players by inciting each other, and then acting jointly with each other by large guilds. There were various exchanges, and eventually the three guilds decided to carry out a joint offensive.

And the incident happened. All of a sudden, during the attack, the masked black players appeared and began raiding the Alliance. They were judged to be "corpse eaters" because of their appearance. Intercepting players, it seems the battlefield was quite confusing. At that time, what a bunch of players in the Strategic Alliance betrayed each other and began attacking The Indestructible Dragon and The Light That Illuminates. Yes, from the outset, the Coalition proposed this joint offensive with the intention of betraying them. However, there have been several black rumors in the Strategic Union for a long time, and the Light of Illumination and the Indestructible Dragon have hit their hands for times of need. He laid his guild buddies and trusted offensive players right around the corner. "Heroes", "Rugged", "Dog Knight", "Funya", "Red Flash (Fierce Thread)"... No, I... "and other two-name players, as well as the guild" Fiery "rushed to the battlefield to join the" Indestructible Dragons "and others. The war situation inclined at once, and" Corpse Eaters "and" Strategic Coalition "began to be pushed. Then they immediately left the battlefield and lost their way.

Fortunately during the misfortune, no major sacrifice was made on the player's side. The players who returned to the city immediately arranged to nominate players for the Strategic Coalition. We searched to see if there were any traces of the city, but we couldn't find anything in the end.

Then a month later. Information was obtained that players from the Strategic Coalition were discovered in one of the countless ruins in the fourteenth offensive area Town of the Dead. The players in the immediate offensive group headed to Town of the Dead and boarded the building that was in the information. I'm one of them. Initial plans to unilaterally annihilate the enemy collapsed due to unexpected resistance.


Appearing in Town of the Dead is a monster with a different appearance. This area has settings. A mysterious gas suddenly blew out of the ground of the flourishing city. The people who inhaled that gas turned into monsters and began to destroy the city. That gas is not out now, but the wreckage of the destroyed city and the monster of an ex-human remains.

We have to get to the ruins before the Coalition escapes. During the night the monsters are activated, the elites of the offensive team move quickly through the area. Slash and tear the Mutants they attack with their skills.

"Hey...... I'm not nervous (stick)"

"Why are you sticking there?"


We split up into several routes and decided to go for one building. My unit has all the members of Rugged Sword. Rugi was the leader.

Listening to the distracting interaction between Ra and the sword dog, as things went smoothly, I was wrapped up in a bad feeling. I was feeling something so unpleasant, like when I saw the phrase "I feel like I'm missing something" in the novel, like my chest is about to spill. But I can't help just feeling it. All I could do was be more vigilant around me and tell Ra and the others to "pay attention".

As a result, the unpleasant feeling was misplaced. There was a traitor among us. He was a member of The Light That Illuminates, and he was a player named 'Kirugiru'. Ultimately, it will be slashed and dumped by Drua's hand, but because of it, our information was passed on to the Offensive Coalition.

We surrounded the building we were talking about. There was nothing wrong at this point. (9) A unit led by Ryu was the first to board the building. And before the second unit entered, Luke, who was in the troops of the Nine Dragons, came out of the ruins and said, "It's a trap! I shouted." Apparently, a large number of mutants were pushed into the ruins. I guess I even used items in the system that attract monsters.

And suddenly we were raided from behind. They were a strategy team, too. It has a lot of strength. The first raid caused quite a sacrifice here. I had a bad feeling. I was the main member, Rukiya-san, and I was on the side of three sworddogs, so I was helpful. Mr. Ra and Ruji noticed it before the attack. Terrible ability to perceive. Intercept the people who attacked you. There were also screams and screams around.

"Ola, Ola, Ola, Ola!"

I remember the ruggedness of brave screaming and blowing raiders with axes was quite reliable. Mr. Ra, the sword dog, and his crew from the same unit were strong. Defeat the majority of the people who attack you. I couldn't afford to make the decision to kill my enemies anymore. Just slay the enemies coming at you. The others would have been just as desperate. It attacked me as I tried to clean up in advance and go help other players.

With monsters forcing various organisms to stick together, gorillas with wolf faces and large lizards and other parts, that seems to be the name 'Mixed Beast' Alegia. As I found out later, it looks like that's a unique monster coming out of the Underground Laboratory, a hidden area that was underground in this area. Why is such a monster usually in the area? The answer was immediately. Someone from the Coalition of Attacks has tamed Alegia.

There is no profession of Monster Tamer in the world of Blade Online, but there is a title that enables the monster to be used by the [○ ○ bond]. Perhaps a player from the Offensive Coalition who discovered a hidden area got that title.

When he growled loudly, he shook the big tail on his glutes. The player next door, who had been taken, ate it. It blew up, and that player who rolled on the ground had a slow hang of the "Tactical Coalition" player, putting HP at 0.

We were the ones who needed help. To a dozen enemy players, a Tamed Unique Monster. We fought desperately in a desperate war situation. Alegia boasts a high attack power with every blow. And fast. However, there was a weakness in the fact that one attack was fast but could have a gap for a while before moving on to the next. We'll poke there and manage to scrape Armegear's HP.

"Next tail attack! You and you, you follow the gap. Catch the players! So you guys attack with a tail attack evasion gap!

Rugged, who usually says things he doesn't understand, but at that time he gave precise instructions as a leader. The players who were confused also regain their calm at her command. And how long has it been, a bitter battle ensued and Almegia's HP finally stained red. At that moment Armeggia's neck stretched. Everyone opened their eyes and raised their voices of surprise. The neck stretched out like a tortoise, and a giant wolf's neck turned toward the rug. Only one person was able to react then.


A sword dog broke in between Rugge and Almegia. He activated his skills and stuck his spear out with Armeggia's mouth open. And I saw it. Before the spear pierced Almegia's throat, the fangs that were growing in its mouth made a zazzling noise and popped out of its gums. faster than the sword dog would react, and it pierced his upper body. The sword dog should have been equipped with a highly defensive weapon as well. Just being pierced by a few fangs doesn't kill you. but Armeggia ate him, without worrying that the sword dog would pierce his throat. The attack on the steeple reduced Armeggia's HP, but increased at the same time. He must have recovered from eating a sword dog.

The sword dog is dead.

I returned to me with his death, slashing and abandoning the attacking raiders. The other players were relaxing their body stiffness and starting to move. In it, Mr. Ra and Rugge burst into Almegia like flashes of light. It was a moment. When I thought their weapon was brilliant, Almegia's neck blew off. HP went to zero. and at the same time the last scratch and Armeggia's tail were wielded by them. But the tail instantly became dust and vanished. Rugge must have slashed him with an axe.

The look on their faces when they defeated Almegia with horrible momentum was enough to make even my buddy me throat.

"Don't think you'll make it home alive."

Ra muttered so, while piercing the throat of the raider who was in front of him. Rugi likewise axes the raider off. Then a few minutes later, the raiders were wiped out. Looked like we were done cleaning up the other troops.

After the battle, Ruru had no expression, Ra had leaked a whimper and cried. I was like when I was a gallon, and I didn't know what to say. Whatever you think of Armeggia's array, it's the first time you've seen it. I think it was a shame that the sword dog was able to handle it. I didn't know if my neck was stretched towards me, but at least I couldn't move to help Ruggett.

The cries of the players who lost Mr. Ra and his companions stuck to his ears perfectly.

Thus the worst case of losing four players with two names, usually fourteen players, closed the curtain. The incident also wiped out a large guild called the Strategic Coalition, causing many casualties and greatly diminishing the offensive group's power. There was also a major obstacle to the boss offense.

What's more, the Strategic Alliance was destroyed, but these guys are only part of the Corpse Eater. I haven't solved anything yet. This time, the figure of the warrior needle was not confirmed. Their heads are still alive.

Nothing, not solved.

I recall one of Rugged's severed "Strategic Coalition" shouting, "I don't want to go back to reality". They're moving to keep this game from clearing. The warrior needle was crazy. That's what he said when he said he was righteous. I don't think that's justice. But there's a bunch of players at his disposal. It's about saying that there are some players out there who would sympathize with that word of his. Once again, I thought I was horrible at the Corpse Eater, where those people were gathered.

Kill people for their own desires.

It justifies the act.


Unlike The Corpse Eater for such a reason, the PK guild Eye (Bloody Eye), gathered only for the reason that they just want to kill, still hasn't shown any movement.

As creepy as it was, it was quiet.


Thank you, Akatsuki.

I, Mr. Torah, was facing each other with coffee and drinking coffee. After the sword dog died, she started laughing at Nico. Rugi became silent. And what we have in common is that we are now more committed to the offense. The more they watch, the more they pull, the more they push the offense. That's how I looked at them, and I shouted. Rugged says, "Haha. Doru. It's okay," she teased me. Ra and I started talking sometimes like this.

Honestly, I don't know how this is such a problem. When I was dragging him around, he said something to me, and I said, "I don't know anything. Don't listen to me like I know my habits! I said." I wonder if they were in the mood to tell me that.

Looks like the existence of a sword dog was huge for both of us. If you look at it, you'll see.

As I was drinking coffee, Ra suddenly thanked me. What's the matter, I'll give it back. Ra laughed haha.


"Haha...... About two days ago, I talked to Lynn."

"With Lynn?

"Yeah. I'm pretty close to that kid. So I heard about Lynn's brother."


"No, I didn't know much about Lynn to talk about often. Akatsuki, you're not your brother."

"Oh, oh."

"Ha... Well, listen to a lot of things. Well, I'm not going to tell you what it is, but I kind of reconsidered everything. That's why Ruki-chan talked so well. I've never seen her cry before."


"So Mr. Ra will be back to normal. Thanks for all the encouragement."

I'm meant to be friends with these guys. I think that's what you're thinking over there. But I know very little about these guys. It's not even in me.

I can't even do my thing properly, but I speak to other people's circumstances. I have always been. Same goes for Lynn and Lew. I know the cause. Because I want to be refreshed. I can't do it myself, so let others do it. There is no substitute for Lynn. There is no substitute. I think so. This is true. Yet when it comes to me, I push others.

What if I lose it? If I lose Lynn. I'm sure I can't get back on my feet. That's what I thought about when the sword dog died. That's why I called out to these guys to get back on their feet.

I thought the sword dog was dead and sad. I thought about it, but first I thought about my case, rather than the sentiment of sadness.

"You're sweet, Akatsuki."

"Nothing... it's normal"

"Haha. Speaking of which, you like to stroke your head."


"I saw it before you and Lin stroked your head, and you've stroked my head."


Katana said she wanted me to stroke her, too.

"Oh, my God!

"I bragged about it. Haha - I've never been able to stroke my head or anything other than my family, yo. My first time taken by you."

"Don't say that in a weird way..."

Haha - Mr. Torah laughs. I don't think there's anything I can do like before.

"Akatsuki, you said Mob before, but I'll correct you."

She looked a little serious before saying so.

"Akatsuki, you're like the hero."

(laughs) My face is a mob.

The face was extra, he snapped.

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