Chapter 1113 Yun family

  One way is to Su's house, and the other is to Yun's house. Tang Yichen doesn't know whether Su Yunling is taking people to Su's house or Yun's house.

   Tang Yichen stood at the intersection and struggled for a while, finally gritted his teeth and chose the way to Yun's house, but before he took two steps, Jin Caoran and Fu Xiyan arrived.

  The two also chased them all the way, but Jin Fenran's legs and feet were inconvenient, and Fu Xiyan had to push him, so the speed was a little slower than Tang Yichen.

   Tang Yichen heard the noise coming from behind, turned around immediately, and asked Fu Xiyan: "Second brother, do you think the third brother has gone to the Su family or the Yun family?"

  Fu Xiyan: "The Yun family."

   As he spoke, he pushed Jin Chuangran and chose the way to Yun's house.

   Tang Yichen followed immediately, "I think so too."

  Although the third brother returned to the ancient martial arts world, the first thing he did was to go back to the Su family.

  But he felt that the third brother would not take Gu Xiaoqi to the Su family.


At the gate of the Yun family stood a woman. The woman was dressed in a crimson purple skirt. She had an exquisite face and a graceful and luxurious demeanor. She was being supported by a young man at this time. She stretched her neck from time to time, looked around, and kept chanting asked, "Why aren't you here yet?"

  The young man on the side looked at her anxious look, and was a little speechless, "When I went home, I didn't see you waiting for me like this. Who is your real son?"

   "Ah, it seems that I can't hide the fact that you are not my own?" The woman kept looking around, but the words in her mouth were speaking to the young man.

  Youth: “…”

   "Here we come! Ayun is back!" The woman's eyes were sharp, and Su Yunling caught his figure as soon as he appeared around the corner.

  When the young man heard this, he immediately looked in the direction the woman was looking at.

  Seeing this, the young man was stunned.

   It is true that the person who came was Su Yunling, but why is he holding someone in his arms, and it looks like a girl, right?

  The young man was stunned, and the woman was also stunned, "Ah Xiu, do you think mom is dazzled? Why did I see that Ah Yun hugged someone?"

   Moreover, it seems to be a woman!

  Yunxiu was still in a daze, so he didn't answer his mother's words.

  Even if he regained his senses, he might not be able to answer why.

  Yunxiu and the woman were stunned, Su Yunling had already carried him to the gate, "Auntie, Brother Xiu."

   First greeted the two of them, then looked at Yun Xiudao, "Brother Xiu, please go to the training ground and call Yun Sen for me, she passed out."

  Yun Sen and the others had already returned to the ancient martial arts world yesterday, and they should be at the Yun family training ground at this moment.

  Yun Xiu heard it, and subconsciously responded, "Okay."

  After the answering, Su Yunling had already entered Yun's house with her in his arms.

  As soon as Su Yunling left, Mrs. Yun began to urge, "Didn't you hear that Ayun told you to call you Yunsen? Go quickly."

   When Yunxiu heard this, he immediately went to find someone.


   Not long after, Yun Sen gave Gu Zhiqi a full-body examination, focusing on the brain.

   It's just that nothing can be found out.

   "Strange." Yun Sen muttered in a low voice.

   "Why did you suddenly faint?" Su Yunling looked at Yun Sen with cold eyes and asked.

  When Yun Sen heard this, he immediately shook his head weakly at Su Yunling, "This situation is really strange, and I really can't find out the reason."

  Su Yun heard the words, the temperature in the bottom of the eyes was a little cold.

   "Master, do you still remember that Miss Gu fainted suddenly when I was in Yuexi Village last time?" Yun Sen spoke weakly again against Su Yunling's cold gaze.

  Su Yunling didn't speak, just looked at Yunsen.

  Yun Sen immediately said, "Miss Gu's fainting situation this time is almost exactly the same as last time."

  (end of this chapter)

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