Chapter 1119 Go to Fu's house

  And he asked Su Yunling, Tang Yichen didn't know, he told Su Yunling not to tell Tang Yichen, for fear that Tang Yichen would laugh at him.

   But now it seems that Tang Yichen can laugh at him whether he tells him or not.

   Several people chatted in the living room for a while, and breakfast was ready.

   After breakfast, Yunxiu slipped away on the pretext of going to see Dabi in order to keep his ears clean.

   Gu Zhiqi and the others were about to leave for Fu's house, and Mrs. Yun reluctantly sent them to the door.

  Before leaving, Tang Yichen leaned into Mrs. Yun's ear and whispered, "Auntie, is the change of mouth fee only for Gu Xiaoqi? Are there just a few of us? You can't be partial."

  When Mrs. Yun heard this, she immediately covered her pocket, "You brat, you still dare to think about my money, hurry up and go away."

   While speaking, he pushed Tang Yichen out.

  At the same time, he still kept saying in his mouth: "Let me hear this again, and you will never come to my house again."

  Tang Yichen:?


  Fu's house is quite far from Yun's house, it takes an hour to drive.

  As soon as the car drove into Fu's house, a strong aura rushed over, Gu Zhiqi's mind couldn't help but sigh, "It's so rich."

  Gu Zhiqi didn't speak, but looked sideways slightly, looking out the window.

  Fu Zhai's aura is indeed strong, but it doesn't look like a natural gathering, but rather like a gathering spirit array.

   It took about five minutes to drive from the gate to the villa. Five minutes later, the car stopped outside the villa.

  As soon as the car stopped, an old man in a gray robe ran over from the door with small steps. He was the old housekeeper of the Fu residence.

  After seeing the people getting off the car, the old butler smiled and greeted them one by one, "Master, Young Master Su, Young Master Jin, Young Master Tang..."

  When he saw that there was a girl among them, the old butler was stunned for a moment. Seeing that the girl was very good-looking and was still standing not far from Fu Xiyan, the old butler almost couldn't hold back the smile on his face.

  Why did the young master bring other girls home?

  Where is Miss Gu?

   "Who is this?" The old housekeeper smiled at Gu Zhiqi, but the smile didn't reach his eyes

  Su Yunling and the others all knew the old housekeeper, and they all nodded to him, while Fu Xiyan introduced to the old housekeeper: "I invited her here to treat grandpa, you can call her Miss Gu."

  After hearing the words Miss Gu, the old butler put all the other words behind him, and only the words Miss Gu kept circling in his mind.

  The smirk on the corner of his mouth was almost unstoppable.

  Miss Gu?

  This little girl is also surnamed Gu?

   It's over, it's over, his young master has moved on?

   Still want to learn from the novel, because I couldn't love Miss Gu, so I found a substitute?

  When the old butler thought of this, his heart began to ache. He didn't expect that the young master was such a person.

  At the same time, he did not forget to look at Gu Zhiqi.

  What's wrong with this little girl? Compared with Ms. Gu's appearance, it's just... well, the little girl is very delicate, with almost no dead ends, so she can't be black.

  This character...

   Haven’t understood yet, don’t know.

  The old housekeeper thought wildly for a long time, and finally decided to observe the little girl first.

   When he came back to his senses, Fu Xiyan and the others had already walked towards the living room.

Holding the corner of the robe in one hand, the old butler chased after him in three steps at a time, and then asked Gu Zhiqi a series of questions, "Miss Gu, right? How old are you? Where do you live? Who are there in the family? How did you and the young master meet?"

  Gu Zhiqi:?

   Check account?

Good night



  (end of this chapter)

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