Chapter 1135 Rescued

Seeing this, the   leading woman immediately rushed over with someone, "Quick, wake her up."

   "Master... Sister, snake, there is a big snake!" Someone beside the woman poked her arm and said this.

  When the woman heard this, her eyes froze, and she immediately looked in the direction pointed by others, and then she saw four big snakes.

  The woman's expression became more serious, and she said in a cold voice, "Leave two people with me to block them, and the others retreat quickly."

   After finishing speaking, he did not forget to remind her, "Remember to take her with you."

  The disciple next to him heard the words and immediately responded. After leaving two people behind, he immediately took the unconscious woman and started running.

  The woman held the hilt of the sword in one hand and the scabbard in the other, as if drawing the sword at any time, and watched the four big snakes vigilantly.

  The four big snakes spat out their letters, and stared at the woman and the two people beside her with cold eyes.

   "Master, Senior Sister, do we really want to confront them?"

  The girl standing on the left side of the woman said in a trembling voice.

   "Just block it for a while, and withdraw later when you see the opportunity."

   "Okay, okay." The girl replied tremblingly.

  The boy on the other side was not much better, just looking at the four behemoths, he felt his scalp was starting to go numb.

  The four big snakes would not stare at them. Seeing that the people behind the woman had already started running, one of the big snakes moved, and the other three immediately followed suit.

  The three women immediately drew their swords when they saw this.

  The four big snakes opened their mouths wide open, and rushed towards the three women.

  The woman's eyes were sharp, she clenched the sword in her hand, deftly avoided the attacks of the four big snakes, and then jumped onto the back of one of the big snakes.

   Before the big snake could react, it stabbed it **** the back.

  The big snake roared in pain, and frantically twisted its body, trying to throw the woman down its back.

  Women did get thrown out, too.

  After being thrown out, the woman quickly stabilized her figure, led the giant snake and started running towards the lake.

   She was stabbed with a sword, and the big snake chased her all the way to the lake.

  After seeing the scene by the lake, the big snake howled angrily, and stopped chasing the woman, but plunged directly into the water.

   It was the woman who saw this and took advantage of this opportunity to escape.

   She guessed correctly, the snake was guarding Hanlian.

  Seeing that Hanlian is gone, he will definitely be very angry.

   When she came out from the bottom of the lake again, she must be in a state of rage, so she had to leave here as quickly as possible.

   As soon as the woman ran a certain distance, there was a cry for help from the same door behind her, "Sister, I'm still here, help me!"

  Hearing this sound, the woman stopped, looked back, saw the big snake chasing after the girl, and the girl running towards her, the woman suddenly frowned.

   Without much hesitation, the woman broke off a branch from the side, and then hit the girl.

  Finally, under the shocked gaze of the girl, the branch sank into her heart.

  The girl couldn't run any further, the big snake opened its mouth and swallowed the girl in one gulp.

   Taking advantage of this gap, the woman left without looking back, and quickly disappeared into the woods.

  Ten minutes later, the woman joined the disciples.

   "Senior Sister, are you finally here?" A group of disciples surrounded the woman when they saw the woman, expressing their concern.

  The woman clutched her injured arm and nodded slightly.

   "Where are Junior Brother Xiao and Junior Sister Yu?"

   "Junior sister has already..." The woman lowered her eyes slightly, with guilt and sadness on her face.

  Seeing this, other people knew that Junior Sister Yu was probably in danger.

Good night



  (end of this chapter)

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