Chapter 1164 about the observation room

"No, why should I buy it? You gave my aunt so many pots, and you gave Master Ling another pot. Because of the relationship between the two, I don't deserve to get one pot for free?" Tang Yichen looked at Gu Zhiqi with a resentful expression. .

  Gu Zhiqi: "Are we related?"

  Tang Yichen: "..."

   Is that okay?

   Until dinner, Tang Yichen still failed to get a pot of flowers from Gu Zhiqi.

  After dinner, Gu Zhiqi planned to go out again.

  Same as yesterday, both Tang Yichen and Yunyao followed. In addition, there were two more Yunsen and Su Yunling today.

  Gu Zhiqi looked at the growing team, was silent, and said to the four of them, "Today I want to enter the incense refining trial environment, and I won't take you with me."

  The alchemy trial environment is a single room for one person, and the incense refining trial environment should be the same.

  Listening to Gu Zhiqi's words, several people fell silent.

   A few seconds later, Tang Yichen said, "Gu Xiaoqi, don't tell me, you know how to make incense?"

  Gu Zhiqi: "Can't you go in if you don't?"

  Tang Yichen:?

  Why don’t you go in?

   Tang Yichen was at a loss for words for a moment, he didn't know what to say.

  Gu Zhiqi cast his eyes on Su Yunling, "I'm not sure when I will come out, so don't wait for me in the trial hall today."

  Su Yun heard the words, slightly raised his eyebrows, "How long will it take?"

  Gu Zhiqi: "Maybe."

   "Won't it take so long to refine incense?" Su Yunling said casually, but it made Tang Yichen, Yun Sen, and Yun Yao all focus on Gu Zhiqi.

  So, Gu Xiaoqi (Miss Gu) can actually make incense, right?

  Gu Zhiqi raised his eyebrows, smiled lazily and did not speak.

  Although Gu Zhiqi said that he was going to enter the incense refining trial realm, and the time to come out was uncertain, Su Yunling and the others still went together.

  Say yes, I have something to do in the trial tower.

  After arriving at the trial tower, Gu Zhiqi entered the trial realm.

  Before going in, Su Yunling gave her a food box, "If you can bring out the things inside, you should also be able to bring in the things outside, right?"

  Seeing this, Gu Zhiqi immediately took the food box, "Thank you brother."

  After Gu Zhiqi entered the trial environment, Su Yunling and the others did not stay in the hall, but went to the fifth floor of the trial tower, intending to go to the observation room.

  The trial tower has five floors in total, and the first to fourth floors are the trial gates of different tracks.

  The first floor is the trial gate of the first round, and the trial gates of the second, third, and fourth rounds are respectively on the second, third, and fourth floors.

  The fifth floor is the observation room, and there are five observation rooms in total.

   The No. 1 observation room belongs to the Immortal Doctor League, where you can observe the rankings of the four trial environments of medical skills, poison arts, alchemy, and incense refining, and the conditions of the testers.

  The No. 2 observation room belongs to the Xuanmeng, where you can observe the ranking of the Xuanshu Trial Realm and the conditions of the practitioners.

   Observation rooms No. 3, No. 4, and No. 5 belong to Law Enforcement Hall, Martial Arts Union, and Thousand Machine League respectively.

The Law Enforcement Hall, the Martial Arts Alliance, and the Qianji League all have ancient martial arts trials, because they are all ancient martial arts trials, but they are tracks under different forces, so the three ancient martial arts trials are divided into No. 1 , No. 2, and No. 3 Ancient Martial Arts Trial Realm.

  No. 1 and No. 2 are under the names of Law Enforcement Hall and Martial Arts Union respectively. Under the names of these two forces, there is only one track, which is the ancient martial arts trial.

  The No. 3 Ancient Martial Arts Trial Realm is under the name of Qianji League. In addition to the ancient martial arts trial, Qianji League also has four tracks of hidden weapons, mechanisms, formations, and refining weapons.


  The lobby on the fifth floor.

  There are two people talking. One is Yang Li, the head of the Poison Sect of the Immortal Medical League, the No. 4 instructor of the Immortal Medical League in this competition, and the other is Sun Lao, the great elder of the Law Enforcement Hall, and the No. 1 instructor of the Law Enforcement Hall in this competition.

  (end of this chapter)

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