Chapter 1184 Go to the Immortal Medical League

  After hearing this, Gu Zhiqi felt more doubts in his heart, but it seemed that he was talking about Yunyi's sadness, so he didn't speak again.

  At this moment, the two of them also walked to the gate of Yun's house, and the car that came to pick up Gu Zhiqi stopped at the gate of Yun's house.

  In addition to the driver, there is Ling Yuxuan's assistant Miao Miao.

   Unlike the time when she saw Yunyi in the Medical League, Miao Miao didn't show any panic when she saw Yunyi this time.

  However, I still greeted Yunyi the first time I saw her, "Miss Yunyi."

  Yun Yi nodded to Miao Miao.

  Miao Miao then looked at Gu Zhiqi, "Miss Gu, we meet again, the leader asked me to pick you up." After speaking, Miao Miao immediately opened the car door for Gu Zhiqi, "Miss Gu, please get in the car."

  Gu Zhiqi nodded to Miao Miao, then bent down and got into the car.

  Yun Yi got into the car right behind.

  Although Ling Yuxuan only asked Miao Miao to pick up Gu Zhiqi, and now, Yun Yi was picked up, but Miao Miao didn't dare to say more, got into the car quickly, and let the driver drive.


  About fifty minutes later, the car drove into the Immortal Medical League. The architectural style of the Immortal Medical League is a bit similar to that of the Medical League. Like the Medical League, herbs can be seen everywhere in the Immortal Medical League.

  After the car drove into the Immortal Medical League, you could see the disciples of the Medical League at intervals. Almost all of them were wearing the same style of robes.

   However, the colors are different, some are red and white, some are blue and white, some are black and white, and some are yellow and white.

   Out of curiosity, Gu Zhiqi casually asked the reason for the different colors of the clothes.

  Miao Miao was about to answer Gu Zhiqi's question when Yun Yi preempted her, "The Immortal Doctor League is divided into four sects, namely the Poison Sect, the Medical Sect, the Fragrant Sect, and the Dan Sect..."

  The clothing style of the disciples in the league is uniform, but the colors of the clothing worn by the disciples of different sects are different.

  The one in blue and white is a disciple of the medical school.

  The one wearing yellow and white is a disciple of Xiangmen.

  The one in black and white is a disciple of the Poison Sect.

  The one in red and white is a disciple of Danmen.

  After listening to Yun Yi's introduction, Gu Zhiqi understood. Looking at the blue and white dress, Gu Zhiqi suddenly remembered two people, Liang Xiao and He Shishi.

  The two of them were also dressed in blue and white clothes, didn't look like they were medically skilled.

  However, this is not the point, the point is that I don't know how they are doing now.

  On that day, only Tang Yichen and Gu Zhiqi came out, Liang Xiao and He Shishi did not come out, saying that they would recover from their injuries in the trial environment before coming out.

   Calculating the time, the injury should have healed almost. You must know that the medicine she gave them was very effective.

  Actually, Gu Zhiqi didn't really care about their injuries. What she cared about was when they would leave the trial environment and when they would pay her back.

   "It's here." When Gu Zhiqi was in a daze, the car stopped, and Miao Miao's voice rang in his ears.

   Gu Zhiqi came back to his senses, only to find that the car was parked in a courtyard.

  Outside the car, there were three people standing, they were Meng Qiyun, Ling Yuxuan, and Ling Zhiyu who had just met in the morning.

  Gu Zhiqi got out of the car, Ling Yuxuan and Meng Qiyun walked up to Gu Zhiqi in a few strides, and greeted Gu Zhiqi.

   Ling Zhiyu, who stayed where he was, was slightly taken aback after seeing Gu Zhiqi's appearance clearly.

   Unexpectedly, we will meet so soon.

  Master Gu?

  Uncle Master can make incense and alchemy in his mouth, and the very powerful Master Gu, is this girl?

   Thinking that the place where the two met for the first time was outside the Fragrance Trial, Ling Zhiyu's eyes flickered.

  (end of this chapter)

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