Chapter 1198 No matter who you are

  It all started with a young man who fell from the sky.

  Originally, the three of Gu Zhiqi were rushing towards the exit, when suddenly, a figure descended from the sky, passed through the trees covering the sky, and fell heavily in front of the three of them impartially.

  Looking at the young man who suddenly fell to the ground, Gu Zhiqi and the three of them all stopped in unison.

  When seeing the young man's clothes clearly, Tang Yichen and Yun Yao raised their eyebrows.

  Tang Yichen: "Hey, it seems to be a disciple of Qianjimeng."

  Yunyao didn't speak, just took a step forward, then squatted down, turned the young man over, and then the young man changed from lying on his stomach to lying on his back.

   Seeing the appearance of the young man clearly, a trace of surprise flashed in Tang Yichen's eyes, "Isn't this Yun Yang?"

  Gu Zhiqi glanced sideways at Tang Yichen, "Yun? The Yun family?"

  Tang Yichen nodded immediately.

  Yunyao, who was squatting on the ground, had already grabbed the young man's arm, planning to help him up.

  Seeing this, Gu Zhiqi stopped him, "Don't touch him."

  Yunyao heard the words, immediately took off the force from his hands, and looked back at Gu Zhiqi, with a questioning expression in his eyes.

   "He's seriously injured and can't move." Gu Zhiqi said, took a few steps forward, and squatted down beside Yun Yang.

   After listening to Gu Zhiqi's words, Yunyao immediately let go of the hand that was holding Yunyang's arm, retracted it, and looked at Gu Zhiqi.

  Gu Zhiqi squatted behind him, and tapped Yun Yang twice.

  As soon as he withdrew his hand, Yun Yang let out a muffled snort, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth on the side of his head.

   Seeing this, Yun Yao took a step forward, "Miss Gu, he..."

   Before Yunyao finished speaking, Tang Yichen grabbed her arm, "Oh, you can absolutely trust Gu Xiaoqi's medical skills, don't disturb her."

  Yunyao fell silent after hearing the words, and finally stood quietly by the side and looked at Gu Zhiqi.

  Gu Zhiqi took out a tissue from his pocket, and covered Yun Yang's arm.

   While Gu Zhiqi was taking Yun Yang's pulse, there was a loud noise in his ear.

   "Where is the person? Where did he go?"

   "It seems to be running towards the exit."

   "He must be trying to get out of the trial environment. Hurry up and don't let him out of the trial environment."

  The conversation was accompanied by the sound of footsteps, getting closer and closer to the three of Gu Zhiqi.

  Gu Zhiqi also heard those noises, while withdrawing his hand to take Yunyang's pulse, Gu Zhiqi said to Yunyao and Tang Yichen, "Don't let anyone disturb me to treat him."

  When Tang Yichen heard this, he immediately said, "Don't worry, Yunyao is here, no one can disturb you, right Yunyao?"

  Yunyao: "..."

  Yunyao remained silent and ignored Tang Yichen.

  However, he is ready to make a move.

  The sound of footsteps and conversations was getting closer, when a group of people wearing the same clothes appeared in the field of vision, Tang Yichen and Yun Yao were stunned for a moment.

   "It's also from Qianji League?" Tang Yichen said in doubt, then blinked, and looked at Yunyao sideways, "Yunyao, what's going on? Are you fighting in Qianji League?"

   Yun Yang was injured so badly, it was obvious that the person who injured him wanted his life.

  However, Tang Yichen remembered that the League of Thousands of Machines had a rule against infighting.

  Yunyao listened to Tang Yichen's question, but didn't speak, just squinted her eyes, looking at the group of people who were getting closer and closer.

  Gu Zhiqi had already taken out her small porcelain bottle and acupuncture bag and began to give Yun Yang the needles, and those people also surrounded the three of them and Yun Yang.

   "Who are you?" A disciple looked at the three and asked.

   Before the three of them could speak, another disciple immediately said, "No matter who you are, hand over that person immediately."

  (end of this chapter)

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