Chapter 1230 Zhizhi Online Complaint

  Yunyi's voice was light and ethereal, and she couldn't hear any emotion, but it made the woman's figure tremble slightly again.

  However, the woman still didn't speak, she lowered her head, her body trembling uncontrollably, but she insisted on straightening her back.

  Seeing this, Yunyi didn't look at the woman anymore, but turned slightly sideways, looking at Gu Zhiqi, "What did she want to do to you just now?"

   Being able to be taken to a dark cell shows that children are still very cooperative.

  It's only now that this woman has done something to her.

  After Yun Yi finished asking, she didn't get an answer from Gu Zhiqi.

  Since Yun Yi appeared, Gu Zhiqi's gaze has been on Yun Yi, with a look of wandering.

   Right now, I haven't recovered yet.

  Yunyi saw that she was staring at him all the time, but her deep and hazy eyes were not in focus, so Yunyi slightly raised her eyebrows, "My child, you're back to your senses."

   "Huh?" Yun Yi's voice brought Gu Zhiqi back to his senses.

  Yunyi watched her eyes stained with confusion, the corners of her mouth were slightly bent, and the bottom of her eyes was stained with a somewhat genuine smile, "What are you thinking?"

  The smile at the bottom of Gu Zhiqi's eyes dissipated, and it was stained with obvious cunning, and he said lazily and well-behaved: "Sister Yunyi is so charming, I am fascinated by it."

  As soon as Gu Zhiqi said this, Yun Yi fell silent, half-closed her peach eyes, looking at Gu Zhiqi, her eyes gradually darkened.

  The expressions of Tang Yichen and Fu Xiyan also became a little weird.

  Yun Yi looked at her, and Gu Zhiqi also raised his head slightly to look back at Yun Yi, his gaze never evading.

  The two looked at each other for a long time, finally, Yunyi coughed lightly, looked away, and then repeated the question just now, "What did she want to do to you just now?"

"Punishment." Gu Zhixi blurted out two words without even thinking about it, and then continued: "The reason I fought with those men in black is because the people they chased and killed owed me money, and if I don't save them, no one will pay you back." I have money."

  Debtors Liang Xiao and He Shishi: "..."

  So, shouldn't you be glad you haven't paid her back yet?

  The others were also very speechless.

  However, I don't know if it was the illusion of a few onlookers. They always felt that Gu Zhiqi's appearance was a bit like suing his parents.

Gu Zhixi didn't finish talking, he pointed at the woman, looked at Yunyi and continued: "She first brought me to the Law Enforcement Hall, and then put me in a dark cell, she only asked why she did it, and then she had to deal with it." I use punishment."

  After listening to Gu Zhiqi's words, Yunyi slightly raised her eyebrows.

   There was some surprise in the bottom of his eyes.

  This kid rarely speaks for such a long time.

   And, is this suing her?

  Yunyi raised her hand and patted the top of Gu Zhiqi's hair, "Leave it to me."

   After finishing speaking, Yunyi turned slightly sideways, and once again looked at the woman, the corners of her mouth were still slightly curved upwards, but her beautiful peach eyes were full of coldness and danger, "Punishment?"

   "Cooperating with the investigation requires punishment?"

   "What, my child committed a crime?"

  The woman felt the momentum pressing towards her again, and her body trembled uncontrollably, but she didn't speak.

  Yun Yi half-closed her eyes and looked at the woman, then said again, "I'm asking you something."

At the same time that Yunyi's voice fell, the woman clearly felt the pressure on her body a little heavier. The woman was bent over by the powerful aura, gritted her teeth and spoke with difficulty, "The torture is because... because she injured The disciples of our Law Enforcing Hall, still..."

Before the woman finished speaking, she was interrupted, this time, it was Tang Yichen who spoke, "Hey, can you show some face, it's clear that you tortured first, and Gu Xiaoqi did it later, how can you open your eyes and talk nonsense. "

  He heard clearly just now, and it is impossible for Gu Xiaoqi to lie, so it must be this woman who lied.

  (end of this chapter)

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