Chapter 1241 See you again

  As soon as Fu Xiyan said this, the office fell into a brief silence.

  Seeing that they didn't speak, Fu Xiyan continued, "The great elder of your Immortal Doctor League is here, and wants to meet you, saying that he wants to understand the situation."

  As soon as Fu Xiyan said this, Ling Zhiyu suddenly raised his eyes, and looked at Fu Xiyan, with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Why is he here?


   On the other side, after Gu Zhixi left the office, he reached into his pocket and took out a bunch of yellow paper.

   It was the burnt yellow paper that she put in her pocket during the fight just now.

  Slowly unwrapped the yellow paper, suddenly, a white light flashed on the yellow paper, and at a latitude invisible to others, a figure emerged from the yellow paper.

  As soon as the figure came out, he immediately bowed to Gu Zhiqi, "Miss Gu, thank you just now."

   It was Qi Rui who got out of the yellow paper.

   Today's Qi Rui, compared to before, has a much weaker soul.

  When he was fighting in the restaurant just now, he sensed that Ling Zhiyu was in danger, so he broke through the yellow paper seal and went to rescue Ling Zhiyu.

   Fortunately, Gu Zhiqi set up a formation on him and blocked the men in black in time, otherwise, Qi Rui might have lost his wits on the spot.

   You know, Qi Rui was injured because he broke through the seal, and couldn't withstand the blow of those men in black at all.

  Gu Zhiqi: "If you don't enter the path of reincarnation within 24 hours, your soul will be gone."

  Qi Rui was slightly taken aback when he heard this.

   Only twenty-four hours?

  Qi Rui's eyebrows were tinged with reluctance and worry.

  There must be a very powerful person behind those men in black, and I don't know what the result will be.

  Qi Rui was silent, and after a few seconds, he said to Gu Zhiqi: "Can I see her again?"

  Gu Zhiqi: "You can go to her now, don't leave there until I return to the office."

  Qi Rui heard this, thanked Gu Zhixi, and left.


  Qi Rui had just arrived at the door of the office when he happened to meet Fu Xiyan who was going to take Ling Zhiyu and the others to meet the Great Elder.

  Seeing this, Qi Rui immediately followed.

   In order to get a few more glances at Ling Zhiyu, Qi Rui quickened his pace, and finally kept shoulder to shoulder with Ling Zhiyu.

   It's just that Qi Rui had just walked to Ling Zhiyu's side when he noticed that Ling Zhiyu turned his head and glanced in his direction.

  Seeing this, Qi Rui immediately stopped in his tracks.

   For a moment, Qi Rui thought that Ling Zhiyu had seen him.

   Fortunately, Ling Zhiyu just glanced in his direction, then looked away, and continued walking forward.

  Qi Rui breathed a sigh of relief, and then continued to follow a few people.

   But this time, he didn't dare to follow too closely, but followed at a distance of two or three meters.

   A minute later, Fu Xiyan brought Ling Zhiyu and the others to a lounge.

  In the lounge, the Great Elder of the Immortal Medical League was sitting in it holding a cup of tea.

  Hearing the movement from the door, the Great Elder immediately put down the teacup.

   "Come here? Are you all injured?"

  As soon as the Great Elder said this, Ling Zhiyu subconsciously said, "Can't you see?"

   Didn't you see so many wounds on the three of them?

  The great elder looked at the large and small wounds on the faces and hands of the three of them, as well as... the gauze on the arms of Ling Zhiyu and Yu Shishi, and was silent for two seconds.

  Two seconds later, the Great Elder asked, "Is your arm okay?"

   This time, it was Yu Shishi who said, "It's okay."

  The Great Elder nodded upon hearing this, and then looked at Fu Xiyan, "I'm sorry to trouble you, can I have a private chat with the three children?"

  (end of this chapter)

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