Blast! The Group Favorite Fake Daughter Was Spoiled By the Film King and Cried

Chapter 1278: You also deserve to take her as an apprentice? (Replenish monthly ticket plus change)

  Chapter 1278 Are you also assigned to take her as a disciple? (Replenish monthly ticket plus change)

  Yang Caixuan listened, and her eyes were filled with surprise, "How could you not know, didn't you come together?"

   "Really." In an extremely perfunctory tone.

  When Yang Caixuan heard this, she almost couldn't keep the smile on her mouth, but fortunately, she kept it in the end, "Why are you standing here? Why don't you go in with us."

  Gu Zhiqi: "Wait."

As soon as Gu Zhiqi's voice fell, Sun Yujia said, "Who are you waiting for? I think she was stopped here because she sold her ticket and couldn't get in. She stood here to block Ling Shaohe Master Cui?"

  As soon as Sun Yujia said this, Ling Yuanzhou and Master Cui who were standing not far away frowned.

   Gu Zhixi didn't even lift his eyelids, and continued to watch the food video on his phone with slightly lowered eyes.

  Since Qiao Nan's soul body returned to her own body, she has resumed renewal, and it has been renewed a lot at once.

  During this time, Gu Zhiqi has been busy. I haven't watched it for a while, and I have saved seven or eight videos.

  Seeing that Gu Zhiqi ignored her, Sun Yujia took a few steps forward, reaching out to grab Gu Zhiqi's cell phone.

  Gu Zhiqi quickly took a step back, and at the same time, raised his hand and slapped the other party.


   A clear and loud voice sounded, Sun Yujia was stunned, and stood there blankly covering her face, Yang Caixuan was also stunned, Ling Yuanzhou and Master Cui didn't expect Gu Zhiqi to make a move, so they were also stunned for a moment.

   For a while, the scene fell into silence.

   Gu Zhixi looked at Sun Yujia calmly and said, "Get out of here."

  Sun Yujia finally came back to her senses, and rushed towards Gu Zhiqi with all her teeth and claws, "Gu Zhiqi! You..."


   was slapped again.

   "Ah!" Sun Yujia screamed in pain, and then began to stand there and cry, not daring to go forward.

   "Qiqi, how can you beat Jiajia? She just..."

  Before Yang Caixuan finished speaking, Gu Zhixi looked sideways at Yang Caixuan, "You want it too? I can give you two for free."

  Yang Caixuan subconsciously took two steps back when she heard the words, " are too much."

   After finishing speaking, she took two steps back, afraid that Gu Zhiqi's slap would fall on her face in the next second.

   Gu Zhiqi was sent to practice martial arts by the Gu family since she was a child, not to mention her, even Lu Xingzhe couldn't beat Gu Zhiqi.

  Yang Caixuan is in the same class as Gu Zhiqi in elementary school and kindergarten. In the past, whenever someone provoked Gu Zhiqi in the class, she would beat her up and scream, from kindergarten to elementary school.

  At the art festival last semester, she personally experienced Gu Zhiqi's slap in the face, and it took half a month to heal the injury on her face.

   "Gu Zhixi, do you know what you're doing?" At this moment, Ling Yuanzhou, who stood aside and watched for a long time, frowning into a mountain, spoke.

  Gu Zhiqi glanced at him and smiled: "What? The injury is healed? Want another free beating?"

  Ling Yuanzhou: "..."

   His face darkened, and he didn't speak again, just staring at Gu Zhiqi with serious eyes.

  What happened last time, he was sure that it was Gu Zhixi who beat him, but unfortunately, there was no physical evidence.

  He also tried to find the witnesses that day, but those people said that they saw Gu Xiyue and Gu Xingruo, but none of them said they saw Gu Zhiqi.

  Gu Zhiqi alone bluffed the three of Ling Yuanzhou, Master Cui said, "Your name is Gu Zhiqi, right?"

  Gu Zhiqi raised his eyes and glanced at the other party. When he realized that he didn't recognize him, he retracted his eyes and glanced at the time at the same time.

  The time is up, why haven't you come yet?

"To be so domineering at such a young age, this old man is quite knowledgeable." After Master Cui finished speaking, seeing that Gu Zhiqi was still ignoring him, he snorted coldly and continued, "You are the only one who deserves to be accepted as an apprentice by this old man? I told you, it’s absolutely impossible, it’s impossible in this life.”

  As soon as Master Cui finished speaking, a voice sounded behind him, "Are you also worthy of taking her as a disciple?"

   Add two more chapters

   Bookkeeping: There is still a chapter to add monthly tickets

good night, everyone



  (end of this chapter)

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