Chapter 1292 Fresh and hot melon

  When the first tweet came out, everyone was shocked, some believed it, some didn't believe it, and some were waiting for a reversal.

  After reading the post, Qiao Qingshu looked sideways at Gu Zhiqi and asked, "What did you do?"

   As he spoke, he handed the phone to Gu Zhiqi.

   After reading it, Gu Zhiqi shook his head at Qiao Qingshu, "It's not me, it's a family member."

  Gu Zhiqi did not do anything, she just let Fei Jiu do it.

  After Gu Yuluo lost her ticket yesterday, Gu Zhiqi gave Aunt Li two tickets, and then asked Fei Jiu to check the surveillance of the Gu family.

   Then I saw that the servant took the ticket.

  After that, the servant gave the ticket to Yang Caixuan.

  Walking around, Yang Caixuan came to her again with those two tickets.

   Originally, she didn't want to make such a big fuss.

   After all, she got the ticket back, and the servant has already been fired.

   Unexpectedly, she would make a fuss on the forum after selling a ticket. If there is no pusher behind this matter, she doesn't believe it.

  Since some people wanted to make things big, of course she had to do what they wanted.

  Qiao Qingshu listened to Gu Zhiqi's answer, and immediately took a seat, thinking of Gu Yuluo.

  She knew that Gu Yuluo was a hacker.


   It happens to be lunch break time, everyone has time to look at their mobile phones, and the first shift naturally also has time.

  So soon, the news that Gu Zhiqi's ticket sales had reversed spread among the first class.

  As soon as Sun Yujia heard the news, she immediately opened the post on the forum.

   It’s just that she didn’t take it seriously, "What kind of reversal can there be? It is a fact that Gu Zhiqi sold the tickets given by Xuanxuan. Even if she has tickets herself, she shouldn't openly sell them..."

  Sun Yujia clicked on the video while talking, and gradually, the words behind her got stuck in her throat, and she couldn't speak anymore.

  I saw that Yang Caixuan in the video was pouring something into Gu Zhiqi's cup.

   After that, there is a screenshot of the laxative purchase record...

  Sun Yujia flipped back in a daze. After watching the video and pictures, she sat in her seat and forgot to react for a while.

  She even suspected that she was dreaming, and those videos and screenshots above were not real.

   In her opinion, Yang Caixuan is a gentle and kind person, she is very kind to everyone.

  So, how could such a kind and gentle person do such a thing?

   Definitely fake.

  Sun Yujia called Yang Caixuan while thinking.

   Today, Yang Caixuan did not come to school.

  Sun Yujia remembered that when she was separated from her last night, she seemed to have said that she would gain some insights after listening to Feng Yu's performance, so she might not come to school today.

   It's just that after her call was made, she was not connected, and was quickly hung up.

   Seeing this, Sun Yujia made several calls in a row, but they couldn't get through. Finally, she reminded the other party to turn off the phone.

  Sun Yujia guessed that Yang Caixuan should know about it.

  Yang Caixuan did already know.

  Because she received a lot of messages insulting her, at first, she thought it was from Gu Zhiqi's admirer, and calmly persuaded him, but who knew that the other party was her admirer.

  Because of the news on the forum that she cheated their feelings, they all came to scold her.

   She also blamed herself for adding a lot of contact information of her admirers, but now she gave them a chance to insult her.

  Those who insulted her didn't explain the whole story clearly, they just let her watch the forum, so Yang Caixuan immediately went to the school forum, after she read the content on the forum, Yang Caixuan still had a look of disbelief.

   "How? How could this be?"

  How could there be surveillance video?

   Hasn't she already been hacked by hackers?

  (end of this chapter)

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