Chapter 1341 Zhiye Hero Saves the Sumerians

  After the second blow, a trace of blood finally overflowed from the corner of Su Yunling's mouth.

   "Zhizhi, the Sumerian is injured! They are vomiting blood." Fat Jiu, who was always paying attention to Su Yunling's situation, said to Gu Zhixi.

  Gu Zhiqi listened, and quickened his movements.

   "Don't panic, those five people have also fought over, and the fifth-level ancient warrior is temporarily entangled."

   "However, the situation of the Sumerians seems not to be very good."

  Fat Jiu broadcast in Gu Zhiqi's mind in real time, Gu Zhiqi didn't speak, and continued to make handprints.

   "It's over, it's over, the Sumerians seem to be exhausted."

   As soon as Feijiu finished speaking, Gu Zhiqi made the last series of handprints, and at the same time, a layer of golden brilliance appeared in the sky above the crowd, and the talisman formation was completed!

   Without stopping for a moment, Gu Zhiqi tapped the ground with his toes and flew towards Su Yunling.

  Qiao Qingshu also noticed that Su Yunling's energy was exhausted, and he was manipulating the green vine among the twin vines to look towards Su Yun.

   "Su San, today is your death day, hahaha..."

   Tianqing laughed loudly, joined hands with the leader, and slapped Su Yunling.

  Su Yunling's expression didn't change much, he floated in mid-air, closed his eyes, and still made handprints with his hands in front of him.

  Before the knot seal was completed, an ethereal whimper sounded like the cry of a whale.

  Hearing a familiar voice, Su Yunling paused slightly with his sealed hands, opened his eyes suddenly, and followed the sound.

  I saw that a huge phantom of a big fish passed over his head, and then went straight towards Tian Qingyi and Angel's leader.

   "Kun! It's Kun!" As soon as Tian Qing saw the phantom, he panicked and turned around to run away.

  Tian Qingyi spoke Xia Guoyu, but the leader couldn't understand, so he asked Tian Qingyi, "What did you say?"

   "Yunzhi! It's Yunzhi!"

  The leader still didn't understand Tian Qingyi's words, but he understood the name Yun Zhi.

  Yun stop?

   Is that the one who destroyed Tongtian Sect by himself?

  Just hearing this name, the leader's legs trembled a little.

  His reaction was the same as Tian Qingyi's, he just wanted to escape.

  However, there is no escape.

  The big fish with wings directly passed through the leader's heart, then crashed into Tian Qingyi's back, and finally sprang out from Tian Qingyi's heart.

  The two were briefly frozen in midair for a few seconds, and then both fell quickly.

  The phantom that penetrated the hearts of the two of them didn't stay for a moment, and slammed into Tianjing on the other side.

  The phantom seems to be able to teleport, and it seems to be able to clone. In a blink of an eye, the sky is full of phantoms of big fish.

  Frozen for a few seconds, Angel's people fell like dumplings.

  And those phantoms closed one after another, and finally became one, and a figure was wrapped in the phantom.

  Su Yunling didn't need to get too close to know that it was Gu Zhiqi's figure.

   Humans and kuns merge into one, and ten thousand kuns return to one.

   This is the eighth level of Kunpeng Yin, which can only be completed if the ancient martial arts have reached the eighth level.

  So, this kid's cultivation has reached the eighth level?

  Because the vines replenished his energy, Su Yunling recovered a little energy. At this time, he was floating in mid-air, looking at Gu Zhiqi from a distance, without moving.

  People on the ground stared blankly at the sky. Through the gap between twin vines, they saw the masked man standing in the air, and the wind lifted the corner of his clothes, swinging gently.

  And the girl who walked out of the phantom of Kunpeng was walking towards the man step by step through the void.

  Su Yunling's eyes kept on Gu Zhiqi, and he didn't come back to his senses until she got closer and closer.

   It's just that the child's situation doesn't seem right. The cold air lingering around his body is too heavy, and his eyes are extremely cold. There is no emotion, deep and quiet, and he can't see the bottom.

  Finally, Gu Zhiqi stopped two steps away from Su Yunling, then raised his head slightly, stared at him fixedly, without saying a word.

  (end of this chapter)

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