Chapter 1385 The line of kinship is broken

   Trembling slightly, Zhang Xiuli didn't dare to finish the rest.

  Gu Lingpi smiled and said: "Misfortune comes from the mouth, madam."

  Seeing this, Zhang Xiuli subconsciously took two steps back. After she realized it, she felt annoyed, and was about to yell at her when Yu Weiyin pulled her arm.

  Seeing this, Zhang Xiuli shut up.

  Yu Weiyin took a step forward and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I just saw my mother fall down, and I was a little irrational."

  Gu Zhiqi listened, but just smiled lazily.

  At this time, the elevator door opened, Gu Zhiqi glanced sideways at Gu Ling, "Let's go."

  Seeing this, Gu Ling immediately stepped up to keep up.

   However, before the two entered the elevator, they were stopped by a hand.

   "Gu Zhiqi, right?" Yu Hanxing, who had been silent all this time, spoke, and it was he who stopped Gu Zhiqi.

  Gu Zhiqi glanced at the arm lying in front of him, then looked sideways at Yu Hanxing, "Please get out of the way."

  Yu Hanxing was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, facing Gu Zhiqi's deep and hazy eyes, Yu Hanxing subconsciously folded his arms.

  Seeing this, Gu Zhixi stepped directly into the elevator.

  Gu Ling also followed in.

  Yu Hanxing finally regained his composure, and pushed against the elevator door.

   Then he looked at Gu Zhixi and said, "I'm Yu Hanxing, Weiyin's elder brother, let's chat."

  Gu Zhiqi: "I'm not interested, please let go."

   As he spoke, Gu Zhiqi set his eyes on his hand that was holding the elevator door.

  Yu Hanxing didn't listen, and said to himself: "Not to mention, one of Weiyin and her mother is your own sister, and the other is your own mother. They are now members of my Yu family. You just did that..."

  Before Yu Hanxing finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gu Zhiqi, "I'll give you two choices."

  Yu Hanxing:?

  Gu Zhiqi: "Take your hand away or let me remove it for you, choose one."

  Yu Hanxing's eyes were filled with astonishment, "What did you say?"

  As soon as Yu Hanxing finished speaking, Gu Zhiqi appeared in front of him.


  With a crisp sound, Yu Hanxing snorted.

  Gu Zhiqi: "Get out of here."

   After finishing speaking, he kicked him directly and kicked him out.

  The main purpose was to make him let go of the elevator door, so when kicking, Gu Zhiqi only used 10% of his force.

   Even so, Yu Hanxing staggered back for several steps before barely stopping.

   After stopping, Yu Hanxing hugged his stomach and stood there for several seconds with a look of astonishment.

   After a few seconds, he hugged his arms in pain.

   Seeing this, Yu Weiyin and Zhang Xiuli immediately stepped forward.

   "Brother Xing."

   "Han Xing, are you okay?"


  In the elevator, Gu Ling looked at Gu Zhiqi with a complicated expression, "Master Zhi, that girl just now... your own mother?"

  Gu Zhiqi heard the words, tilted his head and thought for a while, and said, "Probably not."

  Gu Ling:?


  What is possibility?

   Regardless of Gu Ling's doubts, Gu Zhiqi didn't say anything more, but lowered his eyes with a hint of deep thought.

  Mysterious masters can not only calculate kinship lines for others, but also can calculate their own kinship lines after their cultivation level is high enough.

  When she was in Haicheng Hospital, because she was really suspicious, Gu Zhiqi had already counted the relationship between her and Zhang Xiuli before, and there was indeed a relationship.

  When she arrived at Yueqi Village, after meeting Gu Bo, she did the math, but it turned out that she and Gu Bo had no blood relationship.

  She always thought that she was the child of Zhang Xiuli and someone else.

  But after seeing Zhang Xiuli today, Gu Zhiqi found that the line of kinship between the two was broken.

  She calculated repeatedly, and it was indeed broken, very cleanly.

  (end of this chapter)

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