Chapter 1392 Excuse me, are the Sumerians there?

   "Brother Yang, are you really sure that your sister is a mysterious master?"

  Gu Mengyang came back to his senses, glanced at Qin Minglang and said: "She usually doesn't talk nonsense."

   After speaking, thinking of Gu Zhiqi's words just now, he told Qin Minglang again, "Even if you don't look for her, you should look for other profound masters."

  Qin Minglang didn't reach a deal with Gu Zhiqi, and Gu Mengyang didn't say much, just told him to take Gu Zhiqi's words to heart.

  If someone asked him to spend 10 million fortune-telling, his first thought would be that the other party is a liar.

   That is because the little girl is his sister, so when the little girl said that she would tell his fortune, he would transfer the money directly to her without hesitation.

   But if it were someone else, let alone tens of millions, he wouldn't even give a hundred yuan.

  However, after all, Qin Minglang's safety is involved, so Gu Mengyang still reminded him.

  As soon as Gu Mengyang's words came out, Qin Minglang suddenly had the feeling that the two brothers and sisters were playing him.

  However, this idea was soon thrown away by him.

   I was a little torn in my heart, whether to spend 10 million to find Gu Mengyang's sister, or find another mysterious master to settle the matter.


   After Gu Zhi got out of the box, he went directly to the elevator to the seventh floor.

  Gu Zhiqi has been here many times with Su Yunling, and knows where Su Yunling's exclusive box is.

  After arriving outside the box, Gu Zhiqi first reached out and knocked on the door of the box.

   Soon, a clear and pleasant voice came from inside, "Come in."

  Gu Zhiqi heard this voice, his ears moved slightly, and then pushed open the door.

  After pushing the door open, he didn't go in immediately. He held the door handle with both hands and looked into the box with his head.

  In the antique box, Su Yunling was looking down at the book.

Today, he is wearing an off-white sweater without a coat. At this time, a burner of incense is burning in front of him, and the cigarette is curling up. A few wisps of smoke hazy his face, adding a bit of hazy beauty to him .

  Gu Zhiqi saw the scene in the box clearly, and asked, "Excuse me, is the Sumerian there?"

   After the words came out, Gu Zhiqi was silent for a while.

  How did you call this title?

  In the private room, Su Yunling was reading a book with slightly lowered eyes.

  Hearing the familiar voice, Su Yunling tightened her hand on the book slightly, then immediately raised her eyes and looked at the door of the box.

   Then I saw the girl poking out half of her head and standing at the door of the box.

  There was a sly and lazy smile on the corner of his mouth, and for some reason, his eyes were stained with annoyance.

  The appearance is very cute.

  The corner of Su Yunling's mouth bent unconsciously, and he didn't pay attention to Gu Zhiqi's address to him. He put the book aside and waved to Gu Zhiqi, "Why don't you come in while standing there?"

  Gu Zhiqi heard the words and stepped into the box.

  Just walked up to Su Yunling, Su Yunling pointed to the seat aside, "Sit here."

  Seeing this, Gu Zhiqi immediately took a seat beside him.

  Su Yunling poured her a cup of hot tea and pushed it in front of her, "Have you eaten yet?"

  Gu Zhiqi listened and nodded, "I've eaten."

   After finishing speaking, he picked up the tea in front of him and took a sip.

  It is the cold winter, although I have practiced ancient martial arts, I am not afraid of the cold, but when the cold wind blows, I can't help but feel a little chilly.

   After drinking a cup of hot tea, I immediately feel warm.

  Su Yunling took out a plate of snacks from the storage ring and put it in front of Gu Zhiqi, and asked, "Why did you come to Yancheng?"

  Looking at the extra snacks in front of him, Gu Zhiqi's eyes moved slightly, he put down the teacup, and took a piece of snacks.

   "Come and check something."

   After finishing speaking, he took a bite of the snack.

  Su Yunling slightly raised his eyebrows, "What's the matter?"

  Gu Zhiqi paused for a moment while biting the pastry, tilted his head and thought for a while, and didn't know where to start.

  Finally, I chose to ask Su Yunling a question, "Do you know Q? A hypnotist."

Good night



  (end of this chapter)

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