Chapter 1503 Don't look for whisk today

  Gu Mengyang thought he could handle Gu Zhiqi easily, but, obviously, this time he was going to make a mistake.

  Gu Zhiqi: "I am not looking for Fuchen today."

  Gu Mengyang:?

  This is different from before.

   Before he had time to think about it, Gu Mengyang immediately said, "Then what are you looking for? No, you just need to tell me where you are going."

  Gu Zhiqi listened, fell silent, and directly refused, "I won't tell you."

  Gu Mengyang: "..."

  You have changed, you are no longer the easy-to-deceive Daojun Yunzhi.

  Gu Zhiqi: "If there is nothing else, I will die."

   "No, you wait..."

  Of course, before Gu Mengyang could finish speaking, the phone was hung up.

   Several people standing next to Gu Mengyang looked at Gu Mengyang questioningly.

   "How is it, sister Zhizhi?"

   "That's right, where is Master Zhi?" This is what Lu Yao asked.

  Gu Mengyang ignored the crowd, but went straight to the seat where Gu Zhiqi had been sitting just now, and fiddled for a while, and finally found a cup.

  Looking at the crowd, he asked, "Who gave this to her?"

  Seeing this, Qin Minglang silently raised his hand, "Sister Zhizhi said that she wanted to try it, so I poured her a half cup."

  Gu Mengyang: "..."

  Qin Minglang watched Gu Mengyang want to stab him, and silently shrank his neck.

   "Oh, now is not the time to talk about this, what happened to Junior Brother Gu and Sister Zhizhi?" Wan Yexue spoke, breaking the quiet atmosphere.

  Gu Mengyang finally came to his senses when he heard the words, "She can't drink, she's drunk now, she said she was in the car."

   After Gu Mengyang finished speaking, he called Gu Zhiqi again.

  The phone rang for a few seconds, then hung up.

  Gu Mengyang cursed secretly, and finally turned around to call Gu Yuluo.


   At six o'clock, Su Yunling returned to the villa on time.

   However, after returning to the villa, I found that there was no one in the villa.

  No one in the living room, no one outside, no one in the upstairs room.

  Hearing this, Su Yun secretly clicked his tongue, took out his phone and took a look.

  Very well, a certain kid never sent him a single message.

  Thinking that she seems to like to leave without saying goodbye, I feel a little depressed.

  He took out his phone and called Gu Zhiqi.

   However, no one answered.

  A trace of doubt flashed across Su Yunling's eyes, and just as he was about to call her again, he received a call from Yunyi.


  Yunyi: "Where are you now?"

   "Where is the villa?" Su Yunling walked to the dining table while answering the phone, and found that the ring that Gu Zhi had left in the morning was on the table, so she reached out to pick it up.

   And in Najie, there is still unfinished breakfast.

  Why did you only eat a little?

   While Su Yunling was wondering, Yunyi's voice came from the phone, "I'm going to come over today, is it convenient for you?"

  Su Yunling: "It's not convenient."


  Su Yunling: "The child may have to come back at night."

  Although I like to leave without saying goodbye, I don't rule out the possibility that I haven't left yet.

  After Yunyi finished listening, her tone was tinged with joy, "Is she also in Yancheng?"

   Before Su Yunling could say anything, Yunyi said again, "Since she's here, I'm coming."

  Su Yunling: "..."

   Just as he was about to say something, he heard a doorbell ring.

  A trace of doubt flashed across Su Yunling's eyes, and he walked to the balcony outside the living room, and immediately saw a familiar figure standing outside the door.

   "I'll come over today, that's it..."

  Before Yun Yi finished speaking, the phone was hung up by Su Yunling.

  (end of this chapter)

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