Chapter 1588 Zhizhi: Lack of money

  Hearing Gu Zhiqi's muttering, Su Yunling remembered that this little girl seemed to have lost her memory.

  He raised his hand and rubbed the top of Gu Zhiqi's hair gently, and said softly, "It's okay, I'll remember."

  Gu Zhiqi listened, and nodded slightly depressed.

   About three minutes later, there was a knock on the door of the box.


  As soon as Su Yunling's voice fell, the door of the box was pushed open.

  A man in a suit and leather shoes led two burly staff members, with an excited yet apprehensive expression, he opened the door and walked in.

  The second the three of them stepped into the box, Gu Zhixi could tell that the two staff members were ancient warriors.

  As soon as he entered the box, the man in the suit closed the door, and then took the time to look at Su Yunling and Gu Zhiqi.

  The moment he saw Su Yunling clearly, the man in the suit was stunned for a moment, his eyes filled with astonishment, and when he recovered, he immediately greeted Su Yunling respectfully, "Third Lord."

  The man in the suit is the manager of the auction house. In fact, he doesn't know Su Yunling's identity as the leader of Yingjun, but he knows that Su Yunling is the third master of the Su family in the imperial capital, so he respectfully calls him the third master.

  Su Yunling nodded to him.

  Seeing this, the manager immediately walked up to Su Yunling, and asked in a low voice, "Third Master, I heard that you have a work by Master Baizhi in your hand. Is it true?"

  Su Yunling nodded, picked up the gift box on the table, and handed it to the manager.

   This time, Gu Zhiqi found a better-looking box, but it was still a cardboard box, but it was better than the express box.

  The manager looked at the box Su Yunling handed over, his expression a little cracked, but, thinking of the rumors about Master Baizhi, the manager was relieved.

   It is rumored that Master Baizhi does not stick to details, not to mention packing sculptures in paper boxes, it is also possible to pack sculptures in takeaway boxes and express boxes.

  Thinking of this, Manager Wang thinks it is more likely that the box is the real product of Master Baizhi.

   Tremblingly, he stretched out his trembling hand and took the box.

   After taking it, he immediately carried the box into his arms, then carefully opened the box a little, and took a quick look.

   After reading it, he hissed and immediately closed the box.

  Looking like that, it looks like there is something shady inside.

   "Third...Third Lord, is this thing going to be auctioned today or..." Halfway through the question, the manager suddenly changed his words, "Look, can we auction it next time?"

   "I'll put up an advertisement first, next time there will definitely be more people coming, and then there will definitely be more money."

   "Of course, I know that San Ye is not short of money, but no one has trouble with money, so, look..."

  Su Yunling knew what the manager meant.

  Master Baizhi has a great reputation, and there are countless people in Xia Kingdom who want to buy her real products.

   Not only Xia, but also other countries.

  If the advertisement is published, there will definitely be a lot of people who will come here for the name. The more people there are, the more intense the competition will be, and the auction price will definitely be higher.

  Thinking of this, Su Yunling glanced sideways at Gu Zhiqi, "What do you mean?"

  Gu Zhiqi: "I'm short of money."

  Su Yunling: "..."


  Although he didn't know why Su Yunling asked the little girl what she meant, the manager figured it out. When this spirit sculpture will be photographed depends on the little girl.

  Thinking of this, the manager immediately said, "If this is really the real thing of Master Baizhi, the auction price will definitely not be less than 100 million. If you are short of money, miss, I can give you 90 million first!"

Good night



  (end of this chapter)

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