Blast! The Group Favorite Fake Daughter Was Spoiled By the Film King and Cried

Chapter 1718: ISU's connection with the Ever Winning Army

  Chapter 1718 The connection between ISU and Changying Army

   Noticing Yi Tingfeng's gaze, Gu Zhiqi felt a little uncomfortable, looked back at Yi Tingfeng, and asked, "Elder brother, why are you here?"

"Did you forget, I'm... yes, you really forgot." Thinking of Gu Zhiqi's amnesia, Yi Tingfeng said this first, and then explained to Gu Zhiqi, "I am the ISU Personnel Department minister."

   After finishing speaking, thinking of something, he suddenly stopped, looked at Gu Zhiqi mysteriously and said, "Junior Sister, do you want to join ISU?"

  Gu Zhiqi shook his head.

  She still wants to earn enough money to retire, so she doesn't want to increase her workload.

  Seeing this, Yi Tingfeng looked regretful.

   Failed again.

  Actually, he had already tried to lure his junior sister into the ISU two years ago, but was rejected.

   Unexpectedly, the younger junior sister still refused after losing her memory.

  However, it is actually quite good not to join.

  After all, after joining ISU, there are many things to be busy, and many tasks are life-threatening.

  I don't know what Yi Tingfeng was thinking, after listening to Yi Tingfeng's words, Gu Zhiqi pondered for a few seconds, then looked at Su Yunling, "Is my brother also from ISU?"

   According to Yi Tingfeng's words, Su Yunling seems to be from ISU.

  As soon as Gu Zhiqi's question came out, before Su Yunling could speak, Yi Tingfeng spoke first, "Hey? Didn't Ayun tell you that he is also from ISU?"

  Gu Zhiqi looked at Yi Tingfeng, although he didn't speak, his expression was very obvious.

   "Then he is the manager of Changying Army, you should know that, right?" Yi Tingfeng first asked Gu Zhiqi.

  After Gu Zhiqi nodded, Yi Tingfeng began to introduce the connection between ISU and Changying Army to Gu Zhiqi.

  It turns out that the founders of ISU and Changying Army are the same person, and both forces were established five hundred years ago.

  In these years, the management of the two forces are basically the same.

   It’s just that ISU has a lot of things to do, and the four of Su Yunling have to manage the Changying Army and the ISU, and they are a bit too busy.

  Thus, they found trustworthy people such as Yi Tingfeng, Ji Xiangsi, Ji Encounter to manage the ISU.

  In recent years, the focus of the management of the four of Su Yunling has been on the Changying Army, while Yi Tingfeng and others are helping to manage the ISU.

  After listening to Yi Tingfeng's narration, Gu Zhiqi understood.

   No wonder the Changying Army can freely enter and exit all countries. It turns out that they still have ISU tokens in their hands.


  The three of Gu Zhiqi walked around the ISU, and when the time was almost up, they returned to the Xilu Villa area.

  Yi Tingfeng also returned to the villa area with the two of them.

  As soon as he arrived at the gate of the villa, he found two people standing at the gate of the villa, they were Fu Xiyan and Tang Yichen.

  As soon as he saw the three of Gu Zhiqi, Tang Yichen said, "Third Brother, Gu Xiaoqi, are you back?"

   "I just said that no one answered the door after ringing the doorbell for a long time. It turns out that there is really no one inside."

  Su Yun listened, raised his eyebrows, and said casually, "Have you learned how to ring the doorbell?"

  How could he remember that Tang Yichen used to jump over the wall and enter regardless of whether he was there or not?

   Tang Yichen knew Su Yunling's subtext, coughed lightly, then stretched out his hand and scratched his head and said, "No, it's different from before."

   As he spoke, he silently glanced at Gu Zhiqi.

  The third brother is about to have a family.

  So, the door to knock still has to knock.

   In this case, if you look in and see something you shouldn't see, you might be beaten up by the third brother.

  Su Yun understood Tang Yichen's words, raised his eyelids, and gave Tang Yichen a meaningful look.

  Then walked to the door and pressed the password.

   Several people went in together.

  (end of this chapter)

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