Chapter 1724 Zhi Zhi: Not a family member yet

  Gu Zhiqi: "It's ready."

   "That's good, that's good." Teacher Mo said this first, then looked at Gu Zhiqi, and asked again, "Will it affect the exam?"

  Gu Zhiqi shook his head.

  Seeing this, Teacher Mo was finally relieved.

"By the way, my brother learned that you got full marks in the national competition, and wants to meet you, so I'll take you to meet him." After Teacher Mo finished speaking, he introduced his brother to Gu Zhiqi, "He He's a professor at the Department of Chemistry at Imperial University..."

  Gu Zhiqi looked back at Su Yunling, "Go ahead, I'll go back after finishing the exam."

  Just now Su Yunling answered a phone call in the car, and the other person seemed to be urging him to go to a meeting.

  Su Yunling pondered for two seconds, and finally said to Gu Zhixi, "Come out and send me a message, and I'll send someone to pick you up."


  Su Yunling reached out and rubbed Gu Zhiqi's hair, then said goodbye to several people and left.

  When Gu Zhiqi spoke to Su Yunling, Teacher Mo stopped talking. After Su Yunling left, Teacher Mo asked, "Student Gu Zhiqi, is that... from your family?"

  Gu Zhiqi raised his eyebrows almost invisibly, his eyes darkened slightly, "Not yet."

  Ms. Mo:?

  Listening to Gu Zhiqi's answer, Lu Xingzhe and Qiao Qingshu both turned their heads and glanced at her with complicated expressions.

  Mr. Mo didn't understand the meaning of Gu Zhiqi's words, but he didn't get entangled in this matter either.

  After all, middle-aged and elderly people really don't understand very well when children nowadays speak.

  The professor that Mr. Mo said was Professor Lin Yongtan, who was also the teacher Gu Hanyu was talking about.

   After Mr. Mo brought Gu Zhiqi to Lin Yongtan, he introduced them.

  After getting to know each other, Professor Lin Yongtan looked at Gu Zhiqi kindly, "Xiao Qi, don't you mind if I call you that?"

  Gu Zhiqi shook his head, expressing that he didn't mind.

   Gu Zhiqi doesn't mind, but Teacher Mo does.

  He has been Gu Zhiqi's homeroom teacher for more than half a year, and he has never called Xiaoqi. His senior brother just met him for the first time, so he called Xiaoqi?

   Not knowing what Teacher Mo was thinking, Professor Lin continued to look at Gu Zhiqi with a smile, "I'm not acquainted, besides being your teacher Mo's brother, I'm also your brother Gu Hanyu's teacher."

   "Your brother, he always mentions you in front of me."

  As soon as Professor Lin said this, Teacher Mo glanced at him sideways, good guy, so there is still such a relationship.

  Professor Lin and Gu Zhiqi finished their relationship, and then began to talk about how good Imperial University is, and finally returned to the topic, asking Gu Zhiqi to consider the Department of Chemistry of Imperial University.

   Originally, he had asked for leave to go to Gu's family in Haicheng.

  But Gu Zhiqi is not at home.

  After learning that Gu Zhiqi was a student of Mo Zeming and was going to take the admissions exam for the No. 1 College, Professor Lin took the initiative to take over the job of taking the students from Imperial University to the No. 1 College for the exam.

   One is to win over people, and the other is that I really want to meet this little girl.

   Teacher Mo on the side couldn't listen anymore, "Brother, I'm sorry, my student is going to be admitted to the first hospital."

  Professor Lin heard the words, and immediately said: "After finishing the undergraduate, it is the same to take the postgraduate entrance examination. Xiaoqi is so good, he will definitely be able to pass the entrance examination anytime."

  Mr. Mo: "Are you saying this out of conscience? If not, don't say it."

  The two brothers who were chatting and laughing just now had a tendency to quarrel.

  Principal Gu standing beside saw this, and was about to speak when he heard a sneer from beside him.


   "I don't know the so-called, do you think the first hospital is so easy to get into?"

  (end of this chapter)

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