Chapter 1726 Go to Wei's house

   Teacher Mo saw that the three of them had agreed, and nodded in satisfaction. Thinking of something, he also glanced at Gu Xiyue, "You too, restrain your temper."

  He has known Gu Xiyue for several years, and he also knows her temper.

   is the Lord who can move his hands but never speaks.

  Compared to Gu Zhiqi and the other three, Gu Xiyue is more worrying.

  Gu Xiyue raised her eyes when she heard the words, and finally responded lightly.

   "Okay, it's almost time, everyone is here, let's go in." After speaking, Teacher Mo took the lead and walked towards the entrance of the college.

  Gu Zhiqi and the others followed behind Teacher Mo.

  Gu Xiyue walked up to Gu Zhiqi, looked at her and asked, "Are you feeling better?"

  Gu Zhiqi: "I'm fine."

  Gu Xiyue nodded, and then said to Gu Zhixi, "Wei Jingyu wants to see you, Shen Tong's matter, he wants to ask you for help."

  Thinking of Shen Tong's situation, Gu Zhiqi did not refuse, but asked, "When?"

  Gu Xiyue: "If it's possible, I can go there after finishing the examination room, is it convenient?"

  Gu Zhiqi thought for a while, and nodded as if nothing happened after watching the examination room.


  Because Central Continent College is very big, most of the time was spent walking, but it didn’t take too long, and I finished it in less than an hour.

   After watching the examination room, Gu Zhiqi and Gu Xiyue went to Wei's house together.

  On the way, Gu Xiyue and Gu Zhiqi talked about Shen Tong's situation.

  Shen Tong was hypnotized by Angel's people, and now he refuses to approach anyone, doesn't talk, and doesn't eat well.

  It has been two days since the baby was born, and every time I wake up, I want the baby. As long as I don’t see the baby, I feel very emotional.

  After holding the child, no one will let anyone touch the child.

   In short, the situation is bad.

  Earlier, Wei Jingyu and Gu Xiyue guessed that Gu Zhiqi was a hypnotist. This time, they wanted to invite her to see how Shen Tong was doing.

  Shen Tong had just given birth two days ago, and Shen Tong couldn't get out of bed yet, so after arriving at Wei's house, Gu Xiyue and Gu Zhiqi went directly to the second floor.

  Shen Tong's room is on the second floor.

   As soon as the two went up to the second floor, they saw Wei Jingyu smoking in the corridor on the second floor, looking very haggard.

  Hearing footsteps, Wei Jingyu immediately looked sideways at the two of them.

   Seeing Gu Zhiqi, Wei Jingyu's eyes brightened.

   Stuff out the cigarette in his hand, throw the cigarette **** into the trash can beside him, and walk towards the two of them, "Boss, sister Zhizhi, are you here?"

  The two nodded to Wei Jingyu.

  Gu Xiyue looked at Wei Jingyu and asked, "How is Shen Tong now?"

   "I just woke up not long ago, and now I'm hugging the baby." Wei Jingyu said with a wry smile, and said, "It's just that they keep chasing me out, guarding me like guarding against thieves."

   After finishing speaking, Wei Jingyu looked at Gu Zhiqi, "Sister Zhizhi, you...please help Tongtong."

   "As long as you can restore Tongtong to normal, you can pay as much as you want."

  Gu Zhiqi: "Let's take a look at Shen Tong's situation first."

  She had also seen Shen Tong's situation before, and she had been hypnotized several times, and her spirit was a little damaged.

   I don’t know if the situation got worse after the production was over.

  When Wei Jingyu heard this, he nodded immediately, "Yes, let's see first, you come with me."

   Saying that, Wei Jingyu took Gu Zhiqi and Gu Xiyue to the room where Shen Tong lived.

  In the room, Shen Tong hugged the child, humming an unknown tune softly.

  The child held in her arms was very well-behaved. Although he wasn't asleep, he didn't cry or fuss.

  When the three of Gu Zhiqi appeared at the door, Shen Tong in the room paused, and suddenly turned his head to look outside the door, his eyes full of vigilance.

  (end of this chapter)

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