Blast! The Group Favorite Fake Daughter Was Spoiled By the Film King and Cried

Chapter 1732: Fu Xiyan said to Zhizhi: There is a white hair

  Chapter 1732 Fu Xiyan said to Zhizhi: There is a white hair

   "As long as you are my mother's goddaughter, you will be the only young lady in our Tang family. At that time, not only me, my parents, but also the eldest brother will give you pocket money."

   "This is not getting rich overnight?"

   After Tang Yichen finished speaking, he looked at Gu Zhiqi fixedly, "How is it? How is it?"

  Gu Zhiqi: "..."

not so good.

   Tang Yichen saw that Gu Zhiqi didn't speak, and continued: "My parents are very kind. They always wanted a daughter, but they never got pregnant. If you treat them as a goddaughter, they must be very happy."

   "If you agree, I will take you back to the imperial capital to meet them after you finish the exam."

  After Tang Yichen finished speaking, even Su Yunling beside him couldn't help but said, "Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang are easy to get along with, if you want, you can consider the fourth one."

  Su Yunling has been to the Tang family many times, and he is very familiar with the Tang family's parents. He also knows how they behave.

  If Gu Zhiqi becomes the goddaughter of the Tang family, it will be nothing more than two more people who will protect her.

  Thinking from this point of view, Su Yunling quite agrees with Tang Yichen's suggestion.

  Gu Zhiqi heard the words, but did not speak.

  Seeing this, Su Yunling spoke again, and said, "If you don't want to, just refuse. We are so familiar, so there is no need to bear any burden."

   As he spoke, he was about to raise his hand to rub Gu Zhiqi's hair.

   But before touching Gu Zhiqi's head, he heard Gu Zhiqi hiss lightly, and raised his hand to cover the back of his head.

  Su Yunling's outstretched hand paused.

  Gu Zhiqi raised his eyes, just in time to see Su Yunling's raised hand, "Did you pull my hair?"

  Su Yunling: "It's not me, it's him."

   As he spoke, he pointed at Fu Xiyan who was a few steps behind Gu Zhiqi.

  He was standing next to Gu Zhiqi just now, and he could clearly see Fu Xiyan's movements.

   It was Fu Xiyan who pulled Gu Zhiqi's hair, and seemed to put it in his pocket.

  Although Fu Xiyan moved quickly, he still saw it.

  So, what is this guy trying to do by hiding children's hair?

  Gu Zhiqi followed Su Yunling's movements and looked at Fu Xiyan, with questioning eyes.

  Fu Xiyan: "I have a white hair."

  Su Yun listened to the words, raised her eyebrows and looked at Fu Xiyan, her eyes were full of disbelief.

   "White hair? Are you sure?" Gu Zhiqi also looked at Fu Xiyan suspiciously.

  This body is only seventeen years old, how could it have white hair?

  Fu Xiyan was a little flustered, but his face remained unchanged, and he nodded at Gu Zhiqi, "Yeah."

  Gu Zhiqi: "..."

  Because Fu Xiyan's expression was too sincere, Gu Zhi believed it.

  Raising his hand, he stroked the top of his hair, not in a good mood.

   Could it be that your hair has grown gray due to being too tired and thinking too much recently?


  That night, Gu Zhiqi received a message from Gu Xiyue.

  【Fifth Sister: Qiqi, there is something I want to ask you】

  【Qiqi: What? 】

  Although Gu Xiyue's previous message was sent half an hour ago, as soon as Gu Zhiqi's news passed, Gu Xiyue immediately sent another message.

  【Fifth Sister: The document you gave to Dayu today, the piano... was it you who played it? 】

  【Qiqi: Yes】

   This time, after the message was sent, Gu Xiyue has been in the input state.

  Gu Zhiqi thought that Gu Xiyue would send a long message, but after 30 seconds, Gu Xiyue only sent five words.

  【Fifth Sister: Are you Jingluo? 】

   Gu Zhiqi looked at this question and fell into deep thought.

   Is this another fan of Whalefall?

  (end of this chapter)

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