Chapter 1748 Fu Yingying's life experience

  The reason why Fu Xiyan suspects that Gu Zhiqi is his real sister is because he saw a paternity test at Jin Huazhu last year.

   It belonged to Jin Huazhu and Fu Yingying. The appraisal result is: Fu Yingying and Jin Huazhu have no mother-daughter relationship.

  When Fu Xiyan saw the result, he couldn't believe it.

  Fu Xiyan was already seven years old when his mother was pregnant with her third child.

  He clearly remembered Jin Huazhu's belly upright.

  The child was born by Jin Huazhu, how could it not be born by Jin Huazhu?

  Because Gu Xiyue had just returned home not long ago, and had seen the wrong child in the real world, so, subconsciously, Fu Xiyan also wondered if the third child in their family had also hugged the wrong child.

  So, he secretly appraised Fu Yingying and his father again.

  But the result of the appraisal is that the two are father and daughter.

  When Fu Xiyan saw the appraisal result, it was difficult for him to accept it.

  Fu Yingying was not born to Jin Huazhu, but she and Fu Mengchuan were her biological father and daughter. Fu Xiyan really couldn't accept this result.

  But the child was clearly born of Jin Huazhu, even if it was not Fu Mengchuan's own, it is impossible to be a non-biological child of Jin Huazhu.

  But the fact is that Fu Yingying was born to Fu Mengchuan.

   So, what about the baby the mother gave birth to?

  Fu Xiyan couldn't figure it out. In the end, he came up with a conjecture that was very possible but hard for him to accept.

  Perhaps, Fu Yingying is the child of Fu Mengchuan and others.

   And their third child was replaced.

   And the person who replaced the third child...

  Fu Xiyan didn't want to guess any more.

  However, because of his random guess, Fu Xiyan suddenly remembered something from the past.

  Fu Xiyan remembered that not long after Jin Huazhu was pregnant, Fu Mengchuan took Jin Huazhu to Zhongzhou City.

  For nearly a year, Fu Mengchuan and Jin Huazhu both lived in Zhongzhou City.

  He remembered that during that time, it was difficult for them to even meet Jin Huazhu.

   It would take a month or two before the uncle would take him and the second child to Zhongzhou City to see Jin Huazhu together.

  Fu Mengchuan and Jin Huazhu settled in Zhongzhou City for a long time, and even Jin Huazhu was produced in Zhongzhou City.

   It wasn't until Fu Yingying was full moon that Fu Mengchuan brought Fu Yingying and Jin Huazhu back to the ancient martial arts world.

  Before, Fu Xiyan didn't know why Fu Mengchuan took Jin Huazhu to live in Zhongzhou City, until he saw the appraisal results, Fu Xiyan felt that he seemed to understand something.

  Because the memory is too long, Fu Xiyan has forgotten what it was like when he saw Fu Yingying for the first time. He only remembered that he didn't like Fu Yingying.

  Before the appraisal, Fu Xiyan never understood why he was looking forward to the arrival of the third child so much, but after she was born, he couldn't like her at all.

  Thinking about it now, perhaps, before they came back, their third child had already been replaced.

   As for the person who replaced him, besides Fu Mengchuan, Fu Xiyan couldn't think of anyone else.

  In the past, even though Fu Xiyan didn't like Fu Yingying, she felt somewhat guilty, so she didn't treat Fu Yingying as a favorite, but she tried her best to meet her demands.

  But after knowing that Fu Yingying was not Jin Huazhu's biological son, Fu Xiyan didn't even want to see her.

  Just like him, Jin Huazhu and Fu Wangchen also dislike Fu Yingying.

  Fu Wangchen's dislike for Fu Yingying was on the bright side. He had disagreed with Fu Yingying since he was a child, and the two often had conflicts.

  Although Jin Huazhu didn't like Fu Yingying and didn't give her much maternal love, she would try her best to give Fu Yingying whatever she wanted.

  Fu Yingying was bullied and wronged, and Jin Huazhu would help her out. Fu Yingying and Fu Wangchen fought, and never favored anyone, and punished whoever made the mistake.

  (end of this chapter)

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