Chapter 1752 Zhi Zhi: Who is your little uncle?

  After all, she was 100% sure that Yeyou and Bai Ting were indeed asleep.

Instead of continuing the topic of Yeyou and Bai Ting, and chatting with Yan Dong for a while, Gu Zhiqi remembered what Mr. Neng said before, and asked Yan Dong, "Is there an entrance to the Nine Star City in the Tianyu Pavilion. "

  Yan Dong nodded upon hearing this, "Indeed."

   "Miss Gu, are you going to Nine Star City?"

   "I'm afraid I can't go now. The entrance has an opening time, and the next opening time is May 1st."

  Gu Zhiqi raised his eyebrows and said, "If you don't go in, just ask casually."

  Yan Dong listened, nodded, and then said to Gu Zhixi, "If you have time, I still hope that Miss Gu can go to Nine Star City."

  Gu Zhiqi:?

"Why do you say that?"

Yan Dong frowned slightly, with a bit of melancholy in his brows, "At the beginning, you and my uncle fell into a coma on the same day, now, you have been awake for so long, but my uncle still hasn't woken up. "

   "If the news of the junior uncle's coma is leaked, there may be turmoil in Nine Star City."

  Gu Zhiqi was confused, and finally asked, "Who is your little uncle?"

  Yan Dong heard the words, and immediately explained: "The little uncle is called Yan Qi'an, and the relationship between you two used to be very good."

   After listening, Gu Zhiqi silently recited the name Yan Qi'an.

  She remembered that Tang Shu'an had also mentioned this person to her before.

  It seems that we really have to go to Nine Star City.

   "By the way, do you know Angel?" Asking about Nine Star City is not just for understanding Nine Star City.

  Yan Dong's expression suddenly became serious, "Well, I know, we have fought against them several times."

   Speaking of this, Yan Dong's thoughts began to diverge again, "The last time we fought was last year, Mr. Tang and Mr. Wen saved a person from them before they went to Xia Guo to find you."

   "I heard from Mr. Tang, what is the 317 mother body, and he said that she must not be allowed to fall into Angel's hands."

   "So, when I came back from Xia Kingdom, I took her to Nine Star City."

   "However, it fell into Angel's hands again not long ago. Mr. Tang asked me to investigate quickly. Unexpectedly, I heard that people from the ISU and the Wei family rescued her after two days."

   "Not only that, I heard that Angel suffered a heavy loss this time..."

  Yan Dong can really speak, ask him a question, he can answer ten sentences.

  But listening to Yan Dong's words, Gu Zhixi understood why when Shen Tong's position was calculated before, she was calculated to be not in this world.

   Come to think of it, Nine Star City is the different world that Shen Tong traveled through.

Seeing that Yan Dong was still going on, Gu Zhixi interrupted, "We caught a person before, it was Angel's person, and he said that there was Angel's person in Tianyu Pavilion, why, Tianyu Pavilion still Have you cooperated with Angel?"

   After finishing speaking, Gu Zhiqi looked at Yan Dong.

  Yan Dong's face suddenly changed when he heard the words, "How is it possible, our Tianyu Pavilion has nothing to do with Angel."

   After finishing speaking, Yan Dong looked at Gu Zhiqi with a serious face, "Miss Gu, is what you said true? Are the words of that person believable?"

  Gu Zhiqi nodded, "Ninety-nine percent feasible."

  If Mr. Neng's mental power is strong enough to not be affected by her hypnosis, it is indeed possible to pretend to be hypnotized and lie to her.

  However, that possibility is only one percent.

  Yan Dong turned pale when he heard this.

  He is the person in charge of Tianyu Pavilion.

  At the beginning, when Lord Yeyou and Bai Ting handed over the Tianyu Pavilion to him, the Tianyu Pavilion was full of credible people.

  However, under his management, Tianyu Pavilion actually got in with Angel's people. This is the fault of him, the person in charge.

   There is one more chapter, more later



  (end of this chapter)

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