Chapter 1758 Fu Wangchen: Have we met?

  In Tang Yichen's most advanced ward, there are two people beside him, naturally Su Yunling and Gu Zhiqi.

  Fu Xiyan returned to China in a hurry, but did not contact Fu Wangchen before returning home, and Fu Wangchen often lost his energy, Fu Xiyan was really worried that something would happen to him, so before leaving, he entrusted Tang Yichen to find someone.

   Originally, Tang Yichen was quite worried because he couldn't find Fu Wangchen, but after learning about Fu Wangchen's whereabouts from Gu Zhiqi, he instantly felt relieved.

  Knowing that Fu Wangchen was in the hospital, Tang Yichen proposed to come to the hospital to see Fu Wangchen, so the three of them came to the hospital together after having breakfast.

   Seeing Fu Wangchen staring at Gu Zhiqi and distracted, Tang Yichen blinked, raised his hand and patted Fu Wangchen's shoulder, "Hey, Fu Laoer has recovered."

  Why is this guy staring at Gu Xiaoqi all the time?

   Could it be that there are some unreasonable thoughts?

  Thinking of what Gu Zhiqi said before, that Fu Wangchen was rescued by her from the man in black, Tang Yichen felt that Fu Wangchen might really be in love.

  After all, whether it is the hero saving the beauty or the beauty saving the hero, it is easiest to make people fall in love at first sight.

  The more he thought about it, the more Tang Yichen suspected that Fu Wangchen had plans for Gu Zhiqi.

I don't know what Tang Yichen was thinking, but after being photographed by him, Fu Wangchen finally came back to his senses. When he came back to his senses, he found that Gu Zhiqi was also looking at him. Fu Wangchen looked a little unnatural, lowered his eyes slightly, and asked Gu Zhi He asked, "You, have we met?"

  He felt that the girl in front of him was very kind, and her voice was also a little familiar.

  He wanted to ask this question last night, but he didn't expect that he passed out afterwards.

  Listening to Fu Wangchen's words, Tang Yichen's eyes widened a little, didn't they, didn't they, and started to strike up a conversation?

   Gu Zhiqi said to Fu Wangchen, "I met you last night."

  Gu Zhiqi thought Fu Wangchen had forgotten her, so he kindly reminded her.

  Don't forget, this is someone who can become a customer.

   Moreover, the operation fee has not been paid yet.

  Fu Wangchen: "..."

  I said before.

   "Thank you for saving me last night." Thinking of what happened last night, Fu Wangchen still thanked Gu Zhiqi.

   After Fu Wangchen thanked him, he continued to stare at Gu Zhiqi.

  Gu Zhiqi nodded his head and accepted his thanks.

   Tang Yichen stood beside him, listening to Fu Wangchen's tone of voice, watching his expression, blinking his eyes.

   No, is this still the thorny young master of the Fu family?

  When did you become docile and polite?

   Something is wrong, something is wrong.

  Tang Yichen became more and more sure of his conjecture.

Su Yunling and Tang Yichen had similar ideas, seeing Fu Wangchen staring at Gu Zhiqi all the time, Su Yunling took two steps forward calmly, separating his gaze from Gu Zhiqi, and then asked Fu Wangchen Chen said, "Is it better?"

  Seeing Su Yunling, Fu Wangchen finally remembered that there were two other people in the ward.

   "Third brother." Fu Wangchen greeted Su Yunling first, and then answered Su Yunling's question, "It's much better."

   I don't know if it's his illusion, but he feels that his strength seems to be a lot more restrained.

  Seeing that Fu Wangchen called Su Yunling but didn't call him, Tang Yichen snorted twice, and said: "I only have the third brother in my eyes, and there is no fourth brother, right?"

   "I brought you food in vain." Tang Yichen said, hummed again, took out a food box from the storage ring and put it on the bedside.

  Seeing this, Fu Wangchen was silent, looked up at Tang Yichen two seconds later and said, "Thank you fourth brother."

   There seems to be a bit of perfunctory in the sincerity.

  Tang Yichen clicked his tongue secretly, propped up the table, and put the food box on the table, "Let's eat."

  (end of this chapter)

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