Chapter 1779 Meet

   "It must be so." After Fu Mengchuan finished speaking, he nodded, "The person you are looking for is too unreliable. I will find someone to look at and do the appraisal myself."

   That's what it says.

  But Fu Mengchuan was still a little uneasy.

  Suddenly told him that he had a daughter who was not born to his wife, which was hard for anyone to accept.

  Now, what he fears most is that the report in Fu Xiyan's hand is true.

  Fu Xiyan stared at Fu Mengchuan for a few seconds, and then said to Fu Mengchuan after a long time, "I'll be with you when you go for the appraisal."

  Fu Mengchuan stared at Fu Xiyan, "You don't trust me? I'm your own father!"

  Fu Xiyan didn't speak, but his expression said everything.

   It's not that I don't believe it, but that the testimonial is already there.

  Fu Mengchuan was so angry that he wished to give Fu Xiyan a kick.

  Finally, I held back, and said a little depressed: "Don't mention this in front of your mother."

   "I'll check it out first, and then I'll talk to her."

   Originally, Jin Huazhu had been ignoring him all these years, but if she found out that he suddenly had a biological daughter, wouldn't she be able to divorce him?

   After listening to Fu Xiyan, he agreed without even thinking about it.

  Anyway, Jin Huazhu already knew about it, so it doesn’t matter if you say it or not.

  However, he still needs to ask his mother to verify that the child is his aunt.

  He can trust Fu Mengchuan temporarily, but not completely.

  Seeing that he agreed without hesitation, Fu Mengchuan gave him a strange look.

  However, he didn't say anything more, he still hasn't forgotten about Jin Huazhu crying.

   "From now on, if you have anything to do, just tell me directly, don't just wrong people all day long, it scares me." After finishing speaking, he walked away directly, "I'll go see your mother."

  Seeing this, Fu Xiyan immediately followed up.

  Fu Yu and Fu Zhou were standing guard at the door of the box. When they saw Fu Xiyan and Fu Mengchuan, they greeted them together.

   Then, Fu Yu opened the door very actively, "Madam, the Patriarch and Eldest Young Master are here."

  In the room, Gu Zhiqi and Jin Huazhu were already eating.

  Hearing Fu Yu's words, Jin Huazhu subconsciously frowned.

   Before she could say anything, Fu Xiyan and Fu Mengchuan came in.

   "Honey, Fu Yu said you... eh? Master Gu, are you there too?" Fu Mengchuan was a little surprised to see that there was still a person sitting in the box, Gu Zhiqi who had met once.

  Fu Xiyan knew about it in advance, so it was no surprise that he greeted Gu Zhiqi with a smile.

  Gu Zhiqi nodded at the two of them.

  Seeing Fu Xiyan and Fu Mengchuan greeting Gu Zhiqi, Jin Huazhu was a little surprised, "Do you know Qiqi?"

  Hearing Jin Huazhu address Gu Zhiqi, Fu Xiyan was silent, and then nodded to Jin Huazhu.

   "Isn't it Master Gu who came to cure my dad last time?"

   "You were not at home last time, so you didn't see Master Gu."

   Fu Mengchuan walked towards Jin Huazhu while talking, "Fu Yu said you were crying, but did someone offend you?"

  Jin Huazhu glanced at him, and said in a slightly cold tone, "Your sister beat my son."

  Fu Mengyao likes Fu Yingying very much, and protects her in every possible way.

  Today, he beat Fu Wangchen even more because of Fu Yingying.

  After Jin Huazhu learned of this, he was so angry that he went straight to Fu Mengyao who was shopping, and had a fight with him and her.

  Listening to Jin Huazhu's words, Fu Mengchuan's brows twitched slightly, "For Yingying again?"

  Jin Huazhu didn't reply, but his expression had answered Fu Mengchuan.

  (end of this chapter)

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