Blast! The Group Favorite Fake Daughter Was Spoiled By the Film King and Cried

Chapter 1946: task; still not able to grasp the essence

  Chapter 1946 task ④; still failed to grasp the essence

  Hearing Fei Jiu's resentful words, Gu Zhiqi finally remembered that there was still work to do.

  Therefore, Gu Zhiqi looked at the crowd and asked, "Are you living and dying without anyone caring about you?"

  Because of the sudden large horse picking, everyone stopped what they were doing. Now that Gu Zhiqi said this, they all immediately remembered.

  Both returned to their positions with mixed feelings.

  Then they discovered that they didn't need to control Jijiu's life and death at all. Just one person could play around with twenty or thirty hackers of the other side.

   Moreover, the IPs of the other party are disappearing one by one.

   An hour later, the IP of the other hacker disappeared.

  Then, Fu Hong received the news.

   A few seconds later, he happily said to everyone: "It's done, most of the hackers who appeared today were captured alive, and some have even been killed."

   About half an hour later, Gu Zhiqi also received a message from Gu Huaijin, saying that the battle was over.

   Originally, she didn't want to come to the monitoring room, but went directly to fight, but Gu Huaijin didn't allow her to go.

   insisted that Gu Yuluo bring her, Gu Xiyue, and Gu Xingruo to the monitoring room. If she had known that Gu Yuluo would strip her vest in public, she would say nothing.

  However, this matter is temporarily over.


  Angel's plan was not successfully implemented. Except for the members of the Changying Army and the Gu family, no one knew about Angel's actions, and the birthday banquet was held very smoothly.

  After settling the matters in Haicheng, Fu Xiyan, Jin Cunran, and Gu Zhiqi set off for other places. This time, besides the three of them, Gu Xiyue also went together.

  In addition to Haicheng, Angel has plans to control other cities, so he has to stop it.

  Perhaps because of the failure of Haicheng's plan, the control plans of many cities were not implemented. It took seven days, and Gu Zhiqi and others traveled more than half of Xia Kingdom.

   On the eighth day, Gu Zhiqi and Gu Xiyue returned to Haicheng.

  During the past seven days, Gu Zhiqi and the others met many people who were refined into puppets. This is a big problem.

  Gu Zhiqi intends to go back and study it carefully to see if he can refine the antidote to the Puppet Pill, and refining the antidote to the Puppet Pill is an upgrade task triggered not long ago, so it has to be put on the agenda.

  As for Gu Xiyue, she also wanted to study along with her, so she came back with Gu Zhiqi.

   In the next few days, the two of them stayed in the Gu Family Manor to study methods, and the sound of explosions could be heard in the Gu Family Manor every day.

   Fortunately, there is a soundproof array in the Gu family manor, so people outside can't hear it, otherwise, someone might have come to the door.

  Gu Zhiqi and Gu Xiyue studied for four full days.

   On August 6th, the antidote to Puppet Pill was finally researched by Gu Zhiqi, and the upgrade task ④ was announced to be completed.

  Afterwards, Gu Zhiqi and Gu Xiyue began to refine in large quantities, and by the way, Ruan Hao, Lu Yuanjiang and others from the Medical League were also called in for help.

  The group of people who called in the morning arrived at Gu's house in the evening. When they saw Gu Zhiqi and Gu Xiyue, they greeted each other enthusiastically.

  After greeting Gu Zhiqi, Ruan Hao said with a distressed face, "Master Gu, it's been almost a year, and I still haven't been able to grasp the essence of alchemy you taught."

  Gu Zhiqi:?

  Have I taught you the essence of alchemy?

  Ruan Hao put his mushroom head on his head and said seriously: "I have refined hundreds of furnaces of pills, but none of them were fried."

  Gu Zhiqi: "..."

   "Yes, yes, yes, Master Gu, me too, I too, as long as you fry the furnace, you will fail." Lu Yuanjiang followed immediately.

   Li Chunhua and others on the side followed suit, and then looked at Gu Zhiqi asking for advice.

  Gu Xiyue, Gu Zhiqi: "..."

   Let me tell you something, because the full attendance period for this book list is over, and a new book is about to be prepared, and the old book has been delayed for a long time, so I need to find time to finish it

   So in the future, it will not be updated six times a day, but it will be updated at least four times a day, and there will be more updates if there is inspiration [ps: four updates most of the time]

   That's all, good night



  (end of this chapter)

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