Chapter 2027 Did you not sleep all night?

 Looking at the message from Ye You, Gu Zhiqi fell into silence.

 So, the words on the drawing were really written by him?

 Obviously, neither Su Yunling nor Tang Yichen have been to five hundred years ago before. Could it be...

 Gu Zhiqi's eyes darkened when he thought that the holes in this world had not yet been filled.

It seems that I need to bring one more person with me to Jiuxing City this time.

 After chatting for a while, Gu Zhiqi and Ye You ended their chat.


The next day, after getting up, Gu Zhiqi immediately went to find Su Yunling.

When I walked into Su Yunling's yard, Su Yunling was doing morning exercises in the yard.

As soon as Gu Zhiqi walked into the yard, Su Yunling noticed it. He stopped his morning exercise and walked towards Gu Zhiqi, "Why did you get up so early today?"

Gu Zhiqi stood there and said nothing.

Until Su Yunling walked up to Gu Zhiqi, she tilted her head slightly and stared at Su Yunling's face.

Su Yunling's eyebrows trembled slightly and she looked back at Gu Zhiqi, "What? There's something on my face."

Gu Zhiqi nodded.

Su Yun heard this, raised his hand and wiped it on his face, "Is there anything else?"

“There’s more.” Gu Zhiqi said as he walked towards Su Yunling, and then stopped two steps away from Su Yunling.

Su Yunling originally thought that Gu Zhiqi would reach out and wipe it for him, but unexpectedly, she didn't do it for a long time.

 In the end, he had no choice but to face Gu Zhiqi and said, "Then can you wipe it for me?"

Gu Zhiqi said seriously: "It can't be wiped off."

Su Yunling:?

Gu Zhiqi looked back at Su Yunling and said, "How do I wipe away the dark circles under my eyes?"

Su Yunling: “…”

 Have dark circles under your eyes?

Su Yunling raised her hand, closed her eyes, and touched around her eyes.

I haven’t looked in the mirror since I woke up this morning, but I don’t know if there are really dark circles under my eyes.     “Is it obvious?”

Gu Zhiqi did not answer his question, but stood on tiptoes slightly and placed his fingers at the corners of Su Yunling's eyes.

Su Yunling stopped moving and looked at Gu Zhiqi with slightly lowered eyes. The corners of his mouth were raised unconsciously, and a warm color appeared in his eyes.

Gu Zhiqi ravaged the corners of Su Yunling's eyes before asking, "Did you not sleep all night last night?"

Su Yun was silent for a while, and then said: "No."

 Still slept for a few hours.

 It's just that, whether she is awake or in her dream, all she thinks about is Gu Zhiqi and her lover.

 Last night, I had a nightmare.

 I dreamed that Gu Zhiqi's memory had recovered and she went to find her lover, and he attended her wedding with someone else, holding flowers in his hands and dressed up.

 When I woke up, the corners of my eyes were wet.

 After the age of nine, he rarely cried.

 Last night, he cried because of a nightmare.

As his thoughts were racing, Gu Zhiqi's voice rang in Su Yunling's ears, "I don't believe it."

Su Yunling came back to her senses, lowered her head slightly, stared at Gu Zhiqi for several seconds, and then stretched out her hand to hug him into her arms.

He wanted to hug her more while she was still around.

Thinking about it, Su Yunling rubbed Gu Zhiqi's hair, and then lightly rubbed the top of her hair.

 Suddenly, Gu Zhiqi's voice came from his arms, "Did Ye You say anything to you yesterday at Tianyu Pavilion?"

Su Yunling stiffened slightly, "No..."

Before he finished speaking, Gu Zhiqi interrupted, "You still want to hide it from me. I asked Ye Youyou last night and he told me everything."

Su Yunling froze completely, all his words were stuck, and he himself didn't know what to say. After a long time, he whispered, "You know everything? Regarding you and the pavilion master, you also knew?"

 (End of this chapter)

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