Chapter 2352 Yun Gu and his family meet

Jin Huazhu led everyone to sit down, "You guys sit down for a while, we are already cooking. You will be ready later."

Yu Shuling said quickly: "No hurry, no rush."

 So, everyone sat in the living room of Fu's house and started chatting.

They were all acquaintances, and we started chatting quickly.


After having lunch at Fu’s house, they continued to arrange the wedding arrangements, while Su Yunling and Gu Zhiqi went to Yun’s house.

After getting in the car, Gu Zhiqi looked out the window, "We just ran away like that? Shouldn't we help decorate it?"

Su Yunling took the person into her arms very familiarly and said, "There are many Fu family members, including a few of us."

After hearing this, Gu Zhiqi thought it was reasonable, so he got on the car to Yun's house with peace of mind.

The Gu family was originally large, but when they arrived at the Fu family, there were even more people.

Gu Zhiqi couldn't bear it, so he went to Yun's house to hide and clean himself up.

I thought it would be cleaner when I arrived at Yun’s house, but when I woke up after a nap, Yun’s house was not clean either.

Tang Yichen, Jin Bianran, Ji Yunmei and others received the news of Fu Xiyan and Gu Xiyue's wedding, and also learned that Su Yunling and others had returned to the ancient martial arts world, so they ran to the Fu family one by one to find someone.

  Su Yunling and Gu Zhiqi were not found at Fu's house, so they all rushed to Yun's house again.

When Gu Zhiqi went downstairs, Tang Yichen and others were chatting with Mrs. Yun.

 Seeing Gu Zhiqi coming downstairs, they all greeted Gu Zhiqi.

Gu Zhiqi nodded at a few people, a little puzzled, "Why are you all here? Shouldn't you be looking for Brother Yan?"

Tang Yichen waved his hand and said: "There are too many Fu family members, we can't bear it."

In addition to the Gu family, there are also many people from the Jin family. There are still several days before the wedding, and a lot of people have already gathered in the Fu family.

If you know them all, forget it. There are many you don't know, so why not come to Yun's house and hide away.

After hearing this, Gu Zhiqi realized that they were all here to hide themselves just like her and Su Yunling.

 In this way, the Yun family has a few more people.

 The next day, Mrs. Yun asked Su Yunling to visit the Fu family and invite all the Gu family members.    This is also the first time that the parents of both parties have met.

Originally, the Gu family was quite satisfied with Su Yunling. After the two parties met, the Gu family became even more satisfied with Su Yunling.

Especially Yu Shuling, she felt even more sorry for her son-in-law when she learned that Su Yunling lost her parents when she was very young and was raised by Mrs. Yun from the age of nine.

 The Gu family and Mrs. Yun met here and quickly passed through to the Su family.

When Su Rongsheng found out, he smashed an ashtray and took a car to the Yun family in the evening.

The Gu family had a meal at the Yun family, chatted with everyone in the Yun family for a while, and then went back to the Fu family.

When Su Rongsheng arrived at the Yun family, the Gu family and his family had just left not long ago.

"Sir, Mr. Su is here and is arguing with the guard." It was Yunsen who came to report the news.

The other party is Su Yunling's biological grandfather. Although Su Yunling and the other party are not on good terms, Yunsen and the others do not dare to make their own decisions. What to do with Mr. Su, so they have to ask Su Yunling for his opinion.

At this moment, Mrs. Yun and Gu Zhiqi went to the flower house to water the flowers, while Su Yunling, Tang Yichen and their group were sitting in the living room chatting.

Hearing Yun Sen's words, everyone turned their heads and looked at Yun Sen.

Su Yunling frowned slightly, but Tang Yichen said bluntly, "What is the old man doing here?"

Yunsen said nothing.

Su Yun listened and said, "I guess I heard that the Gu family came to the ancient martial arts world."

Su Yun listened and stood up, "I'll go out and take a look."

Hearing this, Tang Yichen glanced sideways at Ji Yunmei, who was sitting next to him.

Ji Yucheng understood instantly and stood up, "Ah, I'll go to the door to get some fresh air."

Yunxiu: "I'll go too, I'll go too."

Good night



 (End of this chapter)

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