Chapter 2388 Extra: Gu Yuluo VS Feng Qi

 Two people are in the same ward.

 While they were hospitalized, it was the Wei family who took care of the two of them.

 After staying there for about three days, a girl came to the ward, Shen Tong.

This was the first time Gu Yuluo met Shen Tong.

 Shen Tong was only fifteen years old at that time.

He was carrying a pink schoolbag and holding a handful of daisies in his hand. As soon as he came in, he looked at Wei Jingyu with tears in his eyes and said, "Brother Jingyu."

When Wei Jingyu saw Shen Tong, he felt like he was facing a formidable enemy, "Fuck! What are you doing here?"

"You are sick, I came to see you." Shen Tong said with a choked voice, then put the little Daisy on the bedside, hugged Wei Jingyu and cried.

Wei Jingyu sat stiffly on the bed. After a long time, he pushed the person away and said, "Well, let's talk to him if you have something to say."

Wei Jingyu tried to push him several times, but failed to push him away.

 Finally he could only say seriously, "Shen Tong, let go!"

Shen Tong: “Don’t let go!”

 “Let go!” Wei Jingyu spoke again.

Shen Tong still didn't let go. Finally, Wei Jingyu made a phone call, and Shen Tong was carried out by two bodyguards.

Shen Tong looked at Wei Jingyu with a faint look, and was taken away with tears in his eyes.

Wei Jingyu looked at the two bodyguards and said, "Well, don't hurt anyone."

As soon as Shen Tong heard this, she knew that Wei Jingyu cared about her. As soon as a smile appeared on her face, she heard Wei Jingyu say again, "Don't let her in again."

 Shen Tong's smile disappeared instantly.

Gu Yuluo had been sitting nearby watching the play. It was not until Shen Tong was taken out that Gu Yuluo glanced at Wei Jingyu teasingly, "Who is it?"

Wei Jingyu: "My grandma ordered a baby girl for me. She was brought home this year. She said she wanted to develop a relationship with me, but she is only 15 years old. Am I a beast? I want to develop a relationship with her?"

Gu Yuluo listened to Wei Jingyu's words and clicked her tongue without commenting.

Although the little girl is indeed underage, Wei Jingyu is only 18 years old. As long as the girl is older, it is okay for the two to develop a relationship, but at the age of 15...

It does seem that Wei Jingyu looks like a beast.

"Don't tell Seven and Moon about this." Wei Jingyu thought of something and said this to Gu Yuluo.

Gu Yuluo promised, but the next day, both Moon and Jiang Qi found out about it.

After Wei Jingyu found out that Gu Yuluo had leaked the secret, he jumped onto Gu Yuluo's hospital bed and strangled him regardless of his injuries.

“Fall, someone named Feng Qi came to you and said he was your friend. Do you know him...”?

Before the bodyguard finished speaking, he saw Wei Jingyu riding on Gu Yuluo in the ward, their postures were very ambiguous.

The bodyguard saw it, and Feng Qi, who was standing next to the bodyguard, also saw it.

 Seeing the scene inside, Feng Qi's face became ugly at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Feng Qi leaned against the door, stared at the two of them for a few seconds, and then said in a weird voice, "It seems that Miss Gu Yuluo is busy, so I won't interrupt."

After Feng Qi finished speaking, he turned around and left.

Seeing this, Gu Yuluo opened Wei Jingyu's hand, pulled out the needle in his hand, and ran out barefoot.


Feng Qi walked slowly. When she heard Gu Yuluo calling her, she immediately stopped and looked back at Gu Yuluo.

Gu Yuluo was running fast, and Feng Qi suddenly stopped. Gu Yuluo failed to stop the car and almost hit Feng Qi.

However, when they stopped, the distance between the two was very close.

Although Gu Yuluo is a boy, he is only seventeen years old and only 1.7 meters tall.

 Among his peers, this height is indeed tall, but compared to Feng Qi, who is four years older than him, he is still a bit shorter.

Gu Yuluo stopped and had to raise his head slightly to look at Feng Qi.

 (End of this chapter)

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