Pick up your phone, take a photo of the two of them, and send it to the small group.


  007: Come on, guess what the relationship between these two is.

  Mu: Lover relationship?

 Seven: smell the sour smell of love


  Moon:? what happened?

  007:Fall got a boyfriend




  007: I didn’t expect that Fall would be such a person. I will stay away from him in the future.

  Seven:same and far away

  Fall: Labor and management look down upon you, get out]

As soon as Gu Yuluo appeared, the group fell silent instantly.

 However, the male compatriots in the group expressed their intention to stay away from Gu Yuluo.

 Hence, for a long time, Gu Yuluo had fewer male friends around him.

Feng Qi took care of Gu Yuluo in Zhongzhou City for seven or eight days. After Gu Yuluo was discharged from the hospital, the two returned to Xia Kingdom together.

After returning to the imperial capital, Gu Yuluo went to see Feng Qi more frequently. Feng Qi also taught Gu Yuluo how to direct plays, and the two went to see movies together more often.

Both of them are soaked in the sour smell of love and cannot extricate themselves.

Gu Yuluo thought that the two of them would continue like this.

 However, a few months later, a group of people came to the imperial capital and took Feng Qi away from him.

 A man in a suit asked someone to kidnap Feng Qi and then asked him to meet him alone.

"I am Feng Qi's father. I came to you today to tell you about you and Feng Qi."

 “You and Feng Qi are not suitable.”

 “Forget her.”

Many years later, Gu Yuluo realized that the person he saw that day was not Feng Qi's father, but her mother Feng Buran.

 The reason why Feng Buran did not let him and Feng Qi be together was actually because he was a girl at that time.

If he had known about it earlier, he would definitely not hide it from Feng Qi.

This way, maybe they won't be separated for so long.

 However, Gu Yuluo didn't know this at that time. He only knew that Feng Qi's relatives wanted to separate him from Feng Qi.

"Aqi agree?" Gu Yuluo didn't say anything more, just asked Feng Buran.

Feng Buran looked determined, "Whether she agrees or not, there is no chance for you two."

Gu Yuluo lowered her eyes slightly, not daring to look at Feng Buran, but said stubbornly, "As long as Ah Qi doesn't want to, I won't let you take him away."

 In the end, Feng Qi was taken away.

Gu Yuluo was no match for Feng Buran, and there was no way he could win Feng Qi back.

Gu Yuluo used the power of weaving the web, but it was still useless.

In front of the Feng family in Jiuxing City, the power of weaving the web seemed so weak, and Gu Yuluo could only watch Feng Qi being taken away.


If Feng Qi was just taken away, Gu Yuluo could still think of looking for him.

 But later, Feng Qi disappeared.

 The people at the Feng family thought that Feng Qi had sneaked out to look for him, but Feng Qi never came.

After learning that Feng Qi might have fallen into the hands of Tongtian Sect, Gu Yu searched for Feng Qi like a man possessed.

 Later, Gu Yuluo's energy was blocked.

  After Moon learned about his situation, he did not take any more photos of him.

 He was moved online and will only be arranged when invasion and finishing work are needed.

At that time, Gu Yuluo lived in a hazy state.

  One day, he dreamed that Feng Qi was back.

 It turned out that Feng Qi was always there, right by his side.

At this point, Gu Yuluo is still Feng Qi’s girlfriend, and Feng Qi is still Gu Yuluo’s boyfriend.

 He is Gu Yuluo, and he is also Feng Qi.

There is no trace of Feng Qi in this world, so he helps Feng Qi create his footprints.

From then on, he focused most of his attention on directing plays, using his identity as Feng Qi.

 He was taught by Feng Qi, so even though the play he produced was different from Feng Qi’s style, not many people noticed it.

 That's it, for several years. (End of chapter)

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