Chapter 809 I want to die, beauties

  Thinking of something, Gu Zhiqi added another sentence: "But you have to pay, the antidote is a furnace of 20 million fourth-order pills, and you have to prepare the medicinal materials yourself."

  Gu Xiyue nodded immediately after listening, "No problem."

  Seeing that Gu Xiyue agreed, Gu Zhiqi nodded in satisfaction, as long as he gave money, he could talk about anything.

Thinking about asking Yunsen to count the number of people, Gu Zhiqi said to Gu Xiyue again, "I'm not sure if the antidote is enough, I asked Yunsen to count the number of people who didn't get the antidote, and when the antidote is distributed, He will come to you."

  Gu Xiyue nodded immediately, "Okay."

  Danfang is given to Gu Xiyue, and it seems that there is nothing wrong with staying here. Gu Zhiqi plans to leave, "If there is nothing else, I will leave first."

  Gu Xiyue solemnly thanked Gu Zhixi, "Well, thank you for today's matter."

   Today, if it was only her, Gu Xiyue felt that the matter would not be resolved so easily.

   "You're welcome." Gu Zhiqi waved at Gu Xiyue, then turned and left.


  Leaving from the No. 7 prison, Gu Zhiqi planned to visit Gu Huaijin.

  As he walked, Fei Jiu suddenly became excited in his mind.

   "Beauty! Zhizhi, it's a beauty!"

  Gu Zhiqi:?

  What beauty?

   "I want to die for Benjiu, beauty stickie~" Feijiu cheered, and then turned into an invisible brilliance and flew forward.

  Gu Zhiqi: "..."

  Gu Zhiqi looked in the direction Fei Jiu was flying to, and saw a familiar figure.

  The man came from the dimness of the corridor of the prison, wearing the uniform of the Changying Army and wearing a Kunpeng mask on his face. The lights on both sides of the corridor flickered, reflecting a touch of warm orange on the silver mask.

   For a moment, Gu Zhiqi thought that her eyes were blurred, or that she really wanted to eat Su Yunling's cooking so much, that's why she could imagine Su Yunling even walking in a dark prison.

  However, her eyes were dazzled, so Fei Jiu wouldn't be dazzled too, right?

   From a distance, Su Yunling saw Gu Zhiqi's figure, and as he approached Gu Zhiqi step by step, he felt something stuck on the buttons of his clothes.

  Su Yunling guessed that it was the child's spiritual body of unknown species.

   subconsciously looked down, but still saw nothing.

When he raised his head again, he saw Gu Zhiqi standing still, watching from a distance that he had no intention of coming over. Su Yunling's eyes were stained with a smile, and he continued to move, walking towards Gu Zhiqi step by step, and finally stood up. In front of Gu Zhiqi.

   "Children, we meet again."

   It's only been a few days since I saw you, but it feels like a long time has passed.

  Gu Zhiqi looked at Su Yunling who was standing in front of him, and called out tentatively, "Brother?"

  Su Yunling's lips curved slightly, "What? I haven't seen you for a few days, so I don't know my brother?"

  Gu Zhiqi looked at the person standing in front of him, fell silent for two seconds, stood on tiptoe, and poked the mask on Su Yunling's face with his hand.

   There was a cold silvery touch on the fingers, and Gu Zhiqi believed it was true, "Really?"

  Seeing Gu Zhiqi poking the mask on his face, Su Yunling was a little taken aback, the first thought that popped up in his mind was that he knew he wouldn't be wearing a mask.

  If he didn't wear a mask, what she poked just now would be his face.

   When she realized what she was thinking, Su Yunling suppressed her smile and coughed lightly, then looked at Gu Zhiqi and asked with some amusement, "Why? I'm afraid it's a dream, so I don't believe that brother is real?"

   "You're wearing a mask, I thought you were impersonating." Gu Zhiqi never blush when telling nonsense.

  Su Yunling: "..."

  Su Yun listened to Gu Zhiqi's nonsense, but believed it.

  (end of this chapter)

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