Chapter 818 Xuan Lingzi

  Su Yunling looked at the dozen full boxes in front of him, and fell silent.

   It took several seconds before he took a step forward. Just as he was about to put away those boxes, his sleeve was pulled.

  Su Yunling turned his head to look at Gu Zhiqi, his eyes stained with questioning color.

  Gu Zhiqi didn't speak, but pulled Su Yunling to the side. Su Yunling was puzzled, but followed Gu Zhiqi and moved a few steps to the side.

  As soon as Su Yunling took a step, he felt the presence of the fourth person in the dark room, and went all the way from the door of the dark room to the boxes.

  After approaching the box, I saw a flash of light on the box, and a translucent formation appeared.

  As the formation made a buzzing sound, a scream sounded in the dark room.

   Hearing screams but not seeing anyone, Fu Yu was taken aback, stepped back several steps in a row, stuck to the wall, his eyes were stained with vigilance, "Who?"

  Su Yunling narrowed his eyes slightly, staring at the field where the screams came from, his eyes were stained with vigilance.

   As soon as the screams started, a blue light flashed in Gu Zhiqi's eyes.

   Quickly scanned the dark room, and then turned into an afterimage and attacked towards the door of the dark room.

   Soon, the sound of fighting came from the dark room, but Su Yunling and Fu Yu could only see that Gu Zhiqi seemed to be fighting with someone, but they couldn't see the person who was fighting with Gu Zhiqi.

  Fu Yu felt a chill behind his back when he looked at it, so he shrank back silently. Can Miss Gu see things that they can't see?

  Gu Zhiqi's moves were so fast that he could barely see the moves, and soon stopped.

   "Oh, it hurts, it hurts, my aunt, please forgive me."

  An unfamiliar voice sounded in the dark room, coming from the direction of Gu Zhiqi.

  Su Yunling and Fu Yu looked at Gu Zhiqi at the same time, only to see that there seemed to be something imprisoned in Gu Zhiqi's hand.

  Following a flash of light in Gu Zhixi's hand, there was another person in front of Gu Zhiqi, an old man with white hair and a white beard.

  Wearing a black and gray Taoist robe, the Taoist robe seems to have been burned, there are many burn marks, it looks really embarrassing.

  Fu Yu was silent, he must have just escaped from the fire.

   At the same time, I was a little surprised, it was an old man, why did he sound like a young man?

   "It's light, light and light, it hurts." The old man's face was pained, and his mouth kept moaning about pain, but his eyes were shining.

   "Hiss~" The more the old man cried out in pain, the tighter Gu Zhiqi restrained the old man's arm, and the old man hissed in pain.

  Gu Zhiqi controlled the old man, pressed him against the wall at the door of the dark room, and asked coolly, "Who are you?"

  When the old man heard this, his eyes widened immediately, "I should ask you this. You broke into my cave and coveted my baby, and you even asked back... oh, it hurts."

  Gu Zhiqi: "Stop talking nonsense, answer what I ask."

  The old man was so painful that his face was almost distorted. When he heard Gu Zhiqi, he nodded again and again, "Okay, okay, you ask, you ask, please be gentle."


   "The old man's Taoist name is Xuan Ling~嗤~" I wanted to put on a show, but there was pain in my arm, Xuan Lingzi wailed, and immediately replied quickly and concisely, "Xuan Lingzi, my name is Xuan Lingzi."

  Gu Zhiqi: "Where did the teacher come from?"

   "I am..." I wanted to put on some airs to fool people, but thinking of the pain just now, Xuan Lingzi immediately changed his words, and said flatteringly, "Feng Shui Alliance."

  Hearing this name, all three present frowned.

  Because it's the same name as her teacher's name in Shuilanxing, Gu Zhiqi remembers it very clearly.

  (end of this chapter)

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