Chapter 838 Interrogating Mo Qingxue in a dark prison

   After breakfast, Gu Zhiqi and Su Yunling went to the Law Enforcement Hall.

When the two arrived at the dark prison, Mo Qingxue was shrinking in the corner, with her head buried in her arms. There were many scratch marks on her body, and she looked very embarrassed. Qi Yuanyuan lay **** and **** next to her, and the dark prison was full of air. With a strong **** smell.

   It was clear at first glance that the two had a fight, and Mo Qingxue won in the end.

  When Gu Zhiqi and Su Yunling walked outside the dark cell, they all fell silent.

   Outside the door of the dark cell, stood a person from the Law Enforcement Hall of the Medical League, wearing the uniform of the Law Enforcement Hall, who should be the guard watching the cell.

  The guard's face was a little ugly, and he looked a little anxious.

Seeing Gu Zhiqi and Su Yunling who came suddenly, the guard froze, especially when he saw the mask on Su Yunling's face and the uniform on his body, the guard's forehead was covered with fine sweat, "Please, may I ask, who are you two?"

  The mask on Su Yunling's face was too representative. Even though he had already guessed his identity, the guard still asked tentatively.

  Su Yunling just replied lightly, "Changying Army."

  Listening to Su Yunling's words, the guard trembled, "I'm sorry, I failed my duty. Mo Qingxue and Qi Yuanyuan started a fight, and I can't get in, and I can't persuade you, so..."

  When Mo Qingxue and Qi Yuanyuan were fighting, the guards found out and wanted to go in to stop them, but he couldn't get in because of the formation outside the prison.

  No way, he could only warn the two outside, but it was still useless.

   Therefore, we can only notify the above.

  The above said that they would contact the hall master and the Changying Army. Seeing Gu Zhiqi and Su Yunling, the guards thought it was someone from the Changying Army who came to question them.

  Su Yun listened to what the guard said, but just waved his hand, "No problem, we have to go in and have a look, you can go to another place to guard."

  As long as Mo Qingxue is not dead, it doesn't matter if they fight or not.

   It's just that he didn't expect that the mother and daughter could fight like this.

  Although he doesn't know medical skills, he can still tell that Qi Yuanyuan has only one breath left.

  When the guard heard Su Yunling's words, a trace of surprise flashed in the bottom of the guard's eyes, and then he became happy, "Yes."

   After finishing speaking, he left as quickly as possible.

  Su Yunling waved his hand and opened a door in the formation.

  The door of the secret prison was not locked, but was tied together with iron chains casually. After Su Yun took off the iron chain, he opened the door and entered first.

  Gu Zhiqi followed closely behind.

   After entering the dark prison, Gu Zhiqi looked sideways at Su Yunling, "Do you want to watch?"

  Su Yunling did not answer Gu Zhiqi's question, but asked first, "Is it convenient?"

  Gu Zhiqi thought for a while and said, "It's not inconvenient, but you can't interrupt me during the questioning."

  Su Yunling: "I won't disturb you."

   This means to watch from the sidelines, Gu Zhiqi nodded, and then walked towards Mo Qingxue.

  As early as Su Yunling and Gu Zhiqi appeared at the door, Mo Qingxue raised her head.

  Seeing the two people walking in, Mo Qingxue's eyes kept falling on the two of them, her eyes were filled with bewilderment and vigilance.

  Seeing Gu Zhiqi walking towards her, Mo Qingxue flinched subconsciously.

  Seeing that Gu Zhiqi was getting closer and closer to her, Mo Qingxue immediately exploded, "You, don't come here!"

   His voice was sharp, and his tone was tinged with panic and fear.

  Gu Zhiqi looked at her like this, his eyes flickered slightly, and he stopped.

  Seeing her stop, Mo Qingxue shrank back to the wall, lowered her head, and still secretly glanced at Gu Zhiqi vigilantly, muttering, "I, I didn't mean to."

  (end of this chapter)

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