Blast! The Group Favorite Fake Daughter Was Spoiled By the Film King and Cried

Chapter 848: Gu Xiyue: How do you know that I am a mysterious master?

  Chapter 848 Gu Xiyue: How do you know that I am a mysterious master?

  【Ninth 1st: You must bring a drop, but you don’t have to worry too much】

[Number 1: As soon as the task was triggered, I already helped you track down the trail of Jincai Green. She is in Verila now, and her purpose seems to be to save those professors. You come directly to meet her 'Enough】

  Gu Zhiqi looked at the message from Fei Jiu, fell silent, and finally sent a message.

  【Zhizhi: Tomorrow will pass】

  【Session 1: Let me book a hotel for you first】

  【Number 1: There is also a Huaishu Hotel in Chinatown in Verilla City】

  【Number 1: The beauty lives here, and I helped you with the room next to him】

  Fat Jiu sent three more messages in a row, Gu Zhiqi glanced at it and only replied with one word.

  【Zhizhi: OK】


  In the evening, Gu Zhiqi knocked on the door of Gu Xiyue's room.

   Seeing that the person standing outside was Gu Zhiqi, Gu Xiyue's eyes were filled with surprise, "What do you want me to do?"

  Gu Zhiqi did not beat around the bush, and asked directly, "Mo Qingxue has a disciple named Wu Yi, have you met him?"

  Gu Xiyue listened, thought for a while, then shook her head slightly, "Not sure."

  Mo Qingxue has several disciples, and she is not sure if she has ever met one named Wu Yi.

  Gu Zhiqi nodded, and then asked again, "Can you return the talent, luck, and cultivation that were taken away to the original owner?"

  Gu Xiyue was stunned for a moment when she heard this, a trace of astonishment flashed in her eyes, and then she shook her head.

  After shaking her head, Gu Xiyue asked, "Why do you ask this suddenly? I mean, these things should only be known by profound masters. Why do you ask me?"

   Logically speaking, Gu Zhiqi didn't know that she was a mysterious teacher.

  After listening to Gu Xiyue's words, Gu Zhiqi was silent for a few seconds, and then asked Gu Xiyue, "Aren't you a mysterious master?"

  In the novel, didn’t Gu Xiyue have a vest of a mysterious master?

  Could it be that... the plot has collapsed to the point that even the vest of the heroine has been destroyed?

  Gu Xiyue was silent for a few seconds, and said, "I am indeed a mysterious master, but how do you know?"

  Mysterious masters are not like those of ancient martial arts. Those with high cultivation can see the level of mysterious masters of those with low cultivation at a glance.

  Generally, mysterious masters can only see each other's cultivation base after making a move.

   Moreover, she has placed a hidden cultivation formation on her body, even in a duel, only when she uses the ability of a fourth-order mysterious master can she be seen.

  So, how did the girl in front of you see it?

  Listening to Gu Xiyue's question, Gu Zhixi was silent, and after a few seconds, he resolutely threw the pot away, "Gu Yuluo said it."

  After listening to it, Gu Xiyue was dubious.

  Gu Yuluo really knew that she could tell fortunes, if she told Gu Zhiqi, it would make sense.

  But, why did Gu Yuluo and Gu Zhiqi say this?

  Seeing that Gu Xiyue fell silent, Gu Zhiqi continued to ask, "So you will?"

Gu Xiyue came back to her senses, and shook her head at Gu Zhiqi, "To tell you the truth, I was counted as a person before, and I was backlashed, and my energy was sealed. I am afraid that I will have to raise it for another month or so to recover. "

  Gu Zhiqi: "..."

  One month? Backlash so serious?

   What kind of big shot is it that backfires so badly?

Seeing that Gu Zhiqi didn't speak, Gu Xiyue said to Gu Zhixi again, "Besides, even if my Yuanli is not sealed, I'm afraid I won't be able to achieve the talent, luck, and cultivation level that will be taken away by others." Return it to the original owner."

   After all, nothing like this has ever been encountered before.

  (end of this chapter)

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