Chapter 852 Gathering in the office

  Jin Xiaolan looked at Li Chunhua's appearance, and there was an inexplicable flash in her eyes. She didn't understand why she suddenly asked, "What do you mean?"

  Li Chunhua listened to Jin Xiaolan's question, but did not answer, but asked, "In the past two days, have you heard that some disciples in the sect died because they didn't get the antidote?"

  Jin Xiaolan frowned after listening.

  She was kept in a dark prison for a day and a night, and she couldn't contact the outside world at all. How could she hear what was going on outside.

  Listening to Li Chunhua's words, Lu Suhua's heart skipped a beat.

  Although she didn't deliberately inquire about these two days, she did not hear that any disciple died because there was no antidote.

   Could it be that the leader and Minister Yue really stayed up all night to make enough antidote?

  Impossible, with so many antidotes, even if Ling Yuxuan and Yuexi worked tirelessly to refine them, it was impossible to refine them all in one night.

Jin Xiaolan frowned and remained silent for a few seconds, and soon, there was a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, "Even if the lord and Minister Yue stayed up all night to refine the antidote, that Miss Gu took your refinement and blasted dozens of pills Medicine is also an indisputable fact."

  Jin Xiaolan's thoughts were similar to those of Lu Suhua. According to Li Chunhua, all the disciples were given the antidote. Presumably the leader and Minister Yue stayed up all night to refine the antidote.

   It's just, how did they refine so many antidotes?

Jin Xiaolan had doubts in her heart, but she was quickly thrown aside by her. She crossed her arms across her chest, looked at Li Chunhua with her arms crossed, and continued: "I heard that the explosion sound came at 12:30 in the morning. It's over, I worked for three or four hours in vain and risked being injured, I don't know whether to admire or sympathize with you."

   As she spoke, Jin Xiaolan covered her mouth and laughed lowly, showing neither admiration nor sympathy, only blatant ridicule.

Li Chunhua listened to her words, but her expression did not change, she sat down at her work station, and while arranging the things on the table, she said: "It is true that the furnace was blown up, but how do you know that we have not succeeded in refining the antidote? "

  When Jin Xiaolan heard this, the smile on her face froze for a moment, and a trace of doubt and anxiety welled up in her heart.

What's the meaning?

   Could it be that Miss Gu really led them to refine the antidote?

  The office fell into a brief silence, and suddenly there was movement at the door, it was Ma Tao.

  Lv Suhua saw Ma Tao, and immediately said hello, "Brother Ma, are you here?"

  Ma Tao ignored her, but with a dark face, he returned to his station without saying a word.

   Seeing that Ma Tao's expression was not very good, Jin Xiaolan put aside the doubts in his heart just now, and asked Ma Tao, "Brother Ma, what's wrong with you?"

   "It's okay." Ma Tao replied with a cold face, and then sat down on the workstation.

  Jin Xiaolan and Lu Suhua looked at each other, and then quietly returned to their workstations. They were afraid of touching Ma Tao's brow, so they didn't speak again.

  The office fell into silence.

  There was nothing to attract Jin Xiaolan's attention, and Jin Xiaolan remembered what Li Chunhua said just now.

   Feeling a little apprehensive, I raised my eyes to look at Li Chunhua.

  At that time, Li Chunhua had already packed her things and planned to go to class.

  Jin Xiaolan watched Li Chunhua hesitate to speak, until Li Chunhua left the work station, Jin Xiaolan did not ask the doubts in her heart.

  Li Chunhua had just left her work station and walked a few steps when there was movement at the door.

   It was Lu Yuanjiang and Ruan Hao who came.

   Lu Yuanjiang had a lame leg, gauze was wrapped on his leg, his arms and head were also wrapped with gauze, he leaned on a cane with one hand, and Ruan Hao supported the other.

  (end of this chapter)

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