Chapter 885 Healing

  Listening to Gu Zhiqi's words, Gu Yuluo was slightly taken aback, "Try to study some things that are beyond conscience."

  Wei Jingyu blinked, looked at the three experimental subjects, and then at Gu Zhiqi, can sister Zhizhi really understand those data?


   "Sister Zhizhi, do you know medical skills?"

  Gu Zhiqi listened to Wei Jingyu addressing her, ignored him, and left the laboratory directly.

  Seeing this, Wei Jingyu stretched out his hand and scratched his head, then glanced sideways at Gu Yuluo, "What's wrong with sister Zhizhi?"

   Could it be that he was angry because he didn't trust her just now?

  Of course Gu Yuluo knew why Gu Zhiqi didn't talk to Wei Jingyu, but would she tell Wei Jingyu?

  Let him run around in front of the little girl every day?

   Obviously not.

   Shrugged at Wei Jingyu, indicating that she didn't know, then walked towards the door of the laboratory.

  Seeing this, Wei Jingyu immediately stepped up to keep up.


  Gu Zhiqi ran into Su Yunling as soon as he walked out of the laboratory.

   "Are you done?" Su Yunling looked at Gu Zhiqi and asked this first.

  Gu Zhiqi nodded.

  Su Yunling: "Is it convenient for you to treat a few people?"

  Gu Zhixi was silent, looked at Su Yunling, and asked, "Will you give me money?"


   "Then let's go." Gu Zhiqi said, and took the lead to walk out of the cabin.

  Hearing this, Su Yun twitched the corner of his mouth slightly, and immediately stepped up to follow.

  When Gu Zhiqi and Su Yunling walked to the corridor outside the rooms where the wounded were housed, Yun Miao was just remembering going around.

  Seeing Su Yunling, Yun Miao's eyes lit up, and she hurriedly said, "Master, you are finally here! Go and see them, if you come a few minutes late, they will be gone."

  Hearing Yun Miao's words, Su Yunling remained calm, but Gu Zhiqi quickened his pace.

   After entering the room, Gu Zhiqi realized how much water was mixed in Yun Miao's words. Although the wounded man was indeed seriously injured, he couldn't die at all.

  Even after the operation is over, there is still time to send it back for treatment.

  Gu Zhiqi glanced at the condition of the wounded, then turned to Su Yunling: "Is there any green crystal grass?"

  She has other healing plants in her hands, but they are obviously not as effective as the Green Crystal Grass.

  Su Yunling walked up to Gu Zhiqi and stood still, pointing to the wounded man sitting on the bedside, "He has it." As he spoke, he glanced at the person lying on the bed, "Green Crystal Grass."

   Seeing this, the wounded immediately endured the pain, mobilized his strength, and released the green crystal grass from his body.

  Since getting the improved version of the wood-type mental method, the people in the wooden character department have also practiced the green crystal grass manipulation method. Although the manipulation is not as smooth as Yunsen's, most of them can absorb the green crystal grass into their bodies.

  Su Yunling took the green crystal grass and handed it to Gu Zhiqi.

  Su Yunling had also learned to manipulate the green crystal grass, but the healing effect he could achieve was mediocre, so he came to Gu Zhiqi.

  Seeing Su Yunling handing the green crystal grass to Gu Zhiqi, the wounded man froze for a moment, and looked at Gu Zhiqi with curiosity in his eyes.

   This is, do you want this person to treat him?

  After Gu Zhiqi got the green crystal grass, he glanced at the wounded, then at Su Yunling, "There is only one wounded?"

  Su Yunling looked at Yun Miao, "Bring the other wounded here."

  Seeing that Gu Zhiqi used green crystal grass to heal, Su Yunling knew that she could heal many people at once, so she told Yun Miao.

   "Huh?" Yun Miao was taken aback for a moment, then nodded in a daze, "Okay, okay, I'll go right away."

   Is this for Miss Gu to treat the wounded?

   No, will Ms. Gu use green crystal grass for treatment?

  (end of this chapter)

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