Chapter 892 She is a mysterious teacher, are you?

"Profound masters are not the only ones who can form formations. If someone is talented in formations, he can also form formations with strength." Gu Zhiqi said, motivating his strength, and condensed a small formation in the palm of his hand. Law.

  Any kind of qi can be used to create formations, but the functions of the formations are different.

   The three of Gu Yuluo looked at the small formation in Gu Zhixi's hands, and immediately leaned over to look at it.

   After staring at it for a long time, Gu Yuluo looked at Gu Zhiqi with bright eyes, "Girl, teach me!"

  Gu Zhiqi heard this, raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of playfulness between his brows, "Want to learn?"

  Gu Yuluo nodded his head, and Wei Jingyu immediately raised his hand to speak, "I, I, Sister Zhizhi, I want to learn too!"

  Although Jin Layer Green didn't speak, she still looked at Gu Zhiqi with obvious meaning.

  Although Jin layer green is a mysterious master, but there are not many formations that can be deployed, basically they are formations for concealment, defense or removal of evil spirits.

  So, no matter what formation, she also wants to learn it.

  Under the eyes of the three of them, Gu Zhixi frowned, opened his lips, and lightly highlighted the two words, "I don't teach."

   Three people: "..."

  Gu Yuluo looked at Gu Zhiqi quietly.

   "You two don't have the talent for forming formations." Gu Zhiqi first pointed to Gu Yuluo and Wei Jingyu, and said this.

  Gu Yuluo, Wei Jingyu: "..."

   No talent? Flawed, then there is no way to learn_.

  Gu Zhiqi cast his eyes on Jin Layer Lu, and said, "You... I can teach you to use vitality to form an array."

   She is not very good at forming formations with strength, she still prefers to use vitality to form formations.

  When Jin Layer Green heard it, his eyes lit up immediately, "Really...really?"

  Gu Zhiqi nodded.

   "Thank you, master." Jin layer green said, and bowed to Gu Zhiqi with folded hands.

  But she was thinking in her heart, after Master Zhezhi thought it over, if she agreed to accept her as an apprentice, she would immediately get out of the teacher's school and transfer to Master Zhezhi's school!

  Gu Yuluo:! !

   No, can’t the three bowls of water be leveled?

   She and Wei Jingyu are not taught anymore, so why should this woman teach? !

  I am your own sister!

  Gu Yuluo looked at Gu Zhiqi with resentment, all the accusations were clearly displayed on his face.

  Gu Zhiqi raised his eyebrows, looked back at Gu Yuluo, "She is a mysterious teacher, are you?"

  Gu Yuluo: "..."

  Master will worship Taoism tomorrow!

"Hey? Profound Master, is this a Profound Master?" Wei Jingyu first looked at Jin Layer Green and asked, then looked at Gu Zhiqi, "Sister Zhi Zhi, you want to teach her? Could it be that you are also a Profound Master? "

Even though he called Zhezhi Zhiye many times in private chats with Zhezhi on Zhiwang App, even though Shen Tong called Gu Zhiqi Zhiye many times in front of him, even though Gu Zhiqi asked him to call her Zhiye, Wei Jingyu still I didn't realize that Gu Zhiqi was a broken branch.

Gu Yuluo listened to Wei Jingyu's questioning, locked Wei Jingyu's neck with one arm, and held his back collar with one hand, "It's none of your business, I asked so many questions, I walked away, and asked Mr. Su, see See if I can let you stay on this boat for a while."

   As far as his trash fighting power is concerned, getting on the seventh ship is purely giving away his head.

  Although there is a life-saving formation on his body, it is a one-time thing. In case he dies twice, how will she explain to old man Wei?

   Besides, Gu Yuluo didn't want Wei Jingyu to bother her every day knowing that the girl was just a broken branch.

   "Huh? Come on, it's too embarrassing to stay on the boat, I have to..."

   "Put it down, face or life is more important?" Gu Yuluo silently rolled his eyes as he spoke.

  Wei Jingyu: "Fate."

  If it was before, he would not be afraid of death.

  But now, he wants to wait and see if Tongtong can come back tomorrow.

  (end of this chapter)

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